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New in Labs: Add your location to your signature — Sometime ago I noticed how all mail systems tell you when an email was written, but not where it was sent from. Because I love to travel, the first question in many messages I receive is “where are you?” and by the time I answer I am often somewhere else.
Mashable!, ReadWriteWeb, Technologizer,, VentureBeat, Digital Inspiration, Profy and Lifehacker, Thanks:atul

Sirius XM Prepares for Possible Bankruptcy — Last summer, Mel Karmazin was rattling off his trademark one-liners to talk up the future of Sirius XM Radio, the combined company he ran that had just been blessed by regulators. — He was planning to cut costs and expand a business …
Techdirt, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, GMSV, Technologizer, Computerworld Blogs, Pulse2, BloggingStocks,, The Technology Liberation …, Newsome.Org,, Digital Daily, Engadget, CNET News, Silicon Alley Insider, Gearlog, PalmAddicts, Orbitcast, Boing Boing Gadgets, CrunchGear, Electronista and Gizmodo

Nothing To Report Just Yet — There was a sudden burst of news early this week surrounding some ideas we've shared publicly for quite some time. We've been thinking out loud for more than a year about the growing use of Twitter by companies, brands, and other commercial organizations.
CNET News, L.A. Times Tech Blog, rizzn's personal blog, Technologizer, I4U News, Steve Clayton,, i-boy, Made By Many, HubSpot's Inbound … and, Thanks:atul

BoomTown Decodes the Twitter-Is-Really-Serious-Folks-About- Not-Making-$$ Memo — In a blog post that comes as the polar opposite of a complete surprise, Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone clarified a comment he made to a U.K. magazine that sounded like Twitter might actually charge for something.

You stay classy, Engadget — What the f**k is wrong with Engadget? I'm not going to go too far into this since their commenters seem to be doing a pretty decent job as is, but here's what they had to say today about our VentureBeat piece on the whole multi-touch thing with Google and Apple:

Apple, Google, and Palm — M.G. Siegler has an intriguing report today regarding the lack of multi-touch support in the current Android OS: … This jibes with a story I heard several months ago from a source who works at Apple, which is that Google showed Apple legal a pre-release prototype of the HTC G1 …
CNET News, Android Phone Fans, Techdirt, Engadget, The iPhone Blog, IntoMobile, Gadget Lab and NEWSFACTOR

Calling all Carriers — Introducing AdSense for mobile search — In September 2007, we launched Adsense for mobile content so that publishers could join our mobile content network and monetize their sites with Google text ads. — Today, we're happy to announce a new AdSense product …
Electronic Pulp,, CrunchGear, Unwired View, IntoMobile, JenSense, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Search Engine Land, WebProNews, Mashable! and InformationWeek, Thanks:atul

BeOS Lives: Haiku Impresses — Back when it was becoming clear that the time of the BeOS had come and gone, enthusiasts immediately set up the OpenBeOS project, an attempt to recreate the Be operating system from scratch, using a MIT-like license. The project faced difficult odds, and numerous times progress seemed quite slow.

Modu Comes Out Of The Woodwork With A Truly Innovative Mobile Offering — Modu, the heavily-funded Israel-based modular phone manufacterer that enables you to slip a light mobile device into a variety of so-called “jackets” (think music players, other cellphones, car stereos, digital cameras …
Engadget Mobile

Intel demos first-ever 32nm processors — Intel had a little roadmap event today to shed some light on its massive $7b fab investment, and the focus was mostly on the upcoming transition to 32nm processors — highlighted by the first-ever demo of a working 32nm Nehalem-based Westmere chip.
Gadget Lab, Gizmodo, The Tech Report, Intel, EE Times, SlashGear, GPS Obsessed, Ubergizmo, DVICE, The Register, Electronista and

Quinn Spills Value of Facebook Deal — SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook paid the founders of ConnectU $65 million to settle lawsuits accusing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg of stealing the idea for the wildly successful social-networking Web site, according to a law firm's marketing brochure.

Winklevoss twins made $65 million on Facebook “copycat” settlement

Hands-On With the Dell Latitude XT2 — Just this morning Dell unveiled its Latitude XT2, an update to the XT, which was the first tablet to have multitouch capabilities. A few hours after the announcement we were able to spend some quality time with the new tablet.

Comcast Property Sees 92% Success Rate With New OpenID Method — The most-watched geek event of the day has to be the OpenID UX (User Experience) Summit, hosted at the Facebook headquaters. The most discussed moment of the day will surely be the presentation by Comcast's Plaxo team.
Facebook Developers, Marc's Voice, All Facebook, The Real McCrea and Gear Diary, Thanks:kevinmarks

Forget Kindle 2: Fujitsu's E-Reader Screen is Bigger, and It's in Color — In all the fuss about the new Amazon Kindle 2 yesterday, it was easy to forget that the “upgraded” device still has a relatively small paperback-sized screen and can only cope with greyscale imagery.
Electronic Pulp, Tech-On!, GPS Obsessed, Gearlog, SlashGear, DVICE and Incremental Blogger, Thanks:noahr

Real estate sites like Trulia see record traffic and revenue — Online real estate sites like, are reporting record traffic and revenues — even as most of the rest of the real estate industry is in the doldrums. — The San Francisco company Trulia says it hit record traffic levels in January …

Battle Plans for Newspapers — Virtually every newspaper in America has gone through waves of staff layoffs and budget cuts as advertisers and subscribers have marched out the door, driven by the move to the Web and, more recently, the economic crisis. — In some cities, midsized metropolitan papers may not survive to year's end.

At TOC: Bookworm Online EPUB Reader Now Part of O'Reilly Labs — Regular readers know we're big fans of the Bookworm online EPUB reader. With Bookworm, you upload and organize your ebooks, and can read them online as well as a variety of mobile devices (iPhone shown below).

Angry shareholders say Microsoft squanders billions on pointless R&D projects — Welcome to the second article in a series on Microsoft shareholder activism. These posts examine why investors, through the power of the stock price, aren't buying the idea that Microsoft has a great future.

China aims for its own Silicon Valley — Like the ‘Asian tigers’ before it, China is pushing into higher-end manufacturing and innovation. — E-mail a friend - Print this - Letter to the Editor - Republish - - Get e-mail alerts - RSS — SHENZHEN, CHINA

Blogging Hits Crossroads: A-Listers Giving Up — Is blogging doomed, or just in need of new blood? — An old colleague of mine used to joke he was one of millions whose job it was to “feed the internet.” This past November, an alumnus of a prestigious writing program in Louisville …

Miro 2.0 is here! — I am thrilled to announce the release of Miro 2.0! This is a huge update of Miro, the Miro Guide, and the GetMiro website. — Download Miro 2.0 Now — Miro 2 has an all-new interface and lots of new features- but for me it's less of a collection of new stuff …

Intel's Chief Calls for Investments in U.S. — SAN FRANCISCO — Paul S. Otellini, the chief executive of Intel, made an uncharacteristic lunge toward the limelight on Tuesday, holding up his company's $7 billion investment in new computer chip factories as a patriotic gesture for other businesses to follow.
Tech Daily Dose

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS09-002 - Critical — Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (961260) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This security update resolves two privately reported vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities …
Microsoft, PC World, Computerworld, IEBlog, Network World, gHacks technology news, Security Watch, Zero Day and CNET News

Microsoft Unveils New Enterprise Search Road Map — Strategy features FAST Search for SharePoint and FAST Search for Internet Business. — Microsoft Corp. today disclosed a detailed road map for its enterprise search products, including the introduction of FAST Search for SharePoint and FAST Search for Internet Business.

Microsoft Appoints Simon Sproule as Corporate Vice President of Corporate Communications — Sproule brings 17 years of broad communications experience to Microsoft. — Microsoft Corp. today announced that Simon Sproule will join the company as corporate vice president of Corporate Communications.

It will be good for the web, Google, when Feedburner finally works right — Google likes to talk about how it promotes technology that benefits the entire web — open standards for social networking and the availability of white-space spectrum, for example.

White House: Where is the CTO? — On his second day in office, President Barack Obama issued a sweeping memorandum on transparency in government, setting out an ambitious to-do list for the newly created position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO). This person was to be responsible initially …