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Google Trends Comes To Web Sites: Trends For Web Sites — Google has launched a major addition to Google Trends named Trends for Web Sites. Trends for Web Sites extends Google Trends by enabling you to search for web site addresses, as opposed to just searching for trends by keyword.
The Inquisitr, AppScout, Download Squad, Micro Persuasion, Mashable!, VentureBeat, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and Matt Cutts

MySpace versus Facebook: Analysis of both traffic and ad revenue, using Google Trends — (above, Facebook beating MySpace in Australia with the crossover at Oct 07) — MySpace versus Facebook — As some of you know, I've previously written about the MySpace versus Facebook topic, both a year ago in the post Wanna bet?

Google Faces Off With Compete, Alexa, Comscore, Quantcast (And Soon Firefox) — Google has just introduced Google Trends For Websites, a new tool that lets users take a peek at the traffic data from sites around the web. The new feature pits Google against a number of well-established players …

Dear Yahoo, I Quit! Signed, [Your Name Here] — You know you wish you could quit Yahoo. — It's a drag now that the Microsoft balloon has burst. Like that was gonna make working here anything like the good old days when you could buy a Maserati on yesterday afternoon's pop. — The upside to Icahn?

Executive exodus leaves Yahoo in a pickle — Voluntarily or not, it looks like Yahoo will be getting a lot less top-heavy. — The pioneering but troubled Internet company is headed for a reorganization that, combined with an exodus of top Yahoo executives, will in all likelihood put power in dramatically fewer hands.

AP/Drudge Retort “Resolution” Leaves Fair Use Questions Unanswered — AP and the Drudge Retort have resolved their copyright issue — but do bloggers, journalists, and others remain on thin ice? — This week I've been covering what appears to be an assault by the Associated Press on the principle of fair use.

More on the settlement: AP's nightmare identified — Robert Cox, the Media Bloggers Association guy who represented Cadenhead in this matter, has a lengthy post about what happened this week. Go read it. I wasn't there but I've dealt with lots of similar situations as an editor and this all sounds pretty believable.

Microsoft without Gates — The challenge isn't replacing Bill. That's already happened. Ballmer's big issues now: growth, Google, and those pesky Apple ads. — (Fortune Magazine) — Steve Ballmer was sobbing. He repeatedly tried to speak and couldn't get the words out.

NebuAd hires like spyware, acts like spyware — At least five high-ranking employees at NebuAd, a Silicon Valley start-up that snoops on Web surfers on behalf of their Internet service providers, are veterans of one of the more notorious spyware companies around, Claria Corp.

Get Cooking with the Webmaster Tools API — As the days grow longer and summer takes full stage, many of us are flocking to patios and parks to engage in the time-honored tradition of grilling food. When it comes to cooking outdoors, the type of grills used span a spectrum from primitive to high tech.

Taterf - all your drives are belong to me!!!1!one! — As you all probably know by now, this month in MSRT was a very significant release for Gamers everywhere with the addition of a variety of password stealers directly targeting Online games. The main targets are mostly based in Eastern Asia …

Evolution of Gmail chat — Often, the features we launch seem so simple that you might think they're the result of blatantly obvious design decisions. In fact, every feature is subjected to a healthy dose of scrutiny within the Gmail team, and usually that includes rapidly iterating …

ComScore: Facebook is beating MySpace worldwide — New numbers from metrics firm ComScore show that in May, the battle of the social-networking sites may have gained a new front-runner: Facebook appears to have surpassed longtime rival MySpace in worldwide unique visitors for the first time.

Interview with Alan Taylor, Creator of Boston Globe's The Big Picture — With its vibrant oversized photographs and minimalist design, the Boston Globe's The Big Picture weblog launched on June 1 to instant global acclaim. It's designed, programmed, and written by Alan Taylor …
Boston Globe