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Who Is Johng77536 And How Did He Game Twitter? — One of the reasons Twitter is such a useful platform for publishing is that it is largely spam free - you only received messages from people you choose to follow. So even though a large number of spammy accounts have appeared on the service …
Sean Percival's Blog

Google Knol - Google's Latest Attack on Copyright — Knol Off to a Quick Start — One day after Knol publicly launched Wil Reynolds noticed that a Knol page was already ranking. Danny Sullivan did a further test showing that 33% of his test set of Knol pages were ranking in the first page of search results.

PR Rule #1: People who are telling the truth about themselves do not insist on being ‘off the record’ — Best part of Joe Nocera's article from yesterday's New York Times ("Apple's Culture of Secrecy") was, of course, the quote from Steve Jobs, the one where Nocera picks up the phone …

FCC to Rule Comcast Can't Block Web Videos — Decision Could Set Precedent In Debate Over Internet Traffic — Washington — Federal regulators are set to announce this week that Comcast Corp. wrongly slowed some of its customers' Internet traffic, in a victory for consumer groups …

Leftover Ad Space? Exchanges Handle the Remnants — Joe Zawadzki's traders spend their days in front of two computer screens, feeding their systems with data and trying to perfect their trading algorithms. — But they are not analyzing stocks. They are analyzing advertising.
Darren Herman

The blog editing system in action — At last week's Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference I was on a blogger panel where some members of the audience brought up ye olde “bloggers aren't as good as ‘real journalists’ because bloggers don't get it right” argument.

Say So Long to an Old Companion: Cassette Tapes — There was a funeral the other day in the Midtown offices of Hachette, the book publisher, to mourn the passing of what it called a “dear friend.” Nobody had actually died, except for a piece of technology, the cassette tape.

Opinion: Microsoft must move fast to realize its online future — For the past few months, the question of what Steve Ballmer had up his sleeve has been bandied about quite a bit. Would he attempt to acquire every last part of Yahoo? Would he only acquire the company's search?

The Lifehacker Editors' Favorite Software and Hardware — Lifehacker readers range from the complete newbie to the most seasoned techie, but where do the Lifehacker editors stand? We polled our own editors for the computer hardware and applications they swear by and we're breaking it down for you here.

Russia, The Final Frontier For Data Centers? — Updated: To paraphrase (and mangle) StarTrek's famous tagline: Can Russia be the place where Internet companies boldly go looking for the final frontier of data centers? At least one blog thinks so, and it points to the massive hydroelectric power capacity on tap in Russia.

Looking for ‘Plan B’ — One of the striking things to me about Internet entrepreneurs and VCs is that almost no one is seeking to create long-term value or build businesses that will be sustainable and be around in a decade. Many will deny this but if you look around, the Craigslists of the Internet are anomalous.

Bad News For MySpace: Growth Curve Flattened. Good News For MySpace: It's A Real Business — Bad news for Rupert Murdoch: Goldman Sachs figures his Internet business is worth perhaps $3 billion — about half the value he was trying to get for it earlier this year.

Delicious 2.0 Imminent Again — Yahoo's inability to launch Delicious 2.0, which was feature complete and in private beta back in September 2007, has become a bit of a joke around Silicon Valley. — Last month we called on Yahoo to provide guidance on when we might see the new version of the service.

public service announcement: do you know where your password is?

NYT Review of...Me? — by sarah lacy. — That's right. Me personally. Not so much my book. (Also mentioned. Is my love. Of incomplete. Sentences.) — Apparently, the NYTBR circulates reviews of books to publishers before they come out as a courtesy.