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We feel your pain, and we're sorry — Many of you had trouble accessing Gmail for a couple of hours this afternoon, and we're really sorry. The issue was caused by a temporary outage in our contacts system that was preventing Gmail from loading properly. Everything should be back to normal by the time you read this.

Systemwide GMail Outage — Update: As of 3:45 PM PST it looks like Gmail is back up, at least for some users. — Update 2: Google's comment on the outage: … Gmail is having a systemwide outage affecting multiple countries, and a whole bunch of its 100 million users are screaming about it on Twitter.

Gmail's Out...Again — Update: Google says sorry about the GMail outage.

Gmail is down, Twitter sizzling with the news
Outside the Lines, VentureBeat, LiveSide,, CenterNetworks, webmonkey, and

MOG, platform for music blogs, launches vertical ad network — Today, MOG, a blogging platform and content aggregator for music-oriented blogs, is launching the MOG Music Network, a vertical ad network that targets music-oriented sites and blogs. The company has also added legendary producer Rick Rubin to its board.

Rick Rubin goes digital, joins MOG board — He helped revive Johnny Cash's career and lent a hand to the Dixie Chicks in their hour of need. He worked with Metallica on its upcoming album. So why would Rick Rubin (pictured above), Zen master to musicians and producer extraordinaire …

Citi: Yep, The Kindle's A Huge Hit. $1 Billion For Amazon In 2010 (AMZN) — Initial skepticism about Amazon's Kindle is being replaced by euphoria: Citi's Mark Mahaney, who was already bullish on the e-book reader, declares that is indeed going to be Amazon's iPod.
CNET, Reuters, Tech Trader Daily, SitePoint Blogs, GMSV, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, eWeek and WebProNews

Twitter Limits to 2000 Followers. Could They Charge To Lift The Limit? — In my last post, I stated in passing that Twitter had limited accounts to following 2,000 people unless you already had more than 2,000 people you follow. Apparently, I broke this news to some - unwittingly.

Georgia accuses Russia of coordinated cyberattack — The Georgian embassy in the U.K. has accused forces within Russia of launching a coordinated cyberattack against Georgian Web sites, to coincide with military operations in the breakaway region of South Ossetia.

Users Fight Back Against the New Facebook — Facebook users are typically not receptive to change. When Facebook unleashed the News Feed a couple years ago, the Facebook user base fought back, creating groups to remove the news feed and challenging Facebook on the lack of privacy under the new system.

DEMO v. TechCrunch50 Takes A Nasty Turn With Charges Of Plagiarism — We are heads down preparing for the upcoming TechCrunch50 Conference in San Francisco, where we'll feature fifty newly launched startups and products to an audience of over 1,500 investors, press, entrepreneurs and others who are passionate about startups.
Discussion:,, Clickety Clack, Geek Gestalt, Valleywag and The Drama 2.0 Show

Is the New York Times a Confused Company? — Over lunch I did something old-fashioned—I picked up and read a print copy of the New York Times. I was startled to find, on the front of the business section, a large, colorfully decorated feature headlined “Is Google a Media Company?”

AMD to Nvidia: Two chips are better than one — Advanced Micro Devices announced on Monday its most powerful graphics technology to date, going after Nvidia in the rarified—and closely watched—enthusiast game segment. — The ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 graphics board houses two 4870 graphics processing units …

Analyst: 3 million iPhones sold in first month — Momentum isn't showing any signs of a dip; sales blow past expectations. — NEW YORK (FORTUNE) — Talk about your summer scorchers. — One month after its debut, Apple's new iPhone has hit the 3 million sold mark, according to analyst Michael Cote of the Cote Collaborative.
Infinite Loop, IntoMobile,, Silicon Alley Insider, GMSV, TUAW, MacRumors iPhone Blog, Apple Gazette, Gizmodo, Macsimum News and

Trying to watch the Olympics on TV and the Web — How is your Olympics-watching experience going? — You may have caught some of the Olympic Games over the weekend, most likely in front of your television set and not online. NBC Universal, which owns the U.S. broadcast rights …

Lenovo set to announce ThinkPad W700 — Set to debut on Tuesday at the Siggraph conference in Los Angeles, Lenovo's new ThinkPad W700 mobile workstation is full of firsts. The 17-inch laptop is the first time ThinkPad has ventured into desktop replacement territory, and its larger …

Two weeks after Apple calls MobileMe stable, mail goes down — “MobileMe members may be unable to access MobileMe Mail. Service will be restored ASAP. We apologize for any inconvenience.” — If by “may” Apple means “definitely,” and by “ASAP” it means “nearly three hours and counting,” then I think we're all on the same page.

YuMe Replaces CEO — YuMe, the video advertising network that was recently involved in controversy with comScore over just how big it is, has brought in a new CEO, according to an email from a company spokesperson. Michael Mathieu, who previously ran the Internet business for Freedom Communication …

Memoranda — Apple and Microsoft, as ever, offer a study in contrasts. Take, for example, two recent company-wide memos from CEOs Steve Jobs and Steve Ballmer. Jobs's, leaked last week, regarded the botched launch of MobileMe. Ballmer's, from two weeks ago, outlined Microsoft's strategic goals for the next year.
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