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Yahoo! re-enters merger talks with Time Warner — Yahoo! spent the July 4 bank holiday weekend in discussions with its lead adviser, Goldman Sachs, and potential bid partners including Time Warner to defend itself from a break-up by Microsoft. — The online search engine is seeking …
Silicon Alley Insider, Search Engine Journal, The Register, Electronista, 901am and Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Microsoft Statement Regarding Carl Icahn Letter — REDMOND, Wash., July 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Microsoft Corp. today issued the following statement: — In the past week we have had the opportunity to discuss with Carl Icahn the prospects for a possible agreement between Microsoft and Yahoo!.

Icahn, Ballmer pair up, talk Microhoo; Push to boot Yang and Yahoo's board — Updated: Activist investor Carl Icahn and Microsoft are now in cahoots to toss Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and the company's board of directors. — Icahn says in a letter that he has been chatting up Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer along …
Tech Trader Daily

Microsoft Signals It Would Rather Talk To An Icahn-Controlled Yahoo — Dissident Yahoo shareholder Carl Icahn and Microsoft have been talking to each other (as has everyone else involved in a possible Yahoo deal, including Yahoo and AOL over the weekend). In a letter to shareholders …

Apple-Rogers falling out: A story too good to be true? — Daniel Smith, a Canadian sales and marketing consultant with an eclectic blog called Smithereens, posted on Saturday what he called “a very plausible rumour” about the launch at of Apple's iPhone 3G on the Rogers Communications network.

Apple Flips Rogers the Bird A Week Before Canadian iPhone Launch?
MacNN, p2pnet, Mark Evans, Engadget Mobile, Computerworld Blogs, Insanely Great Mac, iPhone Savior, Ubergizmo and MacRumors

iPhone 3G in Canada: Apple Doing to Rogers What Rogers Did to Consumers?
Discussion: blogs

Three Statistics That Lie — I love the line about lies; “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics”. You can use numbers to tell any story you want. — In the realm of web statistics, there are three numbers that are great to use if you want to tell lies. They are: — RSS subscriber numbers

National T-mobile 3G launch on October 1st? — Once and a while we will ask our users to take an article with a grain of salt. We're going to up the ante here, and tell you to take this one with a whole damn bucket of salt. That said, we have some exciting T-mobile news to bring you don't we?

Mobile ad company Admob is about to mint money — Advertising on mobile phones is a trying market. Americans have been slow to surf the mobile web, in large part because dominant carriers have made browsing the web so painful. — But one young company, Admob, is showing impressive results despite …

Hurry up, the customer has a complaint — As blogs expand the reach of a single voice, firms monitor the Internet looking for the dissatisfied — A complaint about Southwest Airlines made by Travis Johnson on the website Twitter drew a quick, public response from the airline. (JB Reed/Bloomberg News/File)

O2 starts 3G iPhone stampede - and runs away — O2 today started taking pre-orders on its website for Apple's iPhone 3G - and stopped taking them again within minutes of opening the doors. — Customers were told by text message that new iPhones were available to existing customers who upgrade.
TechCrunch UK,, World of Apple, SMS Text News, Infinite Loop and MacRumors iPhone Blog

Hope for Flash on iPhone? New Mac version runs 3 x faster — It's something Mac users have lived with for years: the version of Adobe's Flash Player for OSX runs much less efficiently than its Windows counterpart. Perhaps then, we shouldn't have been all that surprised …

Sazell Lets You “Snap The Web” — Sazell, launched in private beta today, is a social media site that lets you take a snapshot of any website and puts it in a Flash widget that you can embed on any site. A snapshot consists of the image chosen for the page, and highlighted or inputted text.

Pioneer Succeeds in Developing World's First 16-Layer Optical Disc — July 7, 2008, Tokyo, Japan - Pioneer Corporation has succeeded in developing a 16-layer read-only optical disc with a capacity of 400 gigabytes for the first time in the world*1. Its per-layer capacity is 25 gigabytes …