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The ‘Brick’ is... The MacBook Brick is a block of high-quality, aircraft grade aluminum. It is the beginning. — The beginning of what? — It is the beginning of the new Apple manufacturing process to make MacBooks. It is totally revolutionary, a game changer. One of the biggest Apple innovations in a decade.
Computerworld Blogs, I4U News,, VentureBeat, TUAW, Mac Soda, MacRumors, iPhone Savior, World of Apple, Boing Boing Gadgets and

Apple's ‘Brick’ is a Revolutionary Aluminum Manufacturing Process? — 9to5 Mac has gone on record as saying that the rumored Apple Brick isn't a product, but a manufacturing process that can make high quality aluminum shells. The “brick” part comes in because the supposed technique carves …

BlackBerry Storm 9500 and 9530, everything you could ever want to know — It's a beautiful day in New York City, but oh man... we can see those clouds eagerly approaching. We just got our hands on a ton of documents detailing both the BlackBerry Storm 9500 and BlackBerry Storm 9530.

Why We Linked To That Steve Jobs Heart Attack Report — Around 9:15AM yesterday, we learned that the lead story on CNN's citizen-journalism site iReport said that Steve Jobs had been rushed to the hospital after a heart attack. By the time we found it, the story had more than 100 Diggs and 50 comments and was all over Twitter.
CNET News, Normalkid, Boing Boing Gadgets, Gearlog, Hardware 2.0, Bloomberg and Lost Remote

A Fresh Look At Google Gears — There's a common misconception that Google's “next-gen” web platform called Gears only (or even primarily) enables offline capabilities for web applications. The truth of the matter is that Google's ambitions are far greater, and the browser extension's capabilities …

Do you want to play with the G1? — Did you order your G1 but you can wait to have it ?.. For those who want to play a little bit with the new G1, T-Mobile just launched the a new site with a 360 degrees view, visual guides instructions and a emulator. Yes, i have tried the emulator and it looks like the original G1.
Engadget, I4U News, TmoNews, MobileCrunch, Communications …, Gizmodo and Engadget Mobile

Court Temporarily Shuts Down RealDVD — A court has ordered RealNetworks to temporarily suspend distribution of its controversial RealDVD product until Tuesday so that the judge can review all of the papers filed in the case, according to an email from a RealNetworks representative.

Was the Yahoo/Google deal a ploy to weaken Yahoo? — With the DOJ expressing skepticism over Yahoo's agreement to sell search ad space to its biggest competitor, a letter from a key US senator urging action could be preaching to the choir. What's interesting is that senator's theory.
TechCrunch, Beyond Search,, Slashdot, Search Engine Land and Senator Herb Kohl

Tech Employees' Political Contributions Dramatically Favor Obama — That the San Francisco Bay Area, surrounding Silicon Valley, is left-leaning is no surprise. With rare exceptions, including eBay's Meg Whitman and former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, the majority of tech titans have traditionally leaned in favor of the Democratic Party.

‘Unbreakable’ quantum cryptography hacked without detection using lasers — Oslo (Norway) - A Norwegian University of Science student named Vadim Makarov has discovered a vulnerability in what was previously thought to be unbreakable quantum encryption. He is using a form of high intensity laser light …

Linux laptops returned 4x as often as Windows — “Get Linux” is almost as common a refrain in the comment threads on this blog as “get a Mac.” But although various Linux OSes have made enormous strides in recent years, they may still be far from ready for prime time: In an interview with Laptop magazine …

When Even The Simpsons Make Fun Of E-Voting Machines... from the and-yet-we-still-rely-on-them dept — Remember back when people first started questioning the reliability of e-voting machines? It was initially focused on Diebold, though later reports have all shown that Sequoia and ES&S are equally as bad.
Life On the Wicked Stage