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Facebook's Finance Chief Is Leaving — Facebook Inc.'s chief financial officer, Gideon Yu, is leaving the Internet company, which has begun a search for his replacement, said a person familiar with the matter. — Mr. Yu, who joined Facebook in 2007, was previously the chief financial officer of YouTube, now a Google Inc. unit.
VentureBeat, Silicon Alley Insider, Guardian, Tech Trader Daily, CNET News, TechCrunch, Between the Lines, Business Week, All Facebook, Inside Facebook and Mashable!, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Facebook CFO Gideon Yu Out; Fast-Growing Social Network Says It's Doing Fine Financially — Facebook CFO Gideon Yu (pictured here) is leaving Facebook, as the company announced internally today that it was replacing him and searching for a new CFO on the path to an eventual IPO.
Business Week, Gawker, Gawker, Bits, AdAge, Pulse2, broadstuff, VentureBeat and Silicon Alley Insider, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Former Netscape CFO Peter Currie Will Be New Facebook Financial …

Tracking Conficker: So far, it's a snoozer — It's already April 1 in Asia, where the plurality of infected Conficker PCs are apparently located. Early reports on the Windows computer worm, which was supposed to start looking at 500 Internet domains for new instructions, show that not much is happening initially.

Your Conficker To-Do List — Worried about Wednesday's Conficker update? Here are eight action items that will help you weather the potential storm. — Unless you're living in a cave, by now you've heard that a worm known as Conficker (or Downadup, or Kido) has infested computer systems around …

Apple releases second beta of iPhone 3.0 Software to developers — Apple on Tuesday afternoon provided its vast developer community with a second beta release of iPhone Software 3., which arrived alongside a promise by the company to gradually open its live Push Notification service …

Clearwire Transforms Wi-Fi Devices with the CLEAR((TM)) Spot Personal Hotspot Accessory — The Combination of a CLEAR(TM) USB Modem with the CLEAR Spot Accessory Creates a True Mobile Broadband Connection for Wi-Fi-Enabled Devices — While many portable electronic devices now incorporate Wi-Fi …
SlashGear, Wi-Fi Networking News, Telecompetitor,, jkOnTheRun, Engadget Mobile and Sidecut Reports

CTIA: RIM Launches BlackBerry App World — BlackBerry App World will be available on all BlackBerrys with track balls, including Pearls, Curves, Flips, Bolds, and 8800 series phones. — Research In Motion launched the official BlackBerry App World application store today …

Update on Wikia - doing more of what's working — If there is one thing that I've learned in my career, it is to do more of what's working, and less of what's not. — In past 24 months, has seen tremendous expansion. Nielsen recently recognized as the fifth fastest …
the Econsultancy blog, Ars Technica, The Register, TechCrunch, Bits,, TechSpot, Epicenter, BetaNews, Pulse2, Download Squad, Andrew Lih and, Thanks:atul

Wales giving up on Wikia Search
Business Week, GMSV, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, Beyond Search, Gawker, VentureBeat, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch, Mashable!, AltSearchEngines and Infothought, Thanks:atul

Twitter To Kill Off The Auto-Follow — Twitter co-founder Biz Stone sent out an Email earlier this afternoon to a number of users who had previously enabled ‘autofollowing’, stating that the company is planning to shut the feature down. ‘Autofollowing’ allows users to automatically reciprocate …

What's Wrong with Facebook? When Strategy Fails to Meet Execution — Over the last few weeks, Facebook has been rolling out its latest redesign. Within days of the first changes, a polling application on Facebook showed that 94% of the 634,484 users who took the poll hate the redesign …

Firefox 3 becomes top browser in Europe -study — Microsoft last week lost European browser market leadership for the first time in years, when Mozilla's Firefox 3 took the top spot from Internet Explorer 7, Web analytics firm StatCounter said on Tuesday. — Mozilla Foundation's Firefox 3 …

April Fools: YouTube Flails, Amazon Cloud Computing In A Blimp, 3D Chrome Browsing, Google Masters A.I. — Wow. April Fools Is In full swing. — The Guardian goes all Twitter, ditching the printed version and the website. “Experts say any story can be told in 140 characters.”

Appreciating our Immigration System — Every year around this time, there is a vigorous discussion of immigration issues. That's because early April is the annual window for employers to file for what are called H-1B visas, which enable foreign workers with specialized skills to work in the United States.

Apple's $500 or Microsoft's 81% tax? — Which do you prefer? — Even if it were true, Ballmer's “$500 Apple tax” comment is stupid: Microsoft's profits are way beyond Apple's. And, get this: that $500 - if it was real - is a great investment. Here's why. — Margin, margin, who's got the margin?

Report: HP considers Google Android for Netbooks — Hewlett-Packard is considering using Google's Android operating system on its low-cost Netbooks, an executive at the company told The Wall Street Journal. — In a story posted Tuesday, the Journal reported that Satjiv Chahil …
Business Week, Softpedia News, Wall Street Journal, SlashGear,,, TechSpot and

Track Gmail Messages with Google Analytics — Last week, Google added a new feature in Google Apps that allowed educational institutes and organizations to track how people are interacting with Gmail messages. — Anyone with admin access in Google Apps can see basic visitor stats …

Samsung Instinct s30, Exclusively from Sprint, Adds Attractive Styling, Instant Messaging, Improved Web Experience and Enhanced Open Development Capabilities to Popular Instinct — All the Best of Award-Winning Instinct, Including Visual Voicemail, Speech to Action with GPS Integration …

Fiorina ‘seriously considering’ bid for Senate — WASHINGTON—In the realm of technology policy, Carly Fiorina has worn many hats—something other leaders may want to consider, she says. — She has held influence as a chief executive of a major company and as an economic adviser for Sen. John McCain …

IBM, Microsoft, others align on open clouds — IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, the IEEE/ISTO, and key members of the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum met recently to address how they could work with the community to drive cloud computing markets and technologies forward.

More Layoffs Hit hi5 — We've confirmed that hi5, the third largest social network in the world, is laying off employees today. hi5's VP of Marketing, Mike Trigg, wouldn't say how many employees were being let go but we've received multiple independent tips that the social network laid off 50% of its staff.

Sen. Kerry Promises ‘Aggressive’ Tech Agenda — Amy Schatz reports on the FCC and tech policy. — Sen. John Kerry, chairman of the newly resurrected Senate Communications, Technology and the Internet subcommittee, planned to tell cable executives tonight that his panel will be busy …

Facebook flick moves ahead, but Facebook not thrilled — I won't believe it for sure until we see grainy paparazzi shots of actor Michael Cera walking around on a movie set in a North Face fleece and Adidas flip-flops, but it looks like things are moving forward on the film based on the early days of Facebook.

Spam data and trends: Q1 2009 — Editor's Note: The spam data cited in this post is drawn from the Google enterprise security and archiving security network. For a discussion of what Google is doing to keep spam out of your Gmail inboxes on the consumer side, see this post.
Softpedia News, SecurityFocus, MarketingVOX, The Register, BetaNews, eWeek, and Slashdot, Thanks:atul

Who's Messing With the Google Book Settlement? Hint: They're in Redmond, Washington — Last October, Google settled the lawsuit brought against it by book publishers and authors concerning its massive book-scanning project. The $125 million deal gives Google the right to store digital copies …