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iPhone Sales Drastically Surpass Q4 Consensus, Apple Reaches 10 million iPhone Goal — By ANDY M. ZAKY & TURLEY MULLER (Dual Authorship) — Based on the tremendous efforts by members at Mac Observer's AFB to track IMEI iPhone numbers, we have determined that Apple has drastically surpassed …
VentureBeat, Technologizer,,, MacNN, The Apple Core and O'Grady's PowerPage

Apple iPhone 3Gs: 9,190,680 and counting — Here's bit of upbeat economic news to brighten a gloomy Monday. — On Aug. 1, a London-based investor who calls himself “Tommo_UK” posted a message on The Mac Observer's Apple Finance Board asking anyone who had bought an iPhone 3G to provide three pieces …

30 percent of iPhone 3G buyers dump existing carriers — Apple's iPhone 3G apparently created a summertime switch itch: 30 percent of all the smartphone's buyers bailed on their existing carriers in order to purchase the device, according to an NPD Group report released Monday.

iPhone IS second biggest-selling US mobile — Apple's iPhone 3G is now the second best-selling mobile handset in the US, just behind the Motorola Razr 3, NPD Group announced this morning. — Researchers also confirmed that one in three iPhone 3G purchasers switched from other carriers to join AT&T …

iPhone 2.2 Hidden Features: Google Street View, Emoji, Auto-Correction Off — It seems that Apple is taking further care in hiding new iPhone features in their beta releases. The most recent firmware beta seeded to developers listed “compatibility testing” in its release notes as the only change.

eBay Inc. Buys Leading Payments and Classifieds Businesses, Streamlines Existing Organization To Improve Growth — SAN JOSE, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—eBay Inc. (NASDAQ:EBAY - News) today announced two acquisitions that significantly extend the company's leadership position in online payments and classifieds.

eBay doubles down on payments as it buys Bill Me Later; Lays off 1,000 — EBay on Monday revamped its corporate portfolio laying off 1,000 workers, or 10 percent of its workforce, and buying online payment company Bill Me Later as well as a Denmark classifieds company.
Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Profy, GMSV,, Epicenter, CenterNetworks, WebProNews, Mashable!, MarketingVOX and The Inquisitr

We Have Completed $4.5 Million in New Funding — From time to time, I have shared with you the steps we're taking to build Giga Omni Media, the 27-month-old company behind this and the other publications that make up the GigaOM network. Today, I am thrilled to announce the start of our company's next phase.
TechCrunch, VentureBeat,, The Social, Silicon Alley Insider and Valleywag

AOL-Yahoo Merger Details Emerge; Deal Could Happen This Month — Yahoo is continuing its marathon merger discussions with AOL, sources close to the negotiations have whispered to us, and a deal could happen as early as this month. Is this just a rehash of the reported discussions in February and then again in April?

Yahoo price target cut to $21 a share — Yahoo's price target was snipped to $21 a share from $24 on Monday by a Wall Street analyst, following the Internet search pioneer's confirmation that it is delaying its controversial search-advertising deal with Google.

Exclusive: First Look at the BlackBerry Application Center! — This weekend was HUGE for leaked info on the BlackBerry Storm (thanks BG!). But while all the latest Storm OS eye candy has been sweet to look at and filled in some gaps on how the device's OS will function (like copy and paste functionality) …

Free Vs Paid — My friend Howard was visiting me a few weeks ago and he said to me “free is over, I am only investing in services that customers pay for”. He said “freemium is dead”. I reminded him that freemium is a paid model, but he wasn't buying it.

Not So Secret Apple — Welcome to The Daily Beast: A Q&A with Tina Brown — The company's former (13-year-old) nemesis explains how Steve Jobs has suddenly gone soft. — I've had the dubious privilege of being on the frontlines of Apple's war against web leaks.

The top five reasons why Windows Vista failed — On Friday, Microsoft gave computer makers a six-month extension for offering Windows XP on newly-shipped PCs. While this doesn't impact enterprise IT — because volume licensing agreements will allow IT to keep installing Windows XP for many years to come … Revamps Search Engine — has a record of coming up with interesting innovations that are often copied by others in the Internet search business. Yet those innovations have done little to help the company expand its share of the search audience.
ReadWriteWeb, Search Engine Watch,, VentureBeat, Search Engine Land, Epicenter, E-Commerce Times, Obsessable, Maximum PC all, Valleywag, eWeek, Technologizer, Screenwerk, Beyond Search, TG Daily, The Technology Chronicles, The Noisy Channel, Search Engine Journal, The Inquisitr, Mashable! and Technology Live

Netflix Updates Third- and Fourth-Quarter Guidance — Netflix Inc. (Nasdaq: NFLX - News) today announced updated guidance for the third and fourth quarters of 2008. — Third-Quarter 2008 — The company said it expects net income and EPS will be comfortably within its previous guidance …
Between the Lines, CNET News, Contentinople, Epicenter, Silicon Alley Insider and Hacking NetFlix

Google Spreadsheets Redesign — One more step towards a consistent Google Docs interface: Google Spreadsheets has been redesigned and it now includes the same old-fashioned menu like the word processor and the presentation app. — “We were hoping to accomplish three things with it …

I.B.M. Releases Bluehouse for Collaboration — There's an arms race of sorts taking place among some of the world's largest technology companies as they scamper to control the next wave of office software. — Microsoft, Cisco Systems, Google, I.B.M. and others are selling applications under …

Top court stays out of DVR patent fight — WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court refused Monday to disturb a $74 million judgment against Dish Network Corp. for violating a patent held by TiVo Inc. involving digital video recorders. — Without comment, the justices declined to consider Englewood, Colo.-based Dish's appeal.

How To: Copy & Paste on the BlackBerry Storm — Thanks to the windfall of Storm documents obtained yesterday, the often asked question about how copy and paste works on the Storm can finally be answered. All you'll need to do is put one finger at the beginning, and another finger at the end of the area you want to copy.

Semantic Search Engine Hakia Now Says It Can Filter Results By How Credible They Are — On the Internet, nobody knows your site is a dog (to paraphrase the famous New Yorker cartoon). At least not yet. Semantic search engine Hakia wants to change that. is not the only search engine rolling out a redesign today.

Announcing SEOmoz's Index of the Web and the Launch of our Linkscape Tool — After 12 long months of brainstorming, testing, developing, and analyzing, the wait is finally over. Today, I'm ecstatic to announce some very big developments here at SEOmoz. They include:
Search Engine Land

IPhone Gets First Major Corporate Customer in Japan — Japan's Softbank Mobile has signed its first major corporate contract for the iPhone 3G. — The deal, with management and technology consultancy BearingPoint, will see 1,000 of the phones put into the hands of the company's analysts …