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Best Buy to trial launch Palm Pre on June 7th — Well lookie here. This one isn't 100% confirmed just yet but a ninja hit us up with what could be some pretty juicy launch details for the rumor mill's favorite handset du jour, the Palm Pre. Here we go — according to our ninja …

Silicon Valley crown up for grabs — Silicon Valley's place as a centre of innovation and a major force in the global economy is waning. — So says Tom Siebel, hi-tech veteran and founder of Siebel Systems. — “I think Silicon Valley has been toppled from its pedestal,” he told BBC News.

Larry Page Delivers Powerful Commencement Speech At U of M [Video] — Earlier today I had the privilege to hear Google co-founder Larry Page speak at the University of Michigan. I found his commencement speech to be quite moving. He talked about how his parents first met at the University …

Why text messages are limited to 160 characters — Credit: Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times — Alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper. — As he went along …

Jacqui Smith's secret plan to carry on snooping — The home secretary has vowed to scrap a ‘big brother’ database, but a bid to spy on us all continues — SPY chiefs are pressing ahead with secret plans to monitor all internet use and telephone calls in Britain despite an announcement by Jacqui Smith …

What The Trend: Finally, A Way To Make Sense Of Twitter Trends — For sure, Twitter Trends give visitors a great general overview of what the app's user base of millions are talking about the most at any given time, giving some insight in what's happening around the world.

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets — TOKYO - When Google Earth added historical maps of Japan to its online collection last year, the search giant didn't expect a backlash. The finely detailed woodblock prints have been around for centuries, they were already posted on another Web site …

Apple launches a revolution - and then gets overtaken — It happened when the Mac brought a mouse to every desktop. Now, with the iPhone, it's happening again — When a black-jumpered Steve Jobs bounded on to a San Francisco stage just over two years ago to give the keynote speech …

How OpenTable Could Actually Matter — Dot com meltdown survivor and restaurant reservation software company OpenTable had been a rumored IPO candidate for a while. Still, it shocked many when it finally filed its intention to debut on the Nasdaq back in January. What?

Myst now in the App Store, 730Mb Download — For you nostalgia fans out there, Myst just hit the App Store for $5.99. It is a whopping (for an iPhone) 727MB download but promises to bring all of the realism of the 1994 classic Macintosh game. If you don't remember, go grab a refresher.
Touch Arcade

Five things New Zealand's copyright law rewrite must cover — Patching its copyright law for the digital age hasn't worked so well, and New Zealand now plans to overhaul the entire copyright regime. The trade groups used to battling this issue out among themselves now have to count …

XP Mode in Windows 7 is no cop out — I've been waiting to get my hands on the Windows Virtual XP beta for Windows 7 ever since reading about it on Within Windows. If you're not familiar with it, XP Mode is built on Virtual PC and the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and is designed …

BlackBerry Curve 8900 making its way to AT&T — OK everybody, just calm down. We got word from one of our ninjas that the BlackBerry Curve 8900 will finally be arriving at AT&T stores some time in June. For those who were hoping for a miracle or at least a little something special added …
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