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Google Trends For Websites Rocks, Unless You Want Data On Google — The new Google Trends product that measures website traffic (the old product simply measures search queries) is a great way to get data on website traffic. It may not be perfect, but it's yet another data source …

Checking Out Google Trends For Websites — I need to start this post with an important disclosure. I was on the Board of ComScore for nine years from the summer of 1999 until earlier this month. And I am still a shareholder in ComScore through the Flatiron partnerships.
Googling Google, Joe Duck, Washington Post, Search Engine Land and Silicon Alley Insider

Surviving the Net — Who controls TinyURL (or Snurl or other URL shortener) controls the high ground in the battle for the Internet platform. Here's why: Our brains are wired to protect ourselves from threats to our food, oxygen, and water sources. Most attacks on our supply chains come …

Predicting Where You'll Go and What You'll Like — THAT hoariest of real estate truisms — location, location, location — may soon be a clarion call for all sorts of businesses. — We're in the midst of a boom in devices that show where people are at any point in time.
Silicon Alley Insider

WWDC Snow Leopard and Safari 4 Screenshots — German site has posted (via Engadget) screenshots from Safari 4 as well as Apple's preview release of Snow Leopard given to developers at WWDC. — Not surprisingly, since the next version of Mac OS X is being billed as having few new features …

Does Facebook's Overseas Growth Matter? — Earlier this month, I shared with you my post that called for a big wake-up call for Social Networking sector, thanks to the presence of too many me-too players at a time when recent traffic trends are showing signs of hitting a plateau.

MySpace versus Facebook: Analysis of both traffic and ad revenue, using Google Trends — (above, Facebook beating MySpace in Australia with the crossover at Oct 07) — MySpace versus Facebook — As some of you know, I've previously written about the MySpace versus Facebook topic, both a year ago in the post Wanna bet?

Where In The World Is Jerry Yang? — People have been wondering about Jerry Yang all week. He's been quiet since the NYTimes article calling for his head was published last weekend. — This isn't an issue of him simply being out of town. He was in Washington D.C. on Wednesday meeting …

Dell pushes back desktop XP cutoff date to June 26 — Sure, you'll be able to pay out the nose for a Vista machine with a XP Professional “downgrade” soon enough, but Dell just pushed back its cutoff for straight-up XP machines. They'll be selling select Inspiron and XPS desktop …

The iPhone's shocking cost of international downloads — Using the Apple mobile to watch TV overseas could cost more than your break — The thousands of consumers planning to snap up a 3G iPhone when they go on sale next month could be hit with bills of thousands of pounds if they download music …
MacRumors iPhone Blog

MPAA Says It Doesn't Need Evidence to Convict Pirates — Threat Level reports that the MPAA now argues that it has the right to demand up to $150,000 in damages per illegally downloaded file, without having to proof that someone actually downloaded that file. — Yes we know, this doesn't make sense at all.

Evolution of Gmail chat — Often, the features we launch seem so simple that you might think they're the result of blatantly obvious design decisions. In fact, every feature is subjected to a healthy dose of scrutiny within the Gmail team, and usually that includes rapidly iterating …