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Google Wants Its Own Fast Track on the Web — The celebrated openness of the Internet — network providers are not supposed to give preferential treatment to any traffic — is quietly losing powerful defenders. — Google Inc. has approached major cable and phone companies that carry Internet traffic …
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The made-up dramas of the Wall Street Journal — I got off the plane from Boston to find my inbox filled with anger about an article in the Wall Street Journal. To those who were angry, I hope you will direct any anger at the Wall Street Journal after you read what follows.

Net neutrality and the benefits of caching — One of the first posts I wrote for this blog last summer tried to define what we at Google mean when we talk about the concept of net neutrality. — Broadband providers — the on-ramps to the Internet — should not be allowed to prioritize traffic based …

Palm Pins Its Hopes on Nova — The smartphone maker debuts its new operating system, code-named Nova, at January's CES. Palm says its phones for it will bridge the BlackBerry-iPhone gap — Jon Rubinstein got the call in mid-2007 while he was living on the Pacific Coast of Mexico …
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iPhone Nano Rumors Revived in Otherwise Quiet Lead-in to Macworld — Questionably reliable iDealsChina publishes information and renderings of what it claims to be an “iPhone nano”. — It is the same height as the just release Nano but wider and thicker and with the same iPhone 3G contours.
Byte of the Apple, AppleInsider, Unwired View, CNET News, Electronista, SlashGear, CrunchGear, The iPhone Blog and MacBlogz

@Twitter: Welcome to Google Friend Connect — We know many of you enjoy using Twitter to see what people are talking about and to let others know what you've been up to, whether it's sharing a YouTube video or checking in on your friend's tweets. To help you and your Twitter network stay connected …
CNET News, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, ReadWriteWeb, Silicon Alley Insider, Mashable!, Search Engine Watch and CostPerNews

The Secrets of Marketing in a Web 2.0 World — Consumers are flocking to blogs, social-networking sites and virtual worlds. And they are leaving a lot of marketers behind. — For marketers, Web 2.0 offers a remarkable new opportunity to engage consumers. — If only they knew how to do it.

Google's Mayer: Staying Innovative In a Downturn — The mantra that's been flooding the Googleplex this year? ‘Scarcity brings clarity,’ explains Marissa Mayer, Google Vice-President — When Larry Page and Sergey Brin co-founded Google (GOOG) 10 years ago, few people imagined the kind …

The Future of the Internet III — A survey of internet leaders, activists and analysts shows they expect major tech advances as the phone becomes a primary device for online access, voice-recognition improves, artificial and virtual reality become more embedded in everyday life, and the architecture of the internet itself improves.

News About News, in 140 Characters — With staff changes and reductions across the media industry, even a blog post can be too time-consuming a way to announce who is in and out of a job. That is why a public relations employee turned to the instant-blogging platform Twitter to create The Media Is Dying …

Q: What Do You Get When You Add Karate Belts To a Q&A Service? Mahalo Answers. — Mahalo is now answering your questions. The human-curated search engine/ condensed wiki guide is adding a Q&A service called Mahalo Answers to its mix. It is a combination of Yahoo Answers …

Mac OS X 10.5.6 now available via Software Update — Headline pretty much says it all, and it's a big one. Tipping the scales at 377MB (or 190MB for some; see image after the break), the OS X 10.5.6 update is now available via Software Update. We're sucking it down and will report back with any changes.

Can Microsoft make its future mobile? — You want a phone that can do it all? Internet, music, photos, films, documents, texting, instant messaging, diary, contacts and ... err ... phone calls? — Then a smartphone is right for you. But as the market for high-end mobiles gets ever more crowded, which should you pick?
SuperSite Blog

MySQL getting too big for its corporate britches? — For anyone interested in seeing just how different and game-changing open source can be, there's really no need to look beyond MySQL, the open-source database leader. Jeremy Zawodny, formerly of Yahoo, and now of Craigslist …

Amazon's MP3 Store, One Year In: No iTunes-Killer, Probably Won't Be — Amazon has been selling digital music from all the big music labels for nearly a year now. It's the first major challenge to Apple's hammerlock on that business. So how did it do? — If you view Amazon's MP3 store …
Silicon Alley Insider

OpenX Shows Impressive Growth, Ramps Up Revenue Streams — OpenX (which used to be called Openads), provider of an open-source ad serving solution for web publishers - we use it at TechCrunch -, is growing like weed under the leadership of former AOL CEO Jonathan Miller, who is the company's chairman …

Shocking: Teens Talk Sex Online — from the well-what-do-you-know? dept — Forty percent of US teens have sent sexually suggestive electronic messages, a new study says, adding that one in five have sent “nude or partially clothed images of themselves” via email or mobile phone …

Ways to Monetize Twitter — Plus Ways to Waste Time on the Web — 1. CHARGE FOR IT — Of course, companies can already use the service for free, so what, exactly, would be new? Ian Schafer, CEO of Deep Focus, has some ideas: more-customizable profile pages, a dashboard to manage followers and tech support.

Are iPhone users just tight? — I'd buy that for a dollar — Analysis Companies developing software for the iPhone are seeing their creations drown in a sea of one-dollar mediocrity as they struggle to gain visibility in the increasingly cluttered Application Store, and some have taken their complaints to Steve himself.

Google AdWords Gets Ready For Holidays With Special Dividers — Every year, Google dresses up the dividers between the organic search results and the paid search results with special holiday icons. This year is no different. David notified me that the special holiday dividers are now up.

Stickam API Lets You Build Your Own Live Video Site — Stickam, a live video streaming service that competes with the likes of and, is releasing a new API that effectively allows anyone to build their own streaming video startup with a minimal amount of effort.

Apple: Goldman Cuts Rating On Consumer Spending Woes — Apple (AAPL) shares are coming under early selling pressure this morning after Goldman Sachs analyst David Bailey cut his rating on the stock to Neutral from Buy, citing concerns about consumer spending and “Apple's valuation premium.”
Silicon Alley Insider

CBS Relaunching; Hoping Finally To Become A Video Player; Aiming Beyond Hulu, Not At It — CBS Interactive is relaunching, hoping to transform the well-named site known for its TV-related community and user-generated content into a serious video destination, paidContent has learned.