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Spat with Rogers leaves Canadian Apple stores without iPhones — Apple, disgusted with Rogers Wireless for dumping egregious service plans on would-be iPhone 3G buyers, has decided that its Canadian retail stores will have no part in helping the carrier market the new handset to customers, AppleInsider has learned.

Why you shouldn't buy the iPhone 3G on Friday
Public Knowledge

VMware Announces Change in Executive Leadership — PALO ALTO, Calif.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—VMware's Board of Directors announced today that it has made a change in the leadership of the company with the departure of Diane Greene as President and CEO. VMware's Board of Directors has appointed Paul Maritz …

VMware Ousts CEO Diane Greene; Cuts '08 Guidance — In a shocking development, VMware (VMW) this morning announced that the company's board has ousted co-founder Diane Greene as president and CEO, handing the posts to Paul Maritz, who had been running the cloud computing division at VMware parent EMC (EMC).
The Register, Computerworld, Digital Daily, All about Microsoft, eWeek, Beyond Binary, Bloomberg and Webomatica

Virtualize This: VMware CEO Out, Stock Tanks, Big Revenue Miss
OStatic blogs

Apple may have shipped 2.5 million Macs in spring thanks to Vista — The poor reception of Windows Vista, along with a strong Mac OS X, will help Apple continue to ship Macs at three times the industry average by the end of the spring, according to BMO Capital Markets.

Microsoft on Vista: ‘The time of worry is over.’ — Microsoft wants its partners and customers to know that it's done letting letting its competitors and critics walk all over Windows Vista. — “We know our story is very different from what our competitors want us to think,” Brad Brooks …

Microsoft still pushing Vista compatibility story
Incremental Blogger

Microsoft to sell hosted service subscriptions for $3 a month — For Microsoft resellers that had been fearing Microsoft would drop the bottom out of the hosted-services business with its Microsoft Online services offerings, their nightmares were realized on July 8.

Google evaporates Docs and Spreadsheets cloud — Try again in 30 seconds. Or an hour — Updated Google's Docs and Spreadsheets disappeared today for close to an hour, proving that the world's largest search engine is a long way from perfecting the art of online business applications.
Search Engine Watch Blog, ReadWriteWeb, WebGuild, Mashable!, Communications … and

Web companies organize massive effort to patch fundamental Internet flaw — The entire underpinnings of the Internet are vulnerable to a major bug in how Internet addresses are managed, security researchers announced today. The problem is so big that dozens of companies and government organizations …
Chuqui 3.0

GameStop's Leaked Xbox 360 Price Drop Info — Just in case all of those retailer circulars from Best Buy, KMart, et al, wasn't enough proof of an Xbox 360 price drop coming on Sunday, here's one more tidbit of proof. — A GameStop employee has sent us cell pics of the internal announcement …

Targeted Ads Raise Privacy Concerns — Pressure Could Imperil Online Strategy Shared by Phone and Cable-TV Firms — Cable and phone companies say their growth increasingly depends on being able to deliver targeted advertising to their Internet and TV customers, but criticism from privacy advocates is threatening that strategy.

Asus offers $100 rebate on Eee PC 900, brings price down to $449 — Want a tiny laptop with an 8.9 inch 1024 x 600 pixel display and don't care if it packs a 900MHz Intel Celeron CPU instead of a shiny new Intel Atom CPU? Asus is apparently hoping to move some of its Eee PC 900 inventory …

Microsoft Crosses A Line — Until today I've largely been a big supporter of Microsoft's efforts to acquire Yahoo. A couple of days before Microsoft placed its initial $44.6 billion bid for the company, I told Fox Business Channel that a Microsoft merger had to happen to save Yahoo …

Reality Check: Internet Poses No Threat To TV — Remember that theory about online video cutting into TV time, and dragging ratings down? It got a great workout this year with the writers strike, etc. But it doesn't appear to be true. At least not now.
PR Newswire, Contentinople, NewTeeVee, Voices, Podcasting News,, Tech Trader Daily and WebProNews

Apple just gave out my Apple ID password because someone asked — I tried to log in to Apple Developer Connection this morning to find out that my password had been changed and the email associated with my account was now a address that wasn't mine. Please Use This TinyURL of the Future — URL shorteners like TinyURL are a wildly popular way to share long links over email, IM, microblogging and other contexts. The millions of shortcuts that have been created through such services represent a huge opportunity to capture interesting data …
Scripting News

Google Maps Tests Walking Directions — Google Maps tests a new feature: walking directions. You can already get driving directions and, for a small number of locations, Google Maps has transit directions, but these directions are not always useful if you don't use a car or a bus.
The Inquisitr, The Social, Silicon Alley Insider, Search Engine Land, WebProNews, and Outside The Beltway