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Echoing the Campaign of a Rival, Microsoft Aims to Redefine 'I'm a PC' — RELAX, computer users, after only two weeks Microsoft will stop teasing you as the company begins the next phase of an ambitious — and risky — $300 million campaign intended to make over its tarnished image.
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Microsoft to announce Jerry Seinfeld ads cancelled tomorrow — Remember those awful Microsoft ads with Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates? Well, now you can forget them. Microsoft flacks are desperately dialing reporters to spin them about “phase two” of the ad campaign — a phase …
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Seinfeld is over as Microsoft moves to planned “phase two” — Microsoft plans to follow up its Seinfeld teasers with something more serious that finally, riskily, takes on Apple — Microsoft will move to the second phase of its advertising campaign tomorrow with adverts that respond …
It's Over For Seinfeld, But Crispin Porter Keeps Microsoft Business
Storage Station
Yahoo's All New Home Page A Mix Of Old And New — Yahoo will begin bucket testing a new version of its home page this evening with small percentage of users. The company's last home page redesign was more than a year ago, and earlier this year Yahoo began integrating third party content onto the site via their new Buzz product.
Testing, testing...a new — Ever since Jerry and David began categorizing the Web back in 1994, people have visited our homepage to find out what's happening. That's 100 million of you in the US and 314 million of you globally starting your day on a Yahoo! homepage, so we must be doing something right.
Sarah Palin's Personal Emails — Did the internet just cause Sarah Palin to destroy evidence? The potential Veep is in a bit of trouble for conducting state business using her personal, unarchived email address ( instead of her official account (which is, of course …
Sarah Palin Yahoo inbox 2008
Zero in a bit, ChannelWeb Complete Feed, Ars Technica, Threat Level, TG Daily, Liquidmatrix Security Digest, The Register, Industry Standard, Valleywag, InformationWeek, The Inquisitr, Today @ PC World,, ZDNet Government, Zero Day, techPresident, CloudAve, Paul McNamara's blog and PC World
Expanding the Cloud — For many the “Cloud” in Cloud Computing signifies the notion of location independence; that somewhere in the internet services are provided and that to access them you do not need any specific knowledge of where they are located. Many applications have already …
Amazon Launches Content Delivery Network. Rivals Watch Out! — It was a matter of when, not if, Amazon would launch a content delivery business in addition to its current suite of web services that include S3 storage service and EC2 on-demand computing. The Seattle-based company has announced …
The Business Of Online Video
‘Android’ Cellphone to Showcase Google Brand — The first mobile device powered by Google Inc.'s “Android” mobile phone software is expected to sell for $199 and will showcase the Google brand, people familiar with the matter say, a departure from the standard practice of listing only the manufacturer and wireless carrier on handsets.
InformationWeek, Engadget, FierceMobileContent, I4U News, TG Daily, Gizmodo, PalmAddicts, The Inquisitr and Techland
Stanford frees CS, robotics courses — Stanford University has launched a series of 10 free, online computer science (CS) and electrical engineering courses. The courses span an introduction to computer science and an introduction to artificial intelligence and robotics, among other topics.
Apple grabs double-digit US laptop marketshare — Apple's share of the US laptop market jumped into double figures during Q2, once again hitting the kind of marketshare it experienced in its hey-dey. — According to local market watcher, NPD DisplaySearch, Apple took 10.6 per cent …
The Open Road
A New Zune for Serious Music Fans — This might sound kind of weird, but here it is: the iPod and the Zune aren't rivals anymore. — And not just because the iPod outsells the Zune about a gazillion to one, either. No, it's because the iPod and the Zune no longer serve the same audience.
BillShrink helps you save money on cell phones, and now your credit card too — BillShrink, a company that says it can help people save money on everyday services, now offers information on one of the biggest money drains around — your credit card. — The Menlo Park, Calif. startup already …
Mark Zuckerberg Becomes 321st Richest American — Today Mark Zuckerberg reached a new milestone: he became the 321st richest American, being included in the Forbes 400 list. The list placed Zuckerberg's valuation at a solid 1.5 billion dollars. Not a bad place to be in at 24 years old.
Apple continues to deceive users — Un-freakin-believable. — In preparation for a trip next week, I just took a notebook out of mothballs and proceeded to install updates and make sure all the software and data files I need are in service. — Along the way, I noticed an iTunes icon …