Top Items:

Psystar responds to Apple suit, will countersue — PALO ALTO, Calif.—Mac clone maker Psystar plans to file its answer to Apple's copyright infringement lawsuit Tuesday as well as a countersuit of its own, alleging that Apple engages in anticompetitive business practices.
Computerworld, VentureBeat, Hardware 2.0, Between the Lines, Pulse 2.0, Gizmodo, TechSpot, Electronista, Gearlog, Macsimum News and CrunchGear

Even without an enterprise strategy, Apple quadruples share

Introducing Ubiquity — An experiment into connecting the Web with language. — It Doesn't Have to be This Way — You're writing an email to invite a friend to meet at a local San Francisco restaurant that neither of you has been to. You'd like to include a map.
VentureBeat, Aza's Thoughts,, BetaNews, Mashable!, webmonkey and Social Media

If You Want To Create a Mashup, Just Ask Your Browser. …

DMCA takedown notice forces Twitter to blacklist Mad Men characters — The micro-messaging service Twitter tonight suspended the accounts of users don_draper and peggyolson. If those names sound familiar, you're probably a fan of the hit AMC show Mad Men.

Microsoft Ranks as Top U.S. Online Display Advertiser in June, According to comScore Ad Metrix — Major Display Ad Campaign Promotes Windows Live Search Programs — comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its June ranking …
Brier Dudley's blog, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Digital Daily, CenterNetworks, Tech Tracks and WebProNews

Google is neither buying nor running many online display ads …

Ad serving for everyone — Back in March, we announced the beta release of Google Ad Manager, our hosted ad serving and management solution for publishers with smaller direct sales teams. Today, we are pleased to announce general availability of the product — no invitation required!
TechCrunch, CenterNetworks, Search Engine Journal, The Next Web, Silicon Alley Insider, Epicenter, WebProNews and MarketingVOX

Google Now Searching For Synonyms — Blink, and you might have missed it. Google's now doing synonym searching. It's something they quietly noted in a past Google blog post and one that comes up again today in a post that covers how Google uses experiments to improve the search interface.

Adium Releases Major Upgrade to Popular IM Service — Adium, the popular Mac IM client that lets users chat across multiple services at once, issued a major new release last night that is sure to please users old and new. Highlights include the addition of Facebook chat to the list of options …

Update to WGA Notifications for Windows XP Professional — Starting this week, we will begin deployment of the latest version of WGA Notifications for Windows XP. In addition to the usual updates to validation that improve WGA's ability to detect the latest stolen or fake product keys …

iPhone 3Gs Now Outnumber First Generation iPhones — Despite a weak battery and questions about how fast it connects to 3G networks, some time in the next week more than 6 million iPhone 3Gs will be in people's hands around the world. What that means is that the second generation device …

Immersion settles Microsoft litigation for $21 million — Immersion will pay a $20.75 million one-time payment to Microsoft to settle breach-of-contract charges the software giant brought against the San Jose developer and licensor of touch feedback technology in June 2007.

Settlement: Immersion paying Microsoft $20.75m
Associated Press

Zune player forum makes teen a fortune — SANTA ANA, Calif. - Young entrepreneur Hansup Yoon, 15, recently sold his creation ZuneBoards, an Internet forum devoted to Microsoft's Zune media player, for $62,000. — The teenager, who lives in Fullerton, Calif., created the site months …

Amazon Relies on Customers to Pimp the Kindle — News from — Also on Portfolio — Singapore Fund Flies on Through Economic Maelstrom — Not for Sale: Massive Media Conglomerate — Partying With the Dems on Hot Denver Nights — Mike Pfeffer, a 26-year-old IT professional …

If Amazon Really Wants To Get Serious About The Kindle...
Gizmodo, Industry Standard, Gadget Lab, TeleRead, The Register, Switched, and BetaNews

now you can restyle and host your reddits wherever you'd like (with contest!) — redditors have created lots of new reddits in the last few months (and subscribers and subscriptions are up 300% since the redesign) but allowing user-created reddits was just the first step.

Reddit Now Fully Customizable: Bring Your Own Design and Domain

Google's subsea ambitions expand — On the heels of its investment in the Unity trans-Pacific submarine cable, Google is working with a consortium of carriers planning to build an intra-Asian submarine cable system. The new cable, dubbed the Southeast Asia Japan Cable (SJC) …

Vista Annoyances Resolved — Author: Koroush Ghazi — Introduction — “Oh lord, not another Vista article!” Like me, I'm sure many of you might be thinking something along those lines whenever you see an article with the word ‘Vista’ in the title these days.
Guardian Unlimited

Final Issue of Smartphone & Pocket PC magazine — I have sad news. After 11 years, we will be publishing a final 2008 issue of Smartphone & Pocket PC magazine and then suspend publication! We are working hard to make it the best Windows Mobile issue ever, a keeper, a reference guide.

Opentape Sticks It to RIAA with Open Source Muxtape — With web music fan favorite Muxtape currently out of commission due to “a problem with the RIAA,” an open source — if no more legal — alternative has appeared: Opentape. Opentape describes itself as “a free, open-source package …

No More Speculation - This is the G1 from T-Mobile — Update: Since we published this article, we've received some specs from a few people/places. Click here to see a compiled list of the inner beauty. — It's time to put this rumor to bed once and for all.

Visual Voicemail Inventor Strikes Again, Sues Google, Verizon, Others — After coaxing a settlement out of Apple, AT&T, and Skype owner eBay, “visual voicemail” inventor Judah Klausner is at it again: His Klausner Technologies is suing Google, Verizon, LG, and a host of other companies in U.S. district court in Texas, Reuters reports.