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Echoing the Campaign of a Rival, Microsoft Aims to Redefine 'I'm a PC' — RELAX, computer users, after only two weeks Microsoft will stop teasing you as the company begins the next phase of an ambitious — and risky — $300 million campaign intended to make over its tarnished image.
Microsoft to announce Jerry Seinfeld ads cancelled tomorrow — Remember those awful Microsoft ads with Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates? Well, now you can forget them. Microsoft flacks are desperately dialing reporters to spin them about “phase two” of the ad campaign — a phase …
Techdirt, Between the Lines, Christopher Null, Beyond Binary, The Mac Observer,, Download Squad, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Technologizer, VentureBeat, The Next Web, NewTeeVee, ReadWriteWeb, Microsoft News Tracker, InformationWeek, Mashable!, BoomTown, Smalltalk Tidbits …, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Slashdot, The Raw Feed and The Inquisitr
It's Over For Seinfeld, But Crispin Porter Keeps Microsoft Business — People at Microsoft that I trust are saying that it has absolutely, positively, definitely (really) always been the plan to have Seinfeld appear in just the first few warm up commercials for their $300 million Vista ad campaign …
Storage Station
Sarah Palin Yahoo inbox 2008 — File — (click to view full file) … Circa midnight Tuesday the 16th of September (EST) activists loosely affiliated with the group ‘anonymous’ gained access to U.S. Republican Party Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account …
Zero in a bit, Ars Technica, Industry Standard, Today @ PC World, The Inquisitr, Elliott C. Back, Zero Day and techPresident
Group Posts E-Mail Hacked From Palin Account — Update — Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's private Yahoo e-mail account was hacked, and some of its contents posted on the internet Wednesday. — The internet griefers known as Anonymous took credit for the intrusion …
Memo to US Secret Service: Net proxy may pinpoint Palin email hackers
Feds probe hack of Palin's e-mail account
VoIP & Gadgets Blog
Yahoo's All New Home Page A Mix Of Old And New — Yahoo will begin bucket testing a new version of its home page this evening with small percentage of users. The company's last home page redesign was more than a year ago, and earlier this year Yahoo began integrating third party content onto the site via their new Buzz product.
‘Android’ Cellphone to Showcase Google Brand — The first mobile device powered by Google Inc.'s “Android” mobile phone software is expected to sell for $199 and will showcase the Google brand, people familiar with the matter say, a departure from the standard practice of listing only the manufacturer and wireless carrier on handsets.
Collapse: Assessing The Carnage — Let's take a stroll through the carnage that was today's stock market. Keep in mind that the Nasdaq Composite was down nearly 5%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell about 4%. So if your favorite stock was down 5% today, well, that's about in line with everything else.
Google's Schmidt, Page and Brin hold court at Zeitgeist — Google held its version of the World Economic Forum today, except the setting wasn't Davos but the Internet search giant's Mountain View, Calif., campus for its Zeitgeist conference. The guests held similar stature in the worlds …
MacBook Pros, what to expect, when — MacBook Pros seem like a lock for the October 14th - ish time frame. It has been a reaaalllllly long time since Apple upgraded the MacBook Pros. For those of you old enough remember the Titanium Powerbook, that was the last major design of the professional Apple Laptop.
The Mac Observer
Apple continues to deceive users — Un-freakin-believable. — In preparation for a trip next week, I just took a notebook out of mothballs and proceeded to install updates and make sure all the software and data files I need are in service. — Along the way, I noticed an iTunes icon …
Mark Zuckerberg Becomes 321st Richest American — Today Mark Zuckerberg reached a new milestone: he became the 321st richest American, being included in the Forbes 400 list. The list placed Zuckerberg's valuation at a solid 1.5 billion dollars. Not a bad place to be in at 24 years old.
A New Zune for Serious Music Fans — This might sound kind of weird, but here it is: the iPod and the Zune aren't rivals anymore. — And not just because the iPod outsells the Zune about a gazillion to one, either. No, it's because the iPod and the Zune no longer serve the same audience.
Powerset's First Live Search Projects — Powerset officially became a part of Microsoft a little over a month ago and we've already completed our first few integration projects: Freebase Answers, improved captions for Wikipedia results, and new related searches using our Factz engine .
Live Search,, Beyond Search, Beyond Binary, Search Engine Land, Pulse 2.0, WebProNews, TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb and WinBeta
Street View and walking directions come to Google Maps for mobile — This July, Street View went international for the Tour de France, and in August, expanded coverage to Japan and Australia. Now, Street View is coming to another new frontier: your phone.
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