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Link by Link: Don't Like Palin's Wikipedia Story? Change It — IN the 24 hours before the McCain campaign put the finishing touches on its surprise announcement Friday that Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska would be the Republican vice presidential candidate, one Wikipedia user was putting the finishing touches on her biography on the site.
Google's Knol: So Far, Not So Good — You could argue that it's unfair-or at least unrealistic-to review Google's Knol in its current form. After all, the Wikipedia-like service just went public a little over a month ago. It takes time to build a build a repository of the world's knowledge …
IPhone App Store encourages new affliction: appiphilia — The exotic ailment is marked by a creeping lack of self-control when downloading mobile applications. — For the last few weeks, I've been staying up late glued to my screen, and frankly it has been wreaking havoc on my sleep patterns.
Microsoft Skymarket coming for Windows Mobile 7 apps — It seems Microsoft realises it has missed a trick by relying on the capitalist free market to distribute applications for its mobile phones, and it should have gone for a closed, locked-down model like Apple's where it could trouser 30% of the sales revenues.
Microsoft to launch “Skymarket” applications marketplace for Windows Mobile 7
TechCrunch, LiveSide,, Unwired View, GottaBeMobile, SlashPhone,, Microsoft News Tracker and Mashable!
Russia Web site owner killed after arrest … - Home - News - Politics and Law — News - Politics and Law — August 31, 2008 7:25 PM PDT — Russia Web site owner killed after arrest
Can Hulu Be A Bigger Business Than YouTube? — Google's foray into the online video market has been criticized by many. In fact, some believe that Google's decision to acquire YouTube was one of the worst it has ever made, thanks to the confluence of massive copyright violations …
The Equity Kicker
For Web TV, a Handful of Hits but No Formula for Success — When the Writers Guild of America strike stopped television production last fall and winter, Hollywood writers and producers rushed to create new scripted series for the Web, often called webisodes for lack of a more artful term.
Why Google Apps Hasn't Taken Off in Large Enterprises — Last week, Fortune magazine published an article ("Google's tough sell to Corporate America") and blog entry ("Gen Y takes to Google Apps") on Google Apps, noting that it was popular with Gen Y but not with large enterprises.
Google's Vanderbilt joins Bebo — Social network website Bebo has once again turned to Google to bolster its senior management, hiring Nicole Vanderbilt to drive its ambitious international expansion plan under new parent AOL. — Bebo has tapped former top Google talent on several occasions …
Is Playfish the ‘million dollar a month’ facebook developer? — Recently the Facebook watching blog AllFacebook claimed: … TechCrunch speculated that potentially this might apply to Offerpal Media, a lead generation network for Facebook apps that gives users a way to earn virtual currency …
Do We Really All Work for Google Here? — No doubt, Google is the largest internet giant that determines exactly how the market operates and how other players behave online. What's more, acquisition by Google is certainly one of the most appealing exit strategies for many of the newly-launched startups …
Another Voice Warns of an Innovation Slowdown — MENLO PARK, Calif. — Judy Estrin, 53, has spent her entire career in Silicon Valley, a region that thrives on constant innovation. Ms. Estrin, the former chief technology officer of Cisco Systems, has founded four technology companies.