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Legg Mason Capital Management to Support Yahoo! Directors at Yahoo! 2008 Annual Meeting — BALTIMORE, July 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Bill Miller, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Legg Mason Capital Management (NYSE: LM - News), has released the following statement:

Icahn's latest lament: Et tu, Legg Mason? — This wasn't the sort of reaction Carl Icahn was expecting from his former buddies on Wall Street. — Legg Mason Capital Management, which controls about 4.4 percent of outstanding Yahoo stock, plans to back management at the company's shareholders meeting next month.

Fighting For Its Life, Yahoo Uses Its Homepage To Battle Carl Icahn — Yahoo is pulling out its biggest gun in the showdown with Carl Icahn: the Yahoo homepage itself. Right now on, the single most-visited page on the Web (with 304 million unique visitors worldwide in May …

AT&T Finally Announces Free Wi-Fi For iPhone Users — in - news - AT&T - free stuff - Wi-Fi — Fantastic news from a friend with sharp eyes. AT&T has finally done something great for iPhone owners. No, they're not unlocking the iPhone. They're not giving it away for free, although it does involve “free”.
TechBlog, Podcasting News, Mark Evans, Gear Diary, jkOnTheRun, Gearlog, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and O'Grady's PowerPage

Google Buys Russian Contextual Ad Firm From Rambler For $140 Million — We have recently written about a flurry of Russian online deals, and this is among the bigger ones that have happened in the last year or so: Google has bought contextual advertising company ZAO Begun from it parent …

Google Monopolizes Contextual Ads Market Further - Buys Russian Begun

Google To Acquire Russian Context Ads Service Begun
Search Engine Land

On-Demand Computing: A Brutal Slog — The tough reality of the on-demand game is taking its toll on software companies hoping to make a mint distributing their wares via the Web — The Internet revolutionized the distribution of software—perhaps a bit too much.
Beyond Search

Wikipedia Tries Approval System to Reduce Vandalism on Pages — Wikipedia is considering a basic change to its editing philosophy to cut down on vandalism. In the process, the online encyclopedia anyone can edit would add a layer of hierarchy and eliminate some of the spontaneity that has made the site …
Techdirt, Under The Stairs, CNET, CyberNet, Mashable!, WebProNews and UMBC ebiquity

Google Deliberately Sells Fewer Ads — and May Have Gone Too Far — Listening to Google's executives on their conference call with investors Thursday afternoon, you'd never know that the company's second-quarter results fell short of expectations and its shares plummeted 10 percent in after-hours trading.
p2pnet, CNET, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, New York Times and Between the Lines

Why Silicon Valley Should Be Worried — We have short memories in Silicon Valley, which is both a blessing and a curse. We forget the bad times as quickly as we forget the good times. — At the turn of the century, everything went to hell with the dot-com bust.

iPhone 3G GPS - Is it too small in the antenna department to be any good? — Ever since reading David Pogue's review of iPhone 3G I've been puzzling over something he said in relation to the GPS receiver. Specifically, is it too small in the antenna department to be any good?

iPhone 3G shortage to last two to four weeks, analyst says — Editor's Note: This story is excerpted from Computerworld. For more Mac coverage, visit Computerworld's Macintosh Knowledge Center. — Customers looking for an iPhone 3G may have to wait up to a month for Apple to boost …

Locksmiths Pissed Off At Geeks For Letting Out The Secret: Lockpicking Is Easy — from the without-the-internet,-we'd-all-be- safe dept — As I've mentioned before, back in high school, I had an art teacher who taught me both how to pick locks and how to make lockpicks (it was a fun class).

Nintendo Wii Surpasses Microsoft's Xbox 360 in Sales — Nintendo Co. said U.S. retailers sold more than 666,000 of its Wii consoles last month, making the machine the overall leader among the new generation of video-game machines. — Consumers have purchased almost 10.9 million …

Venture Capital Loves Virtual — An army of startups developing tools to enhance our virtual lives attracted $345 million in venture investment in the first half of the year — Startups selling virtual goods and offering virtual experiences are raking in the venture capital these days.

How the FCC's Comcast ruling could affect traffic management — Decision could open door for enforcement of open Internet principles — Network neutrality advocates scored a victory last week when FCC chairman Kevin Martin said that he would recommend barring Comcast from using peer …

Brits won't get PS3 movie, TV downloads until 2009 — If you're a European resident itching to download video content through the PlayStation Network, then Sony's not your PAL - literally. — The President of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, David Reeves, has confirmed that the PS3 video store …

Twitter Chokes Unauthenticated API Requests By IP, Sites Gasp for Air — Twitter's struggles with handling high user load have been well documented. To help the embattled site stay up between Fail Whales, they've at times reduced features to just try and keep afloat, blocking the replies tab …

New Apple notebook orders to buoy up Taiwan PCB makers sales and profit — As Apple is said to have increased its procurement of notebook-use printed circuit boards (PCB) by 20% on quarter in the third quarter, with most of the ordered PCBs being high-interconnect density (HDI) boards …

Microsoft's Annual Revenue Reaches $60 Billion — Fastest annual revenue growth since 1999 fuels 32% increase in earnings per share — Segment Revenue/Operating Income (Loss) — Listen to the Webcast Earnings Release — Microsoft Corp. today announced revenue of $15.84 billion …
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