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Open an account and your first album is on us — Shopping for music online just got easier. The new Rhapsody MP3 Store lets you listen to entire songs before you buy them*, provides recommendations, and delivers high-quality MP3s that can be played on your iPod or any other MP3 player.

Verizon Wireless gets Rhapsody music subscriptions
Download Squad

‘Unprecedented Pent-Up Demand’ For Apple iPhone 3G, RBC Says — More good news for Apple (AAPL) ahead of the 3G iPhone launch, scheduled for next Friday, July 11. Consumers have “unprecedented” demand for Apple's phone, according to new data from RBC's Technology Adoption Panel.

iPhone will ship in green packaging — Apple's new iPhone 3G will be shipped on July 11 in a potato starch paper tray. Apple placed an order with Dutch company PaperFoam, which also makes packages for Motorola. — The company confirmed this today to Dutch blog Bright.
9 to 5 Mac

Google and Creator of ‘Family Guy’ Strike a Deal — LOS ANGELES — Google is experimenting with a new method of distributing original material on the Web, and some Hollywood film financiers are betting millions that the company will succeed. — In September, Seth MacFarlane, creator of …
Contentinople, Digital Daily, Search Engine Land, NewTeeVee, Podcasting News, Online Media Cultist, Pulse 2.0, Gawker, MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer, metarand, MarketingVOX, Digital Destiny, Blogging Pro,,, WebProNews, Search Engine Journal, Valleywag, VentureBeat, Startup Meme, Google Blogoscoped,, John Battelle's Searchblog, Googling Google, Clickety Clack, Mashable!, Search Engine Watch Blog, and WinExtra

The “Family Guy” Strikes A Side Deal With Google, Keeps His $100M Day Job With Fox

Microsoft to stop selling Windows XP on Monday — REDMOND, Wash. - Microsoft Corp. is scheduled to stop selling its Windows XP operating system to retailers and major computer makers Monday, despite protests from a slice of PC users who don't want to be forced into using XP's successor, Vista.

Goodbye, XP. Hello, Midori — June 30 is the day that Microsoft begins phasing out Windows XP by no longer providing copies of the operating system to PC makers and retailers for preloading on new machines. It's also a good day (thanks to a recent New York Times opinion piece) …

Marc Andreessen Joins Facebook's Board Of Directors — Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape, Opsware and Ning and the former CTO of AOL, is adding a new notch in his belt: he has joined the board of directors of Facebook, two sources close to the company confirmed to us …
Silicon Alley Insider, WebProNews,, Wikinomics, All Facebook, Coop's Corner, Startup Meme and Valleywag

Tech Giants Join Together To Head Off Patent Suits — Several tech-industry heavyweights are banding together to defend themselves against patent-infringement lawsuits. Their plan: to buy up key intellectual property before it falls into the hands of parties that could use it against them, say people familiar with the matter.

Tech giants aim to cut patent trolls off at the pass
SmoothSpan Blog

Asustek to launch new Eee PCs with bigger keyboards — Asustek Computer is planning to launch new Eee PC models, the 904 and 905, which have an 8.9-inch panel but use a similar chassis and keyboard as the company's 10.2-inch models, according to sources at channel vendors.
jkOnTheRun, Engadget, GottaBeMobile, Liliputing, Mobility Site, UMPC Buzz, Ubergizmo, I4U News and VoIP Watch

No, Mr Kelly, I'm afraid the internet is not as clever as a single (human) brain — Kevin Kelly, one of the people behind Wired magazine, has come up with a stonking idea to follow up from Chris Anderson's (to be honest rather wonky) suggestion that “science is dead because search engines can do it for us” last week.
Ed Bott's Windows Expertise

OFT Refers Kangaroo To Competition Commission, Launch Delayed By Up To Six Months — A day before Ashley Highfield (pictured) becomes CEO, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), has referred the BBC Worldwide/ITV/C4 Kangaroo VOD JV to the Competition Commission, for a more thorough scrutiny that will significantly impede its planned launch.

First Dash Express Update Issued, Available via WiFi — Dash Express users are about to receive a software update and it's a doozy. For those of you in the market for a new GPS unit, take notice as this already-capable internet-connected portable unit from Dash gets some new functionality …

Smartphone battle royale: The land grab is good for buyers — Research in Motion misses its first quarter earnings target and cuts its outlook slightly. Palm has a hit with the Centro, but continues to disappoint. And Sony Ericsson sees a rough second quarter on “moderating demand of mid …

Copyright Office discovers web forms, online submissions — Given the fact that copyright has become an unlikely new rallying point for the digital culture wars, you might think that the Copyright Office itself would be the sort of place that's been accepting online submissions for years.