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TechCrunch Tablet Update: Prototype B — It's time for an update on the progress we've made on the low cost touch screen tablet that I first wrote about in July 2008 when I asked for a dead simple touch screen web tablet that boots right to the browser. Here's our first post on the tablet …

Search Advertising Runs into the Recession — By Jessica E. Vascellaro — On Thursday, the public will find out how online search advertising - the biggest chunk of the Internet ad market - weathered the rocky fourth quarter when Google reports its results for the period.

Report: Search Spending Off 8 Percent In Q4
Beyond Search

Apple's App Store: Has it peaked? No! — One of the results Apple's executive team is sure to trot out Wednesday when it releases the company's fiscal 2009 Q1 earnings report is the explosive growth of its iTunes App Store. — Six months after it opened for business …

Inauguration Crowd Will Test Cellphone Networks — The cellphone industry has a plea for the throngs descending on the nation's capital for the presidential inauguration: go easy on the mobile communications. — The largest cellphone carriers, fearful that a communicative citizenry …
Terry Heaton's PoMo Blog, CrunchGear, Bits, Computerworld, Gizmodo,, the Econsultancy blog, VoIP Watch, WebProNews, Obsessable and Gawker

Microsoft set to unveil MobileMe competitor next month — Microsoft is planning to unveil three new mobile services at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona next month. The software giant is aiming to move your mobile data into the cloud and rival Apple's MobileMe service.
TechCrunch, Electronista, Boy Genius Report, TechSpot, SlashGear,, Gizmodo, Engadget Mobile and MobileCrunch

Verizon launching Wireless Network Extender femtocell on January 25 — Sprint had the jump on this by a few months with its AIRAVE, but Verizon's not far behind in bringing femotcells to the masses with its less-elegantly-named Wireless Network Extender later this month on the 25th.
GigaOM, Obsessable, Boy Genius Report, DSLreports,, GPS Obsessed and Mobile Tech Addicts

After Steve Jobs Acknowledges Ill Health, Doubts for Reporters — For many months, the media munched on denials from Apple that its chief executive, Steven P. Jobs, was in poor health, despite visual evidence to the contrary. — Inevitably, the announcement from the company last week …

Skydeck Puts Your Cell Phone Online — Cell phone providers hold a wealth of information about your real-world social network in their records that you can theoretically access through their cumbersome web interfaces. None of the cell phone companies we are aware of do a good job at presenting …

Intel Cuts Prices, Introduces New Models — New lower power models are pricey — Intel has announced price cuts for some of its Core 2 Quad, Core 2 Duo, Pentium Dual Core, Celeron, and Xeon products. It has also announced several new Core 2 Quad CPUs with a 65W TDP.

Lotus Notes Soon To Become Even More LinkedIn — LinkedIn has partnered with IBM to create a new plugin that integrates its professional social network into Lotus Notes, a popular business desktop client that includes Email, calendar, and IM functionality. The plugin is making its debut …

Google to Give “Preferred” Sites Prominence in Results — The Mountain View, Calif. search giant is rolling out an interesting new search feature in beta that allows users to set a list of preferred sites, from which the search algorithm will give prominence to those sites when results are returned.

FCC Doesn't Like Comcast's New Treatment of VoIP - Hints that Digital Voice service should be regulated... While a lot was made of the FCC's investigation and Comcast's shift to a “protocol agnostic” network management system, the FCC order didn't actually punish Comcast, came with no fine …

Music Industry Imitates Digital Pirates to Turn a Profit — CANNES, France — After years of futile efforts to stop digital pirates from copying its music, the music business has started to copy the pirates. — Online and mobile services offering listeners unlimited “free” …

Blogging your way into the big time — Using internet contacts can lead to myriad opportunities for small firms — Soon after starting up, Scottish beer business Brewdog was struggling to sell its product until its co-founders hit on the idea of using the internet to market their distinctive beers.

Twitter Not Loved In Europe — European companies say the social-networking tool is a time waster. — “Just had a cup of our Guatemala Casi Cielo ... It means ‘almost heaven’ in Spanish,” a Starbucks manager wrote in a recent Twitter post. — The coffee giant is one of many U.S. companies using Twitter …

eBay Q4: “Letting Go of a Very Successful Past” … Good thing Wall Street's expectations for eBay's fourth-quarter earnings are low, because the online auctioneer is gearing up to post what many believe will be its first quarterly revenue decline in nearly 10 years.

RIAA pulls out of John Doe cases involving college students — Last month, the RIAA announced that it was putting an end to its reviled legal campaign against P2P users and would not be filing any new cases, moving instead towards a graduated response plan.
Recording Industry vs …

Unwrapp Tracks Your Favorite Web Apps So You Don't Have To — Unwrapp is a brand new application that enables you to keep on top of all the web applications you use, by notifiying you when there are new versions, features or upgrades of the services in question.

RIAA Really Does Not Want Live Broadcast Of Hearing In Tenenbaum Case — from the what-are-you-afraid-of? dept — It seems the RIAA is, once again, showing its true colors. When Charlie Nesson asked the court in the Tenebaum case to allow a live internet broadcast of a hearing to dismiss the case, the RIAA protested.