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MGM to Post Full Films on YouTube — SAN FRANCISCO — YouTube is by far the world's biggest stage for online video. But in some ways Hulu is stealing the show. — With critical plaudits and advertising dollars flowing to Hulu, the popular online hub for television shows and feature films …
NewTeeVee, CNET News,,, and TechBays

Obama's CTO: Watch out for the turf wars — Google CEO Eric Schmidt is out of the running for the chief technology officer (CTO) position that the Obama administration is planning to create. In an interview with CNBC's Jim Cramer, Schmidt said, “I love working at Google and I'm very happy …

Reality For Startups: Bye Bye Buyers? —'s Staci Kramer put it best: … Not quite sure if the NYT is a modern day Titanic... but the more we dive into the Gray Lady's balance sheet and income statement, the greater we doubt that she can go on.

Apple's Papermaster was misquoted — Mark Papermaster must know how Barack Obama, John McCain and, for that matter, Sarah Palin feel when they get shafted by the press. — The 25-year IBM veteran engineer is in the middle of a nasty civil case in which his former employer has sued to stop …

Ubuntu's Mark Shuttleworth opens up on mobility and design — The Ubuntu developer community conducted a series of public tutorials and discussions on IRC last week during Ubuntu Open Week. The event attracted many enthusiastic Ubuntu users and contributors as well as other members of the open source software community.

Internet Attacks Grow More Potent — SAN FRANCISCO — Attackers bent on shutting down large Web sites — even the operators that run the backbone of the Internet — are arming themselves with what are effectively vast digital fire hoses capable of overwhelming the world's largest networks, according to a new report on online security.

Sony rolling out iTunes plus — Let's just say we have a hunch on this one. Sony iTunes Plus high quality AAC files coming to the iTunes store in the next few weeks/months..same deal, 256kbit quality, no DRM. — Now when are they going to drop the “BMG”? We have no idea.

What's the most downloaded catalog song in iTunes history? — What's the most downloaded catalog track in iTunes history? Before you jump out your seat and guess ‘Jack Johnson’, keep in mind that a catalog track refers to a song released in the pre-digital era, but later re-released as a digital download.

Forensic tool detects pornography in the workplace — Screenshot from one of the menus in the forensic-software system for analyzing images for pornography. — Pornography in the workplace can pose a serious problem for employers because a significant amount of material is downloaded by employees during business hours.

WPA Not Cracked, But Still Vulnerable — WPA isn't as broken as reported: If you read the coverage early this week on two German researchers' paper on a vulnerability in Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), the weaker of two encryption and integrity algorithms in the Wi-Fi Protected Access …

Piracy Leads to Less Crap says BitTorrent Co-founder — Ashwin Navin, former president and co-founder of BitTorrent Inc. has left the company after four years. Thus far, the company hasn't been a great success, but the BitTorrent protocol is more alive than ever.

MP3 Player Headphones May Throw Off Cardiac Devices — Study found they could cause interference when placed too closely to pacemakers, ICDs — Tucking the headphones for your iPod into your coat pocket might not be exactly heart-stopping, but it could interfere with the normal functioning of your implanted cardiac device.

Technology Options Sink — Silicon Valley Considers Repricing but Risks Riling Investors — Silicon Valley is drowning in “underwater” options. But with the stock market in turmoil, investors might be uneasy bailing out high-tech employees. — Employees at scores of companies …
Howard Lindzon