Top Items:

The survey that squashed Apple — When RBC Capital analyst Mike Abramsky downgraded his Apple rating on Monday — helping spark the sharpest selloff in the company's shares in eight years — he cited a survey that RBC conducted with ChangeWave that suggested that sales of Apple's hot-selling computers were cooling off.

SocialText 3.0 blends Facebook, Twitter, and the Enterprise — SocialText 3.0 is (or will be in the near term) an enterprise mashup of Facebook, FriendFeed, enterprise microblogging, and the wiki. If you were to take any one of these constituencies - social networking, conversation aggregation …

Hello Socialtext 3.0! — This morning Socialtext launched Socialtext 3 …
Between the Lines

AOL releases AIM for Mac 1.0 beta; world asks why — AOL hasn't really been a household name on the Mac for quite a while. Since the ISP-cum-media-company's Mac download section began collecting dust long ago, Apple took up the task of building its own (great) AIM client that became a staple …

AIM® for Mac Beta — We are pleased to announce the Beta 1 release of AIM® for Mac! — AIM for Mac continues our commitment to the growing Mac market by delivering a new AIM experience that's built from the ground up for the Mac platform. AIM for Mac is one of the most requested applications …

Clearspring Plus AddThis-But Does That Add Up to a Real Business? — In a move to dramatically increase its traffic and give it more tools to offer publishers, Clearspring Technologies said it will acquire AddThis, the top bookmarking and content-sharing tool on the Web.

Zoho Launches Its Application Marketplace — Zoho continues to carve a niche for itself among the giants in the software-as-a-service market. The three-year old online application suite, which started off as a basic online version of Word, has grown to 1.2 million registered users and 500,000 unique monthly logins.

Facebook Rolls Out Version 2.0 of their iPhone Application — After Facebook released v1.1 of their iPhone application, they promised that a bigger, badder v2.0 was in the works for September. They cut it pretty close, but they've kept their word. Just a few hours ago …

AMD says new ‘Shanghai’ chip is ready to go — AMD said Monday it is set to roll out its next-generation “Shanghai” chip—minus the mistakes of the last generation. — The No. 2 processor maker wants to make one thing crystal clear: Shanghai is not Barcelona.

Superhero support available at Dell — ‘Iron Man’ can be preloaded on newly purchased PCs — PC manufacturer Dell and Paramount Pictures are opening a new front in digital distribution Tuesday with an offering allowing consumers to order “Iron Man” preloaded into newly purchased computers.

New Facebook Home Page, New Facebook Tagline Means Too Many Marketing Meetings At Facebook — Facebook launched more than a new iPhone app this evening - they also have a new home page (the page you see when you aren't logged in) and a new tagline. Gone is all the descriptive language suggesting …

Nasty web bug descends on world's most popular sites — ING, New York Times bitten hard — Underscoring the severity of of an exotic form of website bug, security researchers from Princeton University have cataloged four cross-site request forgeries in some of the world's most popular sites.

GigaOM White Paper: The Facts & Fiction of Bandwidth Caps — Beginning on Wednesday, Comcast, the largest broadband service provider in the U.S., is going to start capping the total amount of data you can transfer using their broadband connection — to 250GB per month.

Full Touch Screen Handsets are No Longer Untouchable — Seoul, Korea, September 30th, 2008- LG Electronics (LG), a worldwide technology and design leader in mobile communications, announces the launch of LG KP500 with an affordable introduction price never offered before.

RealNetworks Files Suit Against Hollywood Over RealDVD — RealDVD hasn't even been available for more than an hour and already Hollywood studios are upset about the ramifications it could have on the industry. — According to a statement released by RealNetworks, it has filed suit …
Between the Lines, Bits, Download Squad, Ars Technica,, NewTeeVee, Beet.TV, Digital Daily,, TG Daily, Epicenter, Paul McNamara's blog and AppScout

Next iPhone software update to deliver Safari, App Store tweaks — Apple last week began testing iPhone Software v2.2 beta 1, the next software update for the iPhone and iPod touch that will deliver, among other things, subtle interface changes to Safari and a new version of the company's App Store application.

Ballmer sees global crisis hitting Microsoft — OSLO (Reuters) - Microsoft (MSFT.O) Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said on Tuesday the global financial crisis will sap consumer and business spending, affecting all companies, including his own. — “Financial issues are going to affect …

Wal-Mart Wins Deal on Album and Game — Just as Wal-Mart solidifies its power as a music industry hitmaker with an exclusive album from the rock band AC/DC, the chain is getting its first major exclusive video game to go with it. — MTV plans to announce on Tuesday that it has made a deal …
Idolator, Kotaku, CrunchGear, Opposable Thumbs, Game|Life, Destructoid and videogaming247

Which way to the mobile web? — How do you get the mobile internet? Via wi-fi - or perhaps through one of those dongles that you plug into a laptop? — Wi-fi and 3G have been battling it out for the last few years to be the technology that keeps you connected on the move.

Doubling Up — Machine translation is hard. Natural languages are so complex and have — so many ambiguities and exceptions that teaching a computer to — translate between them turned out to be a much harder problem than — people thought when the field of machine translation was born over 50

Logging On for a Second (or Third) Opinion — When Terri Nelson learned she had a large fibroid tumor in her uterus, she went online. — There is nothing new in that, of course. The intrepid and the adept were going to the Web for health information as long ago as the 1980s …
Search Engine Watch

Massive Warez Scam Architects Run For Cover — Two brothers who made millions from an empire of scam file-sharing sites have had their identities revealed. Matt and Jake Dylewski mis-sold subscriptions to and dozens of similar sites, misleading customers and motivating them to take action.
Ars Technica

The State of iPhone Satisfaction — The agony (occasionally) and ecstacy (frequently) of using an iPhone, as reported by 2150+ respondents to our exclusive survey. — It's one of the most popular phones in history. It's also one of the most controversial.

Is Anything Off the Record? — A little while ago, I was quoted in a blog post following an e-mail exchange. — At first, I was a little surprised because the exchange wasn't an interview or a Q&A. But then I realized that I was talking to a blogger, and the rules of engagement are different.

Will Xbox 360 fans go for Jasper? — Xbox 360 consoles have been notoriously unreliable. But some of the more hopeful observers think that the newest models might be more consistent. (We've had a story or two that talks about this problem, you might recall).