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GOOGLE ANNOUNCES SECOND QUARTER 2008 RESULTS — Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2008. — “Strong international growth as well as sustained traffic increases on Google's web properties propelled us to another strong quarter …
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Google Deliberately Sells Fewer Ads — and May Have Gone Too Far — Listening to Google's executives on their conference call with investors Thursday afternoon, you'd never know that the company's second-quarter results fell short of expectations and its shares plummeted 10 percent in after-hours trading.

Analysts: Google investors “freaking out for nothing” — As far as second quarters go, Google had a decent one. But that minor detail got lost in the big tech news Wednesday as jumpy investors punished Google in after-hour trading by as much as 11% for missing Wall Street estimates.
The Equity Kicker, CNET, Traffick, Go West, Valleywag and Search Engine Watch Blog

Why Silicon Valley Should Be Worried — We have short memories in Silicon Valley, which is both a blessing and a curse. We forget the bad times as quickly as we forget the good times. — At the turn of the century, everything went to hell with the dot-com bust.

Google Anti-Gravity Ray is Fading — When a company has a monopoly on an extremely valuable franchise that is growing rocket fast, all sorts of unreasonable things happen. That company levitates. Almost no amount of spending can bring it down to Earth. Until, that is, the growth begins to slow.

PodTech purchased by ViewPartner for less than half a million, ending a bloody story — PodTech, a company that publishes online and downloadable videos about new technology, has been sold — for less than half a million dollars, I've learned — to ViewPartner, a communications technology company.
TechCrunch, NewTeeVee, Valleywag, The Inquisitr, CenterNetworks, Mashable!, Dembot, Silicon Alley Insider and

Podtech failure: Scoble's lessons — Not long ago, Podtech was a video company with a bright future — or at least so it appeared. Run by John Furrier, with some high-profile social media types like Jeremiah Owyang and Robert Scoble on board, the company had high hopes of being a new video-content provider.

Twitter Chokes Unauthenticated API Requests By IP, Sites Gasp for Air — Twitter's struggles with handling high user load have been well documented. To help the embattled site stay up between Fail Whales, they've at times reduced features to just try and keep afloat, blocking the replies tab …
The Inquisitr

Amazon To Target $5.5 Billion Textbook Market With New Kindle? — Earlier this week Crunchgear broke the news on two new upcoming Kindle models: a smaller form factor Kindle to be released this year ahead of the holidays, and a large screen (probably 8.5×11) to come sometime next year.

Google Buys Russian Contextual Ad Firm From Rambler For $140 Million — We have recently written about a flurry of Russian online deals, and this is among the bigger ones that have happened in the last year or so: Google has bought contextual advertising company ZAO Begun from it parent …

Yahoo On Icahn: Seriously, Why Would You Ever Trust This Spent, Doddering Old Man? — Don't know why it took this long, but Jerry Yang and company are finally launching a media blitz, one that we think is doing an effective job of making their case. — One particular talking point they've …

Microsoft Call: Online Ad Business Is Bad; Share Weakness Out Of Our Control — The audio on this call is very bad, so we may have to check the transcript later to see what we missed. Although the company's outlook is seen as weak, Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) CFO Chris Liddel characterized …

New AMD chief knows the chips are down — Incoming AMD CEO Dirk Meyer is known as a top-notch chip designer. Image: AMD — AMD stock is hitting lows it hasn't seen in more than a decade. — Hector Ruiz is out as CEO of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Dirk Meyer is in.

Wikipedia Tries Approval System to Reduce Vandalism on Pages — Wikipedia is considering a basic change to its editing philosophy to cut down on vandalism. In the process, the online encyclopedia anyone can edit would add a layer of hierarchy and eliminate some of the spontaneity that has made the site …

Twitter's New Redesign — I just logged into Twitter and after sending a direct message from the Twitter homepage my screen showed this: — At first I thought Firefox was going haywire on me. However, this is not the case. It seems Twitter is testing a new theme design and one that I'm not quite sure how I feel about.

GoDaddy's Domain Registration Totally Screws .me — Earlier this year GoDaddy won the rights to distribute domains under the extension .me, which belongs to the country of Montenegro. After a number of private distribution periods for corporations, the highly desirable extension finally went …

The 3D Internet Will Change How We Live — Last summer, several hundred thousand very real dollars disappeared into a Ponzi scheme in the popular virtual world, “Second Life.” The owner of the “bank” behind the scheme fled, and hasn't been seen since last October. There were no investigations, lawsuits or arrests.