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IPhone Software Sales Take Off: Apple's Jobs — CUPERTINO, Calif. — Apple Inc.'s bet on cellphone software appears to be paying off. — In the month since Apple opened an online software clearinghouse called the App Store, users have downloaded more than 60 million programs for the iPhone …
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iPhone App Downloads Are Up. What About Their Usage? — The iPhone App Store is red hot: in its first month, more than 60 million software programs were downloaded and generated about $1 million a day in sales. That information comes from Steve Jobs in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
Tech Check with Jim Goldman, 9 to 5 Mac, jkOnTheRun, AppleInsider, Gadget Lab, Electronista and VentureBeat

Steve Jobs: 60 million iPhone apps downloaded, confirms kill switch — Steve Jobs, presumably speaking from a hyperbaric chamber where he's being nourished with an infusion of liquified developers-souls before his next public appearance, had a few interesting tidbits about the AppStore for the Wall Street Journal this morning.

Servers: Why Thrifty Isn't Nifty — We are currently in the biggest data center construction boom in history. At the same time, this boom is dramatically weakening the future flexibility and financial performance of information technology. — How can this be? It's the old domino effect at work again.

Best Buy kiosks, coming to an airport near you — Electronics retailer Best Buy is picking up on the trend of installing vending machine-like kiosks in airports, in order to appeal to stressed travelers who left their cell phone charger at home or need a last-minute gift to appease cranky relatives.

Best Buy to Install More Vending Machines at Top Airports — The Best Buy vending machine at Dallas/Fort Worth airport will be just one of a series of “Best Buy Express” machines, according to new info from Best Buy itself. In partnership with ZoomSystems, Best Buy will install similar machines at Atlanta …

Salon launches blogger ‘tipping’ system — So you liked that blog post you just read—why don't you toss the writer a buck or two? — That's the rationale behind new-media outlet Salon's latest initiative. Members of its “Open Salon” user-generated content community can now “tip” …

Why Microsoft and Intel tried to kill the XO $100 laptop — Nicholas Negroponte had a vision: to build a $100 laptop and give away millions to educate the world's poorest children. And then the fat-cat multinationals got scared and broke it... Mousetrap weblog: In pictures - the revamped $100 laptop

Boston Subway System Stops Defcon Talk; But Paints Security Target On Its Back — You would think after years and years of it backfiring every time some scared organization tries to shut down a talk concerning their security vulnerabilities, that people wouldn't even bother any more.

Beijing Olympic 2008 opening ceremony giant firework footprints ‘faked’ — Parts of the spectacular Beijing Olympics opening ceremony on Friday were faked because of fears over live filming, it has emerged. — As the ceremony got under way with a dramatic, drummed countdown …

Is unit testing doomed? — San Francisco - The agile revolution that began in software development in the 1990s has been inexorably making its way into mainstream IT organizations. Today, one of the most adopted agile practices is unit testing, where developers write hundreds of small tests for exercising their own code.

PODCAST: Kannuu Provides Shortcuts To Search Results & More; Will It Move Mobile Search Into The Mainstream? — Is mobile search broken? Let's just say the experience leaves a lot to be desired. — A major obstacle is usability. Inputting search terms on a mobile device is tedious …

JDA Software Group to Acquire i2 Technologies — Acquisition Combines Two Industry Leaders Resulting in One of the Most Comprehensive Global Supply Chain Management Offerings — Strengthens JDA Market Position with More Than 6,000 Customers, Offering Unparalleled Supply Chain …

Possible Palm Centro 2 Images ? — I am not sure of the legibility of these images but it looks authentic. If true, I will be wowed and this is the kind of Treo I've been waiting for years with my outdated Treo 650. There has to be a sliding out keyboard some sort of.

IAC Monetizes Bloglines With Display Ads — Bloglines, a popular web-based RSS reader, announced that they have begun testing the waters of monetizing the service with display ads. If you login to the Bloglines start page, you may see an ad on the right hand side.