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Apple 17 inch MacBook Pro to go unibody, lose removable battery — Our folks in Asia are at it again with some pretty startling news. The 17 inch MacBook Pro is going Unibody like the 13 inch and 15 inch models. That, in itself isn't really that big a deal, it was expected really.

Top 10 Macworld rumors for 2009 — Apple's (AAPL) last Macworld Conference and Expo opens Monday at San Francisco's Moscone Center, but the real action starts Tuesday at 9 a.m. PT (12 noon ET) with senior vice president Phil Schiller's opening remarks — the first Macworld keynote not delivered by Steve Jobs since 1997.

Don't Share Your Secret Info! — If you receive an email notice saying you've received a Direct Message with a link that redirects to what seems like, be careful about entering your Twitter credentials. Instead, look closely at the URL to see if it's not really Twitter …
Twitter Blog, Microblink, Download Squad, PalmAddicts,, VentureBeat, Stay N' Alive, Mashable!, CenterNetworks and Tech-Ex

Its official Abandons Paid Dating... has launched a free dating service. They picked a damn good domain name and the site looks really good. — — Downtoearth is headed up by Jacob Solotaroff, the former Director of Product Management and Member Integrity at

Fewer Bars in More Places: AT&T Network Upgrades Degrade Service for 2G Phones — In an act affecting owners of 2G cell phones on AT&T Mobility's network, including the highly visible, and originally highly expensive first generation iPhone, Open for Business has learned that AT&T …
Gizmodo,, Unwired View, Tech-Ex, The iPhone Blog, iPhone Savior, DSLreports and Slashdot

The iPhone 3G Unlock Chart: Will Your Carrier Work? — Online forums have been filling up with the cries of iPhone 3G users worldwide. You can thank The Dev Team for that. The group's latest iPhone hackery came in the form of an beta unlock tool for 3G devices two days ago.

Microsoft Readies Cost-Cuts; Though Massive Layoff Unlikely — Microsoft will embark on a significant cost-cutting initiative in 2009, which might begin as early as this month, to offset a global slowdown in sales. However, sources tell Jim Goldman of CNBC, the cuts will largely …

WiMax edges closer to city — Network to deliver fast, wireless Internet may arrive later in year — The future of the Internet was supposed to arrive in Chicago by the end of 2008. Instead, WiMax landed in Baltimore and is heading to Portland. — So when will the powerful, high-speed wireless network arrive here?

Power Twitter: Inline Media, Integrated Search And A Lot More — Version 1.0 of Power Twitter, an add-on for Firefox created by Narendra Rocherolle at 83 Degrees, was just released. If you use Twitter and were excited about services like Tweetree, this is something you'll want to add immediately.

For the Blind, Technology Does What a Guide Dog Can't — T. V. RAMAN was a bookish child who developed a love of math and puzzles at an early age. — That passion didn't change after glaucoma took his eyesight at the age of 14. What changed is the role that technology …
Oatmeal Stout

Wikimedia Foundation: Jimmy Wales ‘absolutely’ not out — Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is “absolutely” not out of a job at the Wikimedia Foundation, according to the foundation's director of communications. — On Saturday, Valleywag editor Owen Thomas reported that Wales was “out of a job …

O Brave New World That Has Such Avatars in It! — Arlington Among Entities Making a Virtual Presence — The virtual world Second Life, a landscape of primping avatars, ballroom dancing bears, space stations and vampire castles, has a new — and maybe even more surreal — inhabitant: the Arlington County government.