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The Benefits of a Network — I'M a child of Silicon Valley. I grew up in Cupertino, Calif., in the 1970s and '80s, just as the area was transitioning from an agricultural center to a technological one. — My dad taught high school history and my mom was a homemaker, although I think of her as an entrepreneur.

First look at Windows 7 beta 1 (build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400) — I have to thank Santa for leaving me a copy of Windows 7 beta 1 in my stocking for Christmas Day. This beta (build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400) should be the first and only beta from Microsoft of Windows 7, and I'm pleased to report that it's a good one.

Tweetree: on Steroids — Although I'm a big Twitter fan, the company has its shortcomings. Fortunately, there's no lack of third-parties more than happy to step into the fray. — Case in point is Tweetree, which has developed a better and more user-friendly online interface than

Bloggers Lose The Plot Over Twitter Search — Wow. Loic Le Meur asks for a simple feature on Twitter search - the ability to filter results by the number of followers that a user has to make sense of thousands of messages - and the blogosphere calls for his head. — For the record, I agree with Loic.

Twitter: We Need Search By Authority — There were more than 7000 tweets posted during the two days of LeWeb, no way anyone can read them quickly. We need filtering and search by authority. We're not equal on Twitter, as we're not equal on blogs and on the web.

What Carriers Aren't Eager to Tell You About Texting — TEXT messaging is a wonderful business to be in: about 2.5 trillion messages will have been sent from cellphones worldwide this year. The public assumes that the wireless carriers' costs are far higher than they actually are, and profit margins are concealed by a heavy curtain.

Play Station's Virtual Home Is Less Than Hospitable — “Dude, this place is quiet,” says one avatar, a rather generic-looking 20-something guy as we lurk on one side of the Home central plaza, watching virtual people go by on what appears, on my television screen, to be a sunny day in a modern town center.

First Look: Will It Blend? for iPhone and iPod touch — Apparently I'm not the only person who loves to watch the Blendtec “Will It Blend?” videos on YouTube. The company reports that the video series has had over 100 million views so far, making it one of the more successful viral marketing campaigns.

FCC, TV, Internet set for big changes in 2009 — From an Obama administration plan to give all Americans broadband to the nation's looming switch to digital television, the communications landscape is expected to see big shifts in 2009. — At the heart of much of the change …

Fairpoint Pledges To Violate Net Neutrality — Fairpoint Communications, which has taken over Verizon's landline business in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, has announced that on February 6 'AOL, Yahoo! and MSN subscribers will continue to have access to content but will no longer be able …
Rutland Herald

Hack connects T-Mobile G1 to iPod Dock — We received a few HTC ExtUSB connectors from PodGizmo. — The first thing we thought of, was making the T-Mobile G1 send the audio to an iPod Speaker set we have. — There is a sea of iPod accessories, so naturally the dock connector has a well known pinout.

OS Leaked for the BlackBerry Storm 9530! — Christmas is over but the presents keep coming! It seems CrackBerry Santa has leaked the latest OS for the BlackBerry Storm 9530 into the wild! Big thanks to BB397 for tipping us off on the link. — Storm owners wanting to have the latest OS …

Internet sites could be given ‘cinemastyle age ratings’ Culture Secretary says — Internet sites could be given cinema-style age ratings as part of a Government crackdown on offensive and harmful online activity to be launched in the New Year, the Culture Secretary says.