Top Items:

Twitter: We Need Search By Authority — There were more than 7000 tweets posted during the two days of LeWeb, no way anyone can read them quickly. We need filtering and search by authority. We're not equal on Twitter, as we're not equal on blogs and on the web.

Bitchmeme: On Twitter You Will Respect My Authori-tay — I'm so glad Bitchmeme is back, because it gives me the opportunity to weigh in on what is an awful idea. Authority search in Twitter. — Now let me be clear, the most basic form of the idea isn't an awful one …

The “I'm Linux” Video Contest — If you've been alive and aware of mass media over the last twelve months, you've probably seen television commercials from Apple and Microsoft touting their operating system. From Apple's ubiquitous “I'm a Mac” to Jerry Seinfeld to Microsoft's “I'm a PC” …

Windows 7 Beta ISO leaked on torrent trackers — Apparently you won't even have to wait until January to get your hands on the Windows 7 Beta release as I mentioned in a previous post. That's right, there's already been an ISO file leaked to several torrent trackers.

F**ked Company/Adbrite Founder Philip Kaplan To Launch Kaplan Index — People are urging Philip Kaplan to restart his F**kedCompany site that gathered so much attention earlier this decade. Clone sites are popping up to fill the void during this down market, and people sort of see the world …

Fairpoint Pledges To Violate Net Neutrality — Fairpoint Communications, which has taken over Verizon's landline business in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, has announced that on February 6 'AOL, Yahoo! and MSN subscribers will continue to have access to content but will no longer be able …
Rutland Herald

UK Minister: Internet age ratings may be needed — LONDON: An age-rating system for Internet Web sites may be needed to prevent children from being exposed to unacceptable images, Britain's culture secretary was quoted as saying Saturday. — Andy Burnham, the Culture, Media and Sports Secretary …

Google, WalMart, and The Power of the Real Time Enterprise — What do Google, WalMart, and have in common, besides their extraordinary success? They are organizations that are infused with IT in such a way that it leads to a qualitative change in their entire business.

Cuil Fail: Traffic Nearly Hits Rock Bottom — Remember the ill-fated Google-killer Cuil? Named ‘Cuill’ and very much in stealth mode for the first part of the year, they finally emerged end of July 2008 with a ‘massive’ search engine that would rival the most popular search engines …
Communications …

Lalawag hopes to get tongues wagging about L.A. technology — It might be the final sign that the L.A. tech scene is something to be reckoned with. Months after Gawker Media laid off much of the staff of Silicon Valley news and gossip site Valleywag, an independent news and gossip site …
Sean Percival's Blog

IT COULD GET CONDé NASTY — WEB, DOMINO, DETAILS COULD BE ‘JANUARY SURPRISE’ VICTIMS — Condé Nast Chairman S.I. Newhouse Jr. is slated to return from his extended annual European vacation next week and already insiders are growing nervous ahead of his “January surprise.”

My Software Is Being Pirated — If you're at all familiar with computer history, you might have heard of Bill Gates' famous 1976 letter to the Homebrew Computer Club. The letter was written to address rampant piracy of Bill's earliest product, Altair BASIC, which was being passed around quite freely …