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Think Before You Voicemail — Voicemail is dead. Please tell everyone so they'll stop using it. — When I first started out in the real world in the mid-nineties voicemail was an important productivity tool. I remember people talking about the pros and cons of various enterprise voicemail systems …
DygiScape,, ben barren, VoIP Watch, Sadagopan's weblog …, HighTouch, Web Worker Daily, Texas Startup Blog, IntoMobile and Digg

Novelties: Electronic Papyrus: The Digital Book, Unfurled — New technologies are developing that make displays flexible, foldable or even as rollable as papyrus, so that large screens can be unfurled from small containers.

Thank you, Adobe Reader 9! — Recently I wrote a blog entry about bloated software, and how much better Foxit PDF reader was than Adobe Reader. But I was using Adobe Reader 8. Little did I know how much superior version 9 would be. — For starters, version 8 was a 22 MB download.

As Web Traffic Grows, Crashes Take Bigger Toll — SAN FRANCISCO — Alex Payne, a 24-year-old Internet engineer here, has devised a way to answer a commonly asked question of the digital age: Is my favorite Web site working today? — In March, Mr. Payne created, as in, “Down for everyone, or just me?”

Friendfeed v. Twitter: Half The Followers In Five Months — Twitter is still far larger than its much younger competitor Friendfeed in aggregate terms. But an interesting trend is developing - many longtime Twitter users are noticing that the number of followers they have on Friendfeed is growing far more rapidly than on Twitter.

Google, the press, and tearing down your heroes — The press seems to have a pattern reporting on successful technology companies. First, these companies can do no wrong, the heroes of our time, bringing us clever new ways of doing things that promise to dramatically change our lives.

On Day Care, Google Makes a Rare Fumble
Lockergnome,, VentureBeat, Silicon Alley Insider, Joe Duck, Beyond Search, Memex 1.1 and Digg

Line Rider Goes Silverlight — Have you heard of Line Rider? This game, or “toy” as it's often called, was originally created back in 2006 as a fun little time-waster that simulated physics through the simple act of of drawing a line with your mouse on the screen.

Big-name brands booking ads on Facebook — (07-04) 18:37 PDT — Throw a stapler at a Facebook friend, courtesy of Microsoft Office. Become a fan of Victoria's Secret Pink to discuss favorite bra colors. Show off your love for Slim Jim snacks with a virtual poke.

Ultra Mobile PC Buyer's Guide — We look at a range of versatile UMPCs and mobile Internet devices (MIDs) from ASUS, Gigabyte, and Samsung, Amtek, OQO, Roan Digital, Vye, and WiBrain. — Pity the ultra mobile personal computer. It's barely a few years old and it's already suffering from multiple personality disorder.

Europe drafts law to disconnect suspected filesharers — France has suggested an amendment to the pan-European Telecoms Package, which would bar broadband access to anyone who persists in illegally downloading music or films. — Last month, the government of Nicolas Sarkozy insisted on a similar …

Kid-Proof Your PC with SteadyState — When you've got your Windows XP or Vista setup running perfectly, you don't want to lose all your painstaking customizations to a reckless tot, an experiment-minded friend or spouse, or a rogue system-lousing program. Windows SteadyState …

Apple's iPhone could find Asia tough to crack — HONG KONG (AFP) - The iPhone 3G, which Apple is billing as twice as fast and half as expensive as the debut model, will roll out in cities from Tokyo to Sydney on Friday — but it could face challenges in Asia it will not have elsewhere.

Who would wait a week in line for an iPhone 3G? … Who's crazy enough to camp out for a week on the streets of New York City for a chance to be first to buy an iPhone 3G? — TheWhoFarm, that's who, a newly minted publicity-seeking environmental collective with an agrico-political mission …