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iPhone Copy and Paste Now Working Between Safari and Mail — Finally, someone has conceived a way to copy and paste text from Safari to Mail, and between web pages. And this time, it doesn't require any software installation and it's legal: … In fact, it doesn't require anything to be installed …

YouTube Videos Pull In Real Money — Making videos for YouTube — for three years a pastime for millions of Web surfers — is now a way to make a living. — One year after YouTube, the online video powerhouse, invited members to become “partners” and added advertising to their videos …
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Who Said Web 2.0 Was R.I.P.? Microblog Tumblr Raises $4.5 Million, Expectations — Tumblr is exactly the kind of start-up that's supposed to be gasping for air in today's dismal economy: A trendy but niche Web service with a prominent founder and exactly zero revenue.
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Apple Exploring 3D Desktop and Application Interfaces — Dozens of Apple patent applications were published today revealing research that Apple had done in 2007 on many topics encompassing future versions of Mac OS X. The most intriguing is a series of patent applications which describe a “Multidimensional” user interface.

Apple working on 3D Mac OS X user interface (images)

Screw The Downturn. Accel Raises A Cool Billion In New Funds — Twenty five year old venture capital firm Accel Partners is announcing two new funds today that add more than $1 billion to their war chest: Accel Growth Fund at $480 million and Accel London III at $525 million.

Did Accel Just Raise Money For A Facebook Bailout? — VC firm Accel Partners just closed two funds worth more than $1 billion. — $525 million will go toward a London-based fund for European startups. — The rest — about $480 million — will create the Accel Growth Fund, the firm's first for late-stage companies.
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AT&T now offers iPhone 3G home activation, for real this time — All you potential iPhone 3G buyers who loathe the thought of having to go into an AT&T store to activate your newly purchased phone can rejoice today as AT&T has finally enabled home activation for the iPhone 3G.

Breaking: Apple left out? AT&T brings back iPhone online and at-home activation

YouTube is not so wild anymore — Tanya Derveaux's cleavage may not be suitable for minors. (image via iPower) — On some bright, parched morning back in the Old West, folks must have heard grumbling as a boy nailed a list of new town laws to the wall of the saloon.
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WordPress 2.7 “Coltrane” — The first thing you'll notice about 2.7 is its new interface. From the top down, we've listened to your feedback and thought deeply about the design and the result is a WordPress that's just plain faster. Nearly every task you do on your blog will take fewer clicks …

Microsoft Security Advisory (961051) — Vulnerability in Internet Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution — Microsoft is investigating new public reports of attacks against a new vulnerability in Internet Explorer. Our investigation so far has shown that these attacks …

Delta to Launch In-Flight Wi-Fi In The Next Few Weeks — Previously shooting for the first half of 2009, word is now that Delta's in-flight wi-fi rollout will begin before the end of 2008—i.e. very soon. — So when you're heading home for Christmas or the Festival of Lights …

Marissa Mayer At Le Web: The (Almost) Complete Interview — The video above shows twenty two minutes of my and Loic Le Meur's half hour interview with Google's Vice President of Search Product and User Experience Marissa Mayer at the Le Web conference in Paris on Wednesday afternoon.

Mac firmware upgrades do NOT fix the 4 GB RAM problem — The appearance of the Apple firmware upgrades released yesterday for late 2008 MacBooks, MacBook Pros and MacBook Airs was welcome news to me and other owners and many applied the upgrades immediately.

Really new in Labs this time: SMS Text Messaging for chat — How often do you try to chat with somebody and they don't respond because they just walked away from their computer? Or maybe you're in the middle of chatting with them just as they need to leave.
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Why the Yahoo feeding frenzy? — With camera crews staking out space outside Yahoo's Sunnyvale headquarters, some employees are striking back, uploading photos of the TV reporters to Flickr before the sluggish old media can get their broadcasts together. And that's part of the big story.

BBC, ITV propose ‘open’ TV-over-net platform — Project Kangaroo alternative jump-started — Having had their plan to combine their broadband TV services kyboshed by the Competition Commmission, the BBC and ITV today said they plan to do it anyway - but this time to open up the infrastructure to all comers.

The Mother of All Demos - 150 years ahead of its time — It's not the mouse. It's what you do with it — Sometime in the late sixties, as Douglas Engelbart was preparing what would one day be called The Mother of All Demos, his boss flew to Washington to meet with the money man.

Windows 7 build 6956 performance test — My Hardware 2.0 mailbag is brimming with Windows 7 related questions. The main question on everyone's lips is the obvious one - How does Windows 7 stack up against Vista? … This test will pitch Windows 7 build 6956 32-bit against Windows Vista RTM 32-bit and Windows Vista SP1 32-bit.

Introducing Thumbtack — People have always had a need to make sense of the world around them. We want to identify, classify and clarify things. Lately that need has become even greater, since we're being bombarded with information wherever we look. Now there's a new tool to help you organize all that information: Thumbtack.
Lifehacker,,, LiveSide, PC World, ReadWriteWeb,,, Mashable!, VentureBeat and TechCrunch

Cellphone Blocker Stops Swindles at ATM — Mobile phone signal-blocking at cash dispensers is the newest effort to fight fraud in Japan. — In October Japan police made a major nationwide effort to prevent citizens - especially the elderly - from becoming victims of various telephone scams.

Reselling MP3s: The music industry's new battleground? — A new digital music service is getting lots of attention for proposing to help consumers sell their used MP3s in much the same way people once unloaded second-hand albums. — Bopaboo has generated splashy headlines recently for coming …

Ericsson collaborates with Intel to bring theft protection to Mobile Broadband notebooks — Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) announced today that it is collaborating with Intel to ensure that Ericsson's Mobile Broadband Modules are interoperable with Intel® Anti-Theft PC Protection Technology …

Google anticipates a bright and shiny future for Chrome — When Google first began to expand beyond search, the company pioneered a new release management strategy that—to put it diplomatically—challenges the conventional definition of “beta.” Although some of Google's most prominent …

Sony finally opens Home, and we've got video — After years of development and promotion, Sony is launching its PlayStation Home service today. Home, as we've described in a previous post, is the much-touted virtual world that will be open to those who have connected their PlayStation 3s to the Internet.

How Twitter's competitors do what it doesn't — Twitter may be the leader in the micro-blogging space, but it's missing key features—features its competitors offer. Will Twitter pick up on these omissions? We know groups are coming to Twitter, but we're not so sure about some of these other useful features...