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Windows 7 beta 1 review — I've now had my hands on Windows 7 beta 1 build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400 (the build that is widely expected to be made available to beta testers by Microsoft early in January) and have had some time to compose my thoughts and feelings about this latest release.

First look at Windows 7 beta 1 (build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400)

Twitority Made It. — Folks first, excuse my french, I was just asking for a simple feature nothing else, yeah okay using the word authority was... my french. Oh and yeah, you are right number of followers is in no way a measure of any authority. I find it interesting to search through …
Memex 1.1, TechCrunch, ParisLemon, Twitterrati,, /Message, PR 2.0, BuzzMachine, Susan Mernit's Blog and Bloggers Blog

The Future Of Social Search (Or Why Google Should Buy Facebook) — If you could search your friends' thoughts, interests, and activities, would that be a better search experience? In many cases, it would be. Searching for restaurants, books, or movies, would turn up recommendations from people you actually know.

Tweetree: on Steroids — Although I'm a big Twitter fan, the company has its shortcomings. Fortunately, there's no lack of third-parties more than happy to step into the fray. — Case in point is Tweetree, which has developed a better and more user-friendly online interface than

Actual Conversations On Twitter Not Possible Until Twitter Lets Us

Correspondence Is Making A Comeback — I was thinking of making a broader point in my “quill pen” post yesterday but ran out of time so I decided to do that with today's post. — Before the telephone came along, correspondence mostly consisted of letter writing, like the Adams/Jefferson letters I mentioned in yesterday's post.

Sony struggles with creation of its virtual world — Michael Marsh, an 18-year-old gamer from Norwalk, Conn., wanted to set up a gay/straight alliance club in PlayStation Home, Sony's new free 3-D virtual world component for the PlayStation 3. — The problem was that the words he was using …

Weightbot: simple weight tracker for iPhone and iTouch — I love apps that make a very specific task as easy as it ought to be. That's why I love Weightbot, an iPhone/iPod Touch weight tracking app developed by Tapbots. I confess that I used to keep track of my weight in a Numbers document.

Satyam is seen as possible deal target — India's embattled Satyam Computer Services could become the country's first large outsourcing company to merge or be taken over amid increasing doubts over whether its founding family still controls the company. — India's fourth-largest software outsourcer …

XDBE Project Promises to Present Global Social Graph in Early January — A reader has recently suggested that I review a new open-source project that is promised to completely change the way social networks work once it is actually launched. The name of the project is XdbE and I thought …

Facebook's 2000% Growth in Argentina Helped by Translation and Mobile Penetration — Facebook's international numbers are growing larger every day, and Argentina is one of the countries leading the charge. At the beginning of 2008, less than 100,000 people in Argentina (with a population of 40 million) had accounts on Facebook.

2008 Intel converts: Bigger flock than Apple — When Apple converted to Intel in 2005 that was big. But 2008 Intel Atom converts make this look like a small-town baptism. — Overall, it was a good year for the Intel faithful despite the Wall Street financial crisis.

Do You Miss the AT&T Monopoly? — When AT&T grudgingly agreed to break itself up 25 years ago, it was seen as a truly momentous event in the history of the telecommunications industry. Today, however, some experts question not only whether the breakup of AT&T was necessary …
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