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Stepping down — As you've no doubt already read, I've decided that I will step down from my role as Chief Executive Officer after my successor has been selected. — Ever since founding Yahoo! with David Filo 13 years ago, I've been passionate about this company, its brand, its employees …

Yahoo Reaction: “You Can Kick This Dog, but It Still Barks” — Yesterday, after the news got out that Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang was stepping down from his job and that a search was on for a new CEO, BoomTown got inundated with reaction from everyone from readers of this blog to Internet players to Yahoo employees.

Google Hosting Time-Life Photo Archive, 10 Million Unpublished Images Now Live — TimeWarner and Google have announced that starting today Google will make available millions of images from the Life Magazine photo archive. The vast majority (97 percent) of these images have never been seen by the public …

LIFE Photo Archive available on Google Image Search — The Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination; The Mansell Collection from London; Dahlstrom glass plates of New York and environs from the 1880s; and the entire works left to the collection from LIFE photographers Alfred Eisenstaedt, Gjon Mili, and Nina Leen.

How Can So Much Spam Come From One Place? — At roughly 4:30 p.m. Eastern time last Tuesday, the volume of junk e-mail arriving at inboxes around the world suddenly plummeted by at least 65 percent, an unprecedented drop caused by what is believed to be a single, simple act.

Zune 3.1: Update Your Zune! — The team has been doing a little extra work heading into the holiday season; in fact this week is a busy one. You are going to see some pretty cool things coming for Zune that we thinks you'll enjoy...Aside from the sweet Common commercial - Afrika Bambaataa!

Mozilla to end support for Firefox 2 — The Mozilla Foundation is planning to end support for the Firefox 2 browser in mid-December, despite the persistence of significant flaws in the most-recent version of the popular browser. — The ‘end of life’ (EOL) plan for Firefox 2 is part …

Microsoft Announces Plans for No-Cost Consumer Security Offering — New anti-malware solution will broaden PC protection and help improve Windows experience. — To address the growing need for a PC security solution tailored to the demands of emerging markets, smaller PC form factors …

Deconstructing Google Mobile's Voice Search on the iPhone — I've experimented with audio transcription lately, but always with big, clumsy humans. I'd happily use [cyborgs] speech recognition software, but even today, automatic conversion of voice-to-text is still flawed.
MAKE Magazine

Boxee — One of the big “aha moments” for me in the past couple years came when I hooked up a Mac Mini to a large display in our family room in the spring of 2007. Slowly but surely, our family started using the Mac Mini instead of the cable set-top box and the DVD player.
bijan sabet, boxee blog, VentureBeat, The Social Times, Alley Insider, VatorNews, Zatz Not Funny!, OStatic blogs, VC Cafe, NewTeeVee, broadstuff, Tech Confidential and TechCrunch

SEC P2 — RE: SEC Civil Action in the United States District — for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division — The SEC knows their case centers on one telephone conversation between two individuals- 4 years ago. The SEC claims there was an agreement between these parties …

Mark Cuban versus SEC: Insider trading or insider politics

Judge grants Apple's motion to dismiss Psystar's counterclaims — A California judge on Tuesday granted Apple's motion to dismiss counterclaims on the part of unauthorized Mac clone maker Psystar, who charged the Mac maker with violating antitrust laws through its vigorous attempts …

Sirius, XM subscribers revolt over merger-induced changes — Long-time Sirius satellite radio subscriber Stan Petrov is fed up and he's not going to take it anymore. He signed on with Sirius two years ago and bought several receivers. But since Sirius merged with XM radio, he has lost his access to coverage of NBA games.

Blu-ray Working Great, For Pirates — Blu-ray “won” the next-generation DVD standards battle, but that victory has, thus far, been pretty hollow, as consumers haven't wholeheartedly embraced the new format (and the new DVD players they need to take advantage of it).

Eric Schmidt: Open Broadband to Competition — (Washington, DC) Riding high on his visible role as an adviser to the Obama campaign, Google CEO Eric Schmidt spoke to a packed auditorium in the Ronald Reagan Center here today at an event sponsored by the New America Foundation.

Web Sites That Dig for News Rise as Watchdogs — SAN DIEGO — Over the last two years, some of this city's darkest secrets have been dragged into the light — city officials with conflicts of interest and hidden pay raises, affordable housing that was not affordable, misleading crime statistics.
Open Source

Old school Steve Jobs flicks off IBM — Given the recent litigation involving I.B.M. and new Apple-hire Mark Papermaster, I wouldn't be surprised if Jobs still feels the same way about Big Blue. — This photo was taken in mid-Manhattan sometime in the early 80's. And check it out, no black turtleneck!
Global Nerdy

Vista Capable: E-mails tell story of tense Monday at Microsoft — There are several interesting narratives to be found in the 252 pages of e-mail released last night in the Windows Vista Capable class action lawsuit unfolding in Seattle. Microsoft is accused of deceiving consumers …

Taboola Raises $4.5M, Scores CNN Deal — Taboola, a video discovery startup that launched at NewTeeVee Live 2007, announced today it has raised $4.5 million in second-round funding from return backer Evergreen Venture Partners and angel investors. The round brings the Tel Aviv-based company's total funding to $6 million.

IBM to buy Transitive — Transitive, the company best known for powering the emulation layer that helped ease Apple's transition to Intel chips, announced Tuesday that it is being bought by IBM. — In addition to helping Apple create Rosetta, Transitive eased a number of different architecture transitions …

Yahoo: Should Microsoft Rebid or Walk Away? — The stock price was up in midday trading, over $12, after closing at $10.63 yesterday (as of this posting, Yahoo share price was $11.35). The only way Microsoft should buy Yahoo—and all of it—is if the stock price is low.