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Google's Mobile-Handset Plans Are Slowed — ‘Android’ Launch Is Being Delayed As Carriers Struggle — Google Inc. is learning that changing the cellphone industry isn't easy. — The Internet giant and more than 30 partners announced in November a bold plan for a new breed of handsets based …
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Delayed: Android, aka Google Phone — If you are a start-up targeting the mobile industry, then you are well aware of the slow moving ways of incumbents, equipment makers and of course handset makers. You are made aware of their equally glacial ways when you come from the opposite end of the spectrum, Silicon Valley.
Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Silicon Alley Insider, AppleInsider, Electronista, Beyond Search, ForbesOnTech and CrunchGear

Breaking: Germany's Plazes Acquired By Nokia — Berlin, Germany based Plazes, a location based social network (and one of the first startups we ever wrote about here on TechCrunch, back in 2005), has been acquired by Finland-based Nokia, the companies are announcing today. The price is not being disclosed.

Nokia Acquires Plazes: To Be Ovi's New Mapping App — Nokia, the world's leading handset manufacturer, has announced its intention to acquire LBS web app Plazes. Berlin-based Plazes will provide Nokia with a social mapping property for Ovi, its new web portal.

Microsoft to Yahoo Shareholders: Fire Jerry And We Might Bid Again* — UPDATE: Microsoft's initial reaction to this story is that it “must be a translation issue” (i.e., that Kevin Johnson didn't say what Bloomberg is saying he said.) Investigation continues...

Modeling The Real Market Value Of Social Networks — Is MySpace worth $3 billion, or $20 billion? It depends on how you value a user. — It's time to start comparing the big global social networks on something other than unique visitors and page views.

Papers Facing Worst Year for Ad Revenue — For newspapers, the news has swiftly gone from bad to worse. This year is taking shape as their worst on record, with a double-digit drop in advertising revenue, raising serious questions about the survival of some papers and the solvency of their parent companies.

HP Slaps Open Source License on Unix File System — HP has opened the source code for its Tru64 Unix Advanced File System under General Public License version 2. The system is designed to simplify the filing and storage of data, enable online backups and increase availability.

Comcast Owned Fandango Buys From Disney — So Comcast (NSDQ: CMCSA) couldn't buy Disney (NYSE: DIS) a few years ago, but it has now succeeded in buying a part of it, sort of: Fandango, the online movie tickets service that Comcast bought a year ago, has bought out movies info site …
The Social, Hollywood Reporter, CenterNetworks, The Inquisitr, DSLreports, Contentinople, 901am, Tech Confidential and AppScout

Worldwide PCs in use surpass 1 billion, next billion to come in 2014 — So, we hear that Planet Earth is home to four billion phone lines. Now it can claim to house over one billion installed PCs — what do those neighboring planets have on that, huh? According to research firm Gartner …

Gartner Says More than 1 Billion PCs In Use Worldwide and Headed …
Technology Live

Diller Fashions IAC Ad Network — Bands Together Targeted Audience Segments in Bid to Lift $216 Million Ad Revenue — NEW YORK ( — A high percentage of ad revenue from Barry Diller's IAC comes from a small percentage of inventory, leaving the bulk of it to be outsourced to aggregator ad networks.
Silicon Alley Insider, The Social, WebProNews,, MarketingVOX and Virtual Worlds News

George Carlin's Death Spikes Searches For His Seven Words You Can Never Say On TV — I was saddened to hear one of my favorite comedians, George Carlin, passed away Sunday. Clearly he touched many people. A quick look at Google Trends shows searches related to him have spiked up as well as for his famous …

Nice Work, TiVo, But Here's The TV Remote We Want: No Remote — Something we missed over the weekend: A neat Gizmodo post about the evolution of the peanut-shaped TiVo (TIVO) remote control and Paul Newby, who developed it. Hat tip to TiVo. That's a nice remote.

Atari goes after site after it posts negative, early review — It's a well-known fact in the world of game reviews that publishers wish to control every step of the process. They decide who receives early access to the titles, they make the rules about when the reviews can be run …

SocialMedia to unveil ‘friendship ranks’ — Know how to win friends and influence people? Advertisers want you to peddle their stuff to peers on Facebook and MySpace. — Internet start-ups out to crack the problem of advertising on social networks are developing ad technology that can analyze …