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The ‘Brick’ is... The MacBook Brick is a block of high-quality, aircraft grade aluminum. It is the beginning. — The beginning of what? — It is the beginning of the new Apple manufacturing process to make MacBooks. It is totally revolutionary, a game changer. One of the biggest Apple innovations in a decade.
Apple 2.0, Computerworld Blogs,, VentureBeat, TUAW, I4U News, Mac Soda, MacRumors, iPhone Savior, Boing Boing Gadgets, World of Apple and

Apple's ‘Brick’ is a Revolutionary Aluminum Manufacturing Process? — 9to5 Mac has gone on record as saying that the rumored Apple Brick isn't a product, but a manufacturing process that can make high quality aluminum shells. The “brick” part comes in because the supposed technique carves …

Rumor: Nvidia-powered MacBooks on October 14th — TUAW is hearing from various sources that new MacBooks are right around the corner, and that they might even have some extra Nvidia power in them. A source tells us that Nvidia is showing off new MacBooks to their employees …

So You Want To Be A Rich And Famous Blogger Eh — Before any real serious discussion about being a rich and (or) famous blogger takes place it has to be made clear that unlike any other media before it there are many different types of bloggers and blogs. For the largest majority of people …

Capitalism to the Rescue — How Green Was the Valley — One afternoon last May in Menlo Park, Calif., a venture capitalist named Ray Lane led me from his office to the parking lot, where an automobile had been delivered a few hours earlier by flatbed truck.

BlackBerry Storm 9500 and 9530, everything you could ever want to know — It's a beautiful day in New York City, but oh man... we can see those clouds eagerly approaching. We just got our hands on a ton of documents detailing both the BlackBerry Storm 9500 and BlackBerry Storm 9530.

Discord over Nokia phone that comes with free music — Nokia's bold plan to offer unlimited downloads with its new mobiles is making artists nervous about their royalties, writes James Robinson — It sounds too good to be true: the world's largest mobile phone company launches a service allowing …

Post Hate Mail About Our Link To Steve Jobs Heart Attack Report Here — UPDATE: The crowd has spoken, and they want us drawn and quartered (especially me). Add your outrage below! — EARLIER: Around 9:15AM yesterday, we learned that the lead story on CNN's citizen-journalism site iReport …
Normalkid, CNET News, Boing Boing Gadgets, Gearlog, Hardware 2.0, Bloomberg, Lost Remote and Yahoo! Finance

BlackBerry Storm internal product positioning, marketing points, BlackBerry Apex — Continuing our Stormness today, we're breaking out these great internal marketing and product positioning points. What you're going to see isn't for the faint of heart — there's a ton of data points in here.

Was the Yahoo/Google deal a ploy to weaken Yahoo? — With the DOJ expressing skepticism over Yahoo's agreement to sell search ad space to its biggest competitor, a letter from a key US senator urging action could be preaching to the choir. What's interesting is that senator's theory.
Beyond Search, TechCrunch,, Slashdot, Search Engine Land and Senator Herb Kohl

Do you want to play with the G1? — Did you order your G1 but you can wait to have it ?.. For those who want to play a little bit with the new G1, T-Mobile just launched the a new site with a 360 degrees view, visual guides instructions and a emulator. Yes, i have tried the emulator and it looks like the original G1.
Gizmodo, I4U News, Engadget, MobileCrunch, Communications …, TmoNews and Engadget Mobile

A Fresh Look At Google Gears — There's a common misconception that Google's “next-gen” web platform called Gears only (or even primarily) enables offline capabilities for web applications. The truth of the matter is that Google's ambitions are far greater, and the browser extension's capabilities …