Top Items:

Smartphone Is Expected via Google — T-Mobile will be the first carrier to offer a mobile phone powered by Google's Android software, according to people briefed on the company's plans. The phone will be made by HTC, one of the largest makers of mobile phones in the world …
Contentinople, Digital Daily, PDA, TechCrunch, DSLreports, Guardian Unlimited, Search Engine Land, Gizmodo, eWeek, WebProNews, Gadgetell, FierceWireless, InformationWeek, MediaFile, FierceMobileContent, Electronista,, MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer, Boing Boing Gadgets, Telecompetitor, CrunchGear, Lockergnome, Engadget Mobile, Mobility Site, Googling Google, Phone Scoop, Mobile Industry News, Silicon Alley Insider, The Social Times and Gadget Lab

An Early GPhone Review: Android Is Powerful, But No iPhone (GOOG, AAPL)
Tech Ticker

Ok, so's true! We got acquired... You my have seen the rumors, the leaks, etc. and while we just had to sit here and watch it all go down, we wanted nothing more than to tell the entire world how excited we are. — This post has been a long time coming and we're very excited …

Confirmed: AOL will acquire Socialthing — AOL's People Networks division, formed when the company acquired Bebo, has picked up a new friend: Socialthing, a Boulder, Colo.-based start-up that aggregates social feeds from sites like Digg, Twitter, and Flickr. — The acquisition has not yet been completed, but is close to it.
ReadWriteWeb, Tech Confidential, Valleywag, Search Engine Watch Blog, The Inquisitr, Profy and Mashable!

Google Launches AdSense for Feeds — I noticed a new option in my AdSense account: AdSense for feeds, a program that displays contextual and placement-targeted ads in FeedBurner feeds. FeedBurner announced in May that AdSense for Feeds will be available to a small number of publishers and now it seems that everyone can use it.

Dell Puts the Bite on Apple — Former Apple vet Tim Bucher, now at Dell, is counting on his Zing software to give iTunes some competition — On Nov. 10, 2004, Apple (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs had a strained conversation with Tim Bucher, one of the company's engineering executives.

10 Worst Web glitches of 2008 (so far) — We have been reminded several times lately that Web 2.0 is in no way a synonym for “reliable.” Major services have crashed. Big product launches have fizzled. Users have raised their collective fists in the air. What's going on? Is the Web crumbling?
Guardian Unlimited

Google Ordered to Unmask Mystery Blogger in India — Google has been instructed to reveal the identity of an anonymous blogger in a defamation lawsuit filed by an Indian construction company against them, reports the Wall Street Journal. — The blogger known only as “Toxic Writer,” …
Wall Street Journal, Profy, Techdirt, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, The Blog Herald and Daily News

Palm Treo Pro Revealed (Lookin' Good) — Yesterday's leaked Treo Pro was definitely not a rendering. We've now got a whole gallery of it in the flesh, confirming its good looks, and maybe more importantly, its size. While a little taller and wider than the Centro, it's mercifully thinner than its pocket-bulging predecessor.

Palm Treo Pro Revealed (Best Looking Palm Ever)
WMExperts, Boy Genius Report, PalmAddicts, SlashPhone, jkOnTheRun, Telecompetitor, Electronista and Crave

Sony downgrades PS3 PlayTV functionality — We're all excited about PlayTV's launch next month, but would you be upset if we said that the PlayStation 3 telly tuner now won't allow saved video to be copied to the PlayStation Portable, a PC or a Memory Stick?

Friday Rant: Hey Microsoft! How about some more dialog about Vista before moving on to Windows 7? — It's a Friday (again!) so that means time for another Friday Rant! — Yesterday Microsoft indicated that it might be getting ready to peel back the almost Apple-like secrecy surrounding Windows 7 …

Welcome to Engineering Windows 7
The Register, Teching It Easy, TechBlog, webmonkey, CrunchGear, Guardian Unlimited, Computerworld Blogs, Inquirer, Cheap Hack, //steve clayton, Engadget, Gizmodo, OSNews, Beyond Binary, SuperSite Blog, Microsoft Watch, LiveSide, IEBlog, Brier Dudley's blog, Ed Bott's Windows Expertise, All about Microsoft, Ed Bott's Microsoft Report, and GottaBeMobile

NBC Laughs All the Way to the Bank (Take That, Bloggers) — UPDATED with quotes from Jeff Zucker. — NBC may be taking lumps in the blogosphere for its decision to provide so much of its Olympics coverage exclusively through traditional channels, but they have given advertisers …
Silicon Alley Insider

Exclusive: A Look at Google Ad Planner Data Vs. Comscore — When Google Ad Planner came out back in June, I immediately thought of Comscore - and I was not alone. Many in the marketing industry thought that Google's product would be a “Comscore killer,” and when I noted as much in my coverage …
Silicon Alley Insider, Communications …, WebProNews, A VC, Startup Chatter and Ogilvy China Digital Watch

Interview with Epic Games' Mike Capps, on teaming up with Electronic Arts — Mike Capps, president of hit video game developer Epic Games announced today that Electronic Arts will publish a new action game from Epic's new subsidiary, People Can Fly. — People Can Fly is the game developer based …
TG Daily

Sun open-sources mobile Java UI toolkit — Sun has open-sourced its toolkit for creating Java-based user interfaces for mobile phones. — The source code for the lightweight UI toolkit was released Thursday under the “GPLv2 with Classpath Exception” license.
Phone Scoop

Rogers BlackBerry Bold Pricing - Official Flyer! — Here it is folks, official Pricing on the BlackBerry Bold from Rogers. $399.99 on a 3 year contract. Ouch. And here I was still hoping it would come in at $299 like the 16 gig iPhone 3G.
BlackBerry Cool