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Google Blogsearch Relaunches as Techmeme Killer, Across 11 Categories — In its first major upgrade ever, Google Blogsearch just relaunched and looks radically different. Instead of the blank page look of, Blogsearch now looks like Google News (but uglier) - with the hottest topics …

Browse what the world is saying on Blog Search — Did you know that millions of bloggers around the world write new posts each week? If you're like me, you probably read only a tiny fraction of these in Google Reader. What's everybody else writing about?

One Way to Turn a Mac Into a PC Just Got Better — There are two common methods for running Microsoft Windows and Windows programs on an Apple Macintosh, and one of those methods just got better and easier. — The first approach uses a feature called Boot Camp that comes free on every new Mac.

Google ‘Goliath’ Microsoft says — The chief executive of Microsoft has admitted that his firm's slowness to grasp the potential of internet search had hit the business. — Steve Ballmer told the BBC that Microsoft had become a “David” in search alongside the “Goliath” of its arch-rival Google.

Nintendo announces DSi with dual cameras, “DSi Shop” content store [update] — As expected, Nintendo has announced the new DSi at its Fall presentation in Japan. The device features a dual touchscreen layout almost identical to the DS Lite, though the company is calling it a “third platform …
Kotaku,, last100, Joystiq, Destructoid, Electronista,,, SlashGear, and Digg

Liveblogging the Nintendo Press Conference Liveblog
Destructoid, Gizmodo, Boing Boing Gadgets, GameCyte, MAKE Magazine, Crave, Joystiq and

Surveillance of Skype Messages Found in China — SAN FRANCISCO — A group of Canadian human-rights activists and computer security researchers has discovered a huge surveillance system in China that monitors and archives certain Internet text conversations that include politically charged words.
Between the Lines, PC World, ZDNet Government, The Next Web, Connecting the Dots, The Register, The Blog known …, Memex 1.1 and CNET News

Evidence Suggests China's Skype Is Monitoring Internet Messages
The Blog known …

AT&T's Samsung i907 is called Epix — Well, there goes BlackJack III... We just got a hot tip from one of our readers and it clearly shows what we all knew as the Samsung i780 dressed up in AT&T branding as the AT&T Epix. There's also been some physical tweaks to make the device more polished.

Google on Android: Search — On September 23, T-Mobile announced the world's first Android-powered phone, the G1. The phone comes preloaded with Search, Maps, Gmail with Contacts, Calendar, Google Talk, and YouTube. The applications are easy to use, fully synchronized with the web …

YouTube Rolls Out Post-Roll Video Ads — YouTube, which has never had trouble growing an audience but hasn't yet figured out the trick for monetizing them thar eyeballs, is adding a trick from the old playbook: post-roll advertisements. As we understand it (and this has been confirmed with the company) …

SlingMedia Prepares To Launch Their Video Portal At — Sling Media, the creators of a hardware device that lets users stream their home television signal to an Internet connected device anywhere (with a software download), is preparing to launch their new video portal,

LG Launches Artistically Inspired Handset, Renoir — Seoul, Korea, October 3, 2008- LG Electronics (LG), a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications, announced the official launch of its LG-KC910, a slim yet feature-packed full touchscreen 8 megapixel multimedia phone.

UK minister looks for delete key on user generated content — Burnham lets slip real view of the net — The UKCCIS is go, with the aim of making the internet safe for kids. But is this the beginning of the end of the internet as we know it, or just a Minister reaching for the inevitable soundbite to round off a PR triumph?

What effect will the financial crisis have on the tech sector? — Expect to see a slowdown in smartphone sales and a concomitant growth in the use of open source, cloud computing and virtualisation technology as consumers cut back on their “discretionary” purchases while businesses …

Nokia boss has high praise for iPhone — Nokia boss (President and CEO) Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo is full of praise for Apple, though he's digging in his heels to compete with the iPhone company. — He described Apple's impact on the industry across the last year and said the company had done the industry “a big favour”.

Apple: A Product Plateau? — There are only so many world-changing products a company can create, but there's still plenty of room for Apple to extend established product lines — Where does Apple go from here? The question lies at the heart of the media and industry buzz that so often surrounds …

To encrypt or not to? That is the question — Even before someone hacked Sarah Palin's Yahoo Mail account I had been wondering whatever happened to encryption. — Encryption — the science of rendering plain text unreadable by anyone but the intended reader — made a splash in the mid-1990s.

CBS Testing Social Viewing Room: Watch Stuff With Strangers And Talk During The Show — CBS Labs, which has been testing new HD streaming products, has also rolled out a labs version of a new product called Social Viewing Room. The idea is that you show up to the site, pick a show that's on right now …

Sometimes lightning does strike twice... Yesterday we posted a few “unboxing” pics that were more tease than anything else, yet we got some eye candy of the box itself. We know you wanted more, we wanted more and it looks like our super secret ninja was holding out on us.

AOL's Unhappy TVSquad Bloggers Stay, But Also Launch Competing Site — AOL's budget cuts across the board have been well reported, but the bloggers were the most vocal about it (as bloggers tend to be). — Many bloggers have reportedly left. The group behind TVSquad is doing something a little different, though.
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