Top Items:

FLASH FOR THE IPHONE CONFIRMED AT FOTB — At the Flash On The Beach (FOTB) conference in Brighton, Sr. Director of Engineering at Adobe Systems Paul Betlem, confirmed that Adobe is indeed developing a Flash Player for the iPhone. However, Apple calls the shots as to when it'll be available.

Adobe Flash player for iPhone due ‘soon’ if Apple approves — Adobe is nearly done with a version of its Flash Player for the iPhone that could be released ‘in a very short time’ if it passes Apple's App Store screening process, an Adobe official said this week.

Flash Seems To Be Coming To The iPhone. But Is That A Good Thing? — When the iPhone was first released, there was an abundance of speculation over whether the phone's lack of Flash support would cripple its browser and give us something less than “the real web” that Apple had promised.

Apple's digital music showdown — A ruling this week could force online music sellers to pay publishers more money - as an Apple threat to close iTunes looms. — NEW YORK (Fortune) — For five years, Apple's iTunes Music Store has been the Internet's most successful music store.
AppleInsider, MacRumors, WebProNews, Podcasting News, The Apple Blog, MacBlogz, Macsimum News and Electronista

Could a digital music royalty price hike force iTunes into subscriptions?

Google Stock Falls $200 As Market Closes — Apparently more than a few traders had heart palpitations today. As the market closed, Google's share price appeared to fall apart, falling to $200 from an opening price of $396. At least that's what the Nasdaq ticker showed.

What The Hell Happened to Google (GOOG)?*
Brier Dudley's blog

Ballmer sees global crisis hitting Microsoft — OSLO (Reuters) - Microsoft (MSFT.O) Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said on Tuesday the global financial crisis will sap consumer and business spending, affecting all companies, including his own. — “Financial issues are going to affect …
Digital Daily, Silicon Valley Watcher, VentureBeat, Tom Foremski: IMHO, CNET News, Portfolio, DailyTech and WebProNews

Your YouTube video: Hot or Not? — YouTube Insight has helped millions of you learn more about your YouTube videos and figure out when, where, and why your videos are popular. But what if you could learn not just which of your videos are hot on the site, but which specific parts of those videos are hotter than others?

YouTube Hot Spots Shows Publishers When Their Viewers Jump Ship

The survey that squashed Apple — When RBC Capital analyst Mike Abramsky downgraded his Apple rating on Monday — helping spark the sharpest selloff in the company's shares in eight years — he cited a survey that RBC conducted with ChangeWave that suggested that sales of Apple's hot-selling computers were cooling off.

AOL releases AIM for Mac 1.0 beta; world asks, “why?” — AOL hasn't really been a household name on the Mac for quite a while. Since the ISP-cum-media-company's Mac download section began collecting dust long ago, Apple took up the task of building its own (great) AIM client that became …

SocialText 3.0 blends Facebook, Twitter, and the Enterprise — SocialText 3.0 is (or will be in the near term) an enterprise mashup of Facebook, FriendFeed, enterprise microblogging, and the wiki. If you were to take any one of these constituencies - social networking, conversation aggregation …
Fast Wonder Blog, Between the Lines, CNET News, eWeek, Irregular Enterprise and Scobleizer

Hello Socialtext 3.0! — This morning Socialtext launched Socialtext 3 …
Tech Beat

GigaOM White Paper: The Facts & Fiction of Bandwidth Caps — Beginning on Wednesday, Comcast, the largest broadband service provider in the U.S., is going to start capping the total amount of data you can transfer using their broadband connection — to 250GB per month.

The State of iPhone Satisfaction — The agony (occasionally) and ecstacy (frequently) of using an iPhone, as reported by 2150+ respondents to our exclusive survey. — It's one of the most popular phones in history. It's also one of the most controversial.

RealNetworks Files Suit Against Hollywood Over RealDVD — RealDVD hasn't even been available for more than an hour and already Hollywood studios are upset about the ramifications it could have on the industry. — According to a statement released by RealNetworks, it has filed suit …

MPAA to request injunction against RealDVD
Technologizer, InformationWeek, PR Newswire, NewTeeVee, Portfolio, GMSV, Threat Level and Beet.TV

AMD says new ‘Shanghai’ chip is ready to go — AMD said Monday it is set to roll out its next-generation “Shanghai” chip—minus the mistakes of the last generation. — The No. 2 processor maker wants to make one thing crystal clear: Shanghai is not Barcelona.

Facebook set to overtake MySpace in the US within a month — Facebook passed MySpace in worldwide traffic a while ago, but MySpace has kept dominating the US market. Well, it looks like that is about to change really soon. — Within a month (or two at the most), if the current trend holds …

German Towns Saying ‘Nein’ to Google ‘Street View’ — Google's corporate slogan might be “don't be evil,” but some communities in northwestern Germany see something nefarious in the company's photographing all their streets and houses. If they get their way, they will remain black holes in Google's ambitious mapping of the universe.

Dell bows new-look S1909WX, S1709W LCDs — Dell brought the newer, rounded designs of its larger displays to the entry level on Tuesday by introducing the 19-inch S1909WX and the 17-inch S1709W. In contrast to the 16:9 ratio S2409W, the new LCDs use a more traditional 16:10 …

Why Stallman is wrong when he calls cloud computing stupid — Free Software Foundation founder Richard Stallman spent yesterday condemning cloud computing and is calling for users to reject popular web applications. He insists that reliance on web-based software poses a serious risk to freedom and privacy.
The Open Road, rand($thoughts);, webmonkey, Xconomy, BroadDev, Cult of Mac, CloudAve and

“Last Mile” applications — Ray Wang, one of the analysts at Forrester I respect because he speaks his mind on the over-priced maintenance of large software vendors, writes at about growing ISV ecosystems around the major vendors — “Consequently, major software vendors like IBM …
The Enterprise System …

Apple executives awarded $122 million in stock grants — Apple last week granted more than $122 million in restricted stock-based compensation to members of its executive team for their current and future efforts in driving the company's success, regulatory filings with Securities and Exchange Commission show.

The view from Silicon Valley — While Wall Street writhes in agony, how are things in the land of tech? Well, maybe not business as usual. But there are certainly worse places to be. — (Fortune Magazine) — The heads-down, can-do entrepreneurs, and libertarian-minded financiers …

Microsoft's Hotmail hybrid struggles to life — ‘Classic’ meets ‘full,’ fails to show — The long-awaited merger of Microsoft “classic” and “full” Hotmail services has got off to spotty and painful start. — Hotmail users are complaining of confusing layouts and cumbersome features …
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