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Wordpress 2.7 is the Real Deal — For all the excitement about Wordpress 2.5 with its pretty new design, Wordpress didn't change all that much for me. — The layout was different, the design (provided by hot-shot consulting firm, Happy Cog) was a lot more user-friendly but Wordpress continued to be Wordpress.

The ‘Brick’ is... The MacBook Brick is a block of high-quality, aircraft grade aluminum. It is the beginning. — The beginning of what? — It is the beginning of the new Apple manufacturing process to make MacBooks. It is totally revolutionary, a game changer. One of the biggest Apple innovations in a decade.
Apple Watch, Engadget, Technologizer, CrunchGear,, Coop's Corner, Gizmodo, VentureBeat, I4U News, TUAW, Mac Soda, MacRumors, iPhone Savior, World of Apple, Boing Boing Gadgets and

Lessons from the failure of Livejournal: when NOT to listen to your users — facebook, livejournal, social networks, web2.0 … In the last couple of months, there have been multiple developments that seem to indicate that the combination of a blogging platform/commenting system …

MySpace Music Streamed Its Billionth Song “A Few Days” After Launch — It took iTunes nearly three years to get to 1 billion song downloads. MySpace Music streamed a billion songs in just a few days after it launched on September 25. And while this isn't a fair comparison …

So, you need a job? Man, do resumes suck — Since the economy is slowing down, I'm hearing of lots of you who are getting laid off and looking for jobs. Here's my experience on the other side of that — being someone who is trying to hire someone. — Fast Company TV is hiring an administrative assistant.
Sample the Web

So You Want To Be A Rich And Famous Blogger Eh — Before any real serious discussion about being a rich and (or) famous blogger takes place it has to be made clear that unlike any other media before it there are many different types of bloggers and blogs. For the largest majority of people …

Capitalism to the Rescue — How Green Was the Valley — One afternoon last May in Menlo Park, Calif., a venture capitalist named Ray Lane led me from his office to the parking lot, where an automobile had been delivered a few hours earlier by flatbed truck.

Google Chrome: One Month Later — Earlier this week, Svetlana Gladkova sent an email reminding me that Google???s Chrome Browser was one month old. How time flies, and how quickly we forget: or at least I did. After my initial few posts and thoughts, Google Chrome has fallen off …

‘Intelligent’ computers put to the test' — Programmers try to fool human interrogators — Can machines think? That was the question posed by the great mathematician Alan Turing. Half a century later six computers are about to converse with human interrogators in an experiment that will attempt to prove that the answer is yes.

ROVIO Rolls Out: First Impressions of WowWee's Surprising Robot — We've always been enamoured with ‘remote presence’ as a future concept, but our experience this week with the new ROVIO robot quickly converted us from skeptics into true believers. This extremely well thought-out robot …

Will Guitar Hero Show the Promotional Value of Music and Change the Music Royalty Outlook? — We've previously written about the value of music in connection with the royalties to be paid by Internet Radio and the performance royalty (or “performance tax” as it's labeled by the NAB) proposed for broadcasters.
Tech Daily Dose

Wall Street Starts Cutting Google Estimates — As we said last week, one of the near-term headwinds for Google's stock is the likelihood that Wall Street will be cutting estimates for the company for a while. We have heard that Google's internal revenue-growth target for 2009 is about 15%, and the Street is still expecting 20%.