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I Freed Myself From E-Mail's Grip — EARLIER this year, I became tired of my usual morning ritual of spending hours catching up on e-mail. So I did something drastic to take back control of my productivity. — I stopped using e-mail most of the time. I quickly realized that the more messages …

10,000 Canadians petition Steve Jobs for iPhone rate relief — It's taken more than a year for the iPhone to make its way across the world's longest undefended border, which may help explain why so many Canadians are upset this weekend. — On Friday, Rogers Communications (RCI) …

Rogers announces iPhone 3G packages — Voice and data plans for Apple Inc.'s much-anticipated iPhone 3G will start at $60 per month when the smartphone hits Canadian stores on July 11, Rogers Wireless said Friday. — For $60, consumers get 150 minutes of voice calling …
Geek Culture

Want Some Facebook Stock At A $3 Billion Valuation? We Know Who To Call. — Facebook may have talked a few investors, including Microsoft, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing and Germany's Samwer brothers, into investing in the company's preferred stockat a $15 billion valuation.

NBC's Totalitarian Olympics: More on Restrictions; Online Video Only After TV Broadcast — And here I was rejoicing that finally we could do away with the lame soft-focus athlete stories and parochial commentary from NBCU with this Olympics: Yes, the company will have 2,200 hours of live competition …

Open Letter To Shel Israel - It's Over — When I first started my career, you made it a point to bury me online, and more importantly back channel as well. This is a fact. You and your crew went out of your way to take food off my plate. I never forgot that, and now you have something you'll never forget.

Sales Guy vs. Web Dude — I saw this on Dave Winer's Friendfeed stream yesterday. It's just too good not to post, even though its staged. Some adult language in there, and one NSFW image at the end. — The website for this show is usually at …
Delicate Genius Blog

The new internet traffic spikes — Theo Schlossnagle, author of Scalable Internet Architectures, gave a great explanation of how internet traffic spikes are shifting: … [Link]

Internet address suffix choice expanded — Businesses will be free to choose any suffix they please for their internet addresses after a decision yesterday to expand the choices beyond current staples such as “.com”, “.co” and “.org”. — The decision by the Internet Corporation …

Windows Could Use a Rush of Fresh Air — MICROSOFT Windows has put on a lot of weight over the years. — Beginning as a thin veneer for older software code, it has become an obese monolith built on an ancient frame. Adding features, plugging security holes, fixing bugs …

The Smoking Gun — As Bill Gates closed the door for the final time Friday on his ex-office (Ballmer takes over Monday) the rhetoric about continued one day a week doesn't match the reality. Whether you believe Bill will have an ongoing role in Office and Windows futures …

The Google Way of Science — There's a dawning sense that extremely large databases of information, starting in the petabyte level, could change how we learn things. The traditional way of doing science entails constructing a hypothesis to match observed data or to solicit new data.