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MobileMe: Supplemental 60-day extension eligibility and details — Learn about the 60-day extension to MobileMe subscriptions that Apple is providing to eligible members free of charge. — Note: This article will be updated when all 60-day extensions have been made available.

Announcing a beta release of the Android SDK — I'm pretty happy today, for two reasons. First, I'm happy because I get to let everyone know that we're releasing a beta SDK. You can read about the new Android 0.9 SDK beta at the Android Developers' Site, or if you want to get straight to the bits, you can visit the download page.

An In-Depth Video Tour of Android 0.9, an (Almost) Great (Almost) OS — Earlier today Google released the Android 0.9 SDK r1 Beta, boasting of a pile of API updates and a visual refresh that moves it one solid step closer to actually, you know, showing up on a phone.
The Register

Video: Android SDK v0.9 hits the internet looking almost ready for primetime

Is Linking to Yourself the Future of the Web? — Last year, Bill Janeway really got my attention (pdf) when he noted that “over time, Wall Street 'firms began to trade against their clients for their own account, such that now, the direct investment activities of a firm like Goldman Sachs dwarf …

The RIAA shuts down Muxtape — Free music mixtape service Muxtape has temporarily been shut down due to pressure from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). There's not much more information about downtime besides a small note on the front page of saying that …
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No artists or labels have complained. The site is not closed indefinitely. Stay tuned. — Beta users of Muxtape For Bands: you are unaffected by this outage.

See it. Love it. Buzz it. — In February, we introduced Yahoo! Buzz as a new way for you to discover, vote for, and share the content and stories that matter most to you. You also got a say in what stories might be read by millions, with the voting power to potentially get your favorite content on the Yahoo! Front Page.
Search Engine Journal, The Next Web, Search Engine Land, Profy, webmonkey and VentureBeat

Yahoo Buzz opens to everyone — Yahoo's Digg-a-like Buzz is opening up to the world tonight. Until now, while anyone could see stories that had been Buzzed and vote them up or down, only about 400 publishers could contribute new links to the service. — A Yahoo spokesperson confirmed …

A Smart Bet or a Big Mistake? — Four years ago, Verizon Communications embarked on an ambitious and expensive plan to run fiber optic cables, which can deliver ultra-fast Internet service and dozens of high-definition video channels along with old-fashioned telephone service, past 19 million homes, roughly half its territory.

EngrishFunny Is Newest Site In Lolcats Empire — The company behind the popular ICanHasCheezburger site has launched a new website, EngrishFunny, which makes fun of grammatically incorrect variations of English (often found in Asia). Users send in photos of poorly translated or written products, signs, instructions, etc. to the site.

iPhone 2.0.2 Beats 2.0.1 on 3G performance — The iPhone 2.0.2 software update came out today and though its intent was unspecific ("bug fixes") it looks as if the results are truly impressive. Vincent tested OS 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 side by side in a series of speed tests using Mobile Safari and the results speak for themselves.

The Curious Case of Facebook's Benjamin Ling and Sheryl Sandberg — Here's one certainty in the hubbub that has resulted in the wake of the departure of high-profile exec Ben Ling from Facebook last week: COO Sheryl Sandberg is definitely not responsible for the melting of the polar ice caps.

Workday: The Next Software Power? — PeopleSoft founder Dave Duffield is building another software upstart that is attracting a lot of attention — Ever since veteran software entrepreneur Dave Duffield launched his new startup, Workday, a year and a half ago, people have wondered if it could become the next (CRM).

Dopple your fun — Five internet gurus spell out what's happening at technology's cutting edge, writes Nick Galvin. — The breakneck pace of online innovation is showing no sign of slackening. New tools, concepts and services seem to pop up on the internet almost daily …

Microsoft Silverlight: 10 reasons to love it, 10 reasons to hate it — A year or so ago I wrote a post called Adobe AIR: 10 reasons to love it, 10 reasons to hate it. Here's the same kind of list for Microsoft's Silverlight, based on the forthcoming Silverlight 2.0 rather than the current version.