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reddit goes open source — Today we're excited to announce that we're open sourcing reddit. We've always strived to be as open and transparent with our users as possible, and this is the next logical step. When we say ‘open-source’ we mean specifically that the code behind reddit …
TechCrunch, Open Sources, The Inquisitr, webmonkey, SitePoint Blogs, Startup Dunia and Startup Meme

Digg this: Reddit goes open source — In the arena of crowd voting sites there is Digg and then there is everyone else. Every once in a while a challenger will come up that looks promising, but it fades away. — For a while that was Netscape (now called Propeller), then it was Mixx …
CenterNetworks, Mashable!, TechConsumer, Ars Technica, Download Squad, CyberNet, The Last Podcast, Laughing Squid, Valleywag and Pulse 2.0

YouTube Shifts Strategy, Tries Long-Form Video — YouTube (GOOG), known for short clips of dogs on skateboards, cats on treadmills, is trying something new: Showing video that is much longer than its previous 10-minute limit. It's something of a test right now, limited to YouTube's …

YouTube goes long — The popular video site is experimenting with full-length video to attract more advertisers. — (Fortune) — At first glance, “Howard Buttelman, Daredevil Stuntman” appears to be typical YouTube farce. It's a video about a small town tuxedo salesman who thinks he's the next Evel Knievel.

IE Sends Mozilla a New Cake for Firefox 3 — 14678 people have read this post. — Sean from Microsoft came by just a few minutes ago to drop off a cake for the Internet Explorer team. As people may recall, the IE team sent Mozilla a cake after Firefox 2 shipped and it seems that they wanted to continue the tradition.

Firefox Reaches Its Goal Despite Site Problems — When the final version of Firefox 3 became available yesterday, it seemed they were going to have a hard time reaching their goal of five million downloads - an arbitrary number, since the record for most software downloads in 24 hours didn't exist before …
Hardware 2.0, Lifehacker, The Inquisitr, The Register, Switched, In Pursuit of Mysteries and Startup Meme

Statistics show Firefox 3 spreading fast — Firefox 3 is spreading fast, claiming more than 4 percent of the share of Web browser usage less than 24 hours after its release. — According to Net Applications, which monitors browser usage at major Web sites, Firefox 3 rapidly ascended …

‘New York Times’ goes social with TimesPeople — CNET's Caroline McCarthy interviews two — software engineers for a video in collaboration with — (Credit: — The New York Times has added a new feature to its Web site that takes a few cues …

Microsoft Announces Acquisition of Navic Networks — Navic enables Microsoft to work with industry partners to optimize the delivery and placement of television advertising. — Microsoft Corp. today announced the acquisition of Navic Networks, a leading provider of television advertising solutions.

Microsoft Grabs Navic, Stalks Google TV (MSFT, GOOG)
Xconomy, Adweek, Wall Street Journal, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Watch Blog, WebProNews and Valleywag

Xohm WiMAX to go live in September, says Sprint CTO — Now we know. After weeks of speculation as to when Xohm, the WiMAX business unit of Sprint Nextel, would launch commercial services, Barry West, Sprint Nextel CTO and president of Xohm, finally named the month (if not the day).
Computerworld, Sprint Connection, DSLreports,, Network Observations, FierceWireless and Telecompetitor

Verizon Extends Groundbreaking 50/20 Mbps FiOS Internet Service to Entire FiOS Footprint — Verizon President and COO Denny Strigl Announces Groundbreaking 50/20 and 20/20 Mbps FiOS Internet Services Will Be Available to More Than 10 Million Homes and Small Businesses
Between the Lines, CNN, DSLreports, Engadget, Telecompetitor, michael parekh on IT, jkOnTheRun, CrunchGear, Electronista and Gizmodo

Will GPS Make Us Dumb? — Experts Say Direction-Giving Phones Could Make Us Lose Our Way — For most people — the cab driver, the tourist, the business traveler — the ubiquitous GPS has become a lifeline, giving directions to the nearest bathroom, a pizza joint or the shortest route to the office.

Teens use technology to party in strangers' pools — Tech savvy teens are using Google Earth's splendidly clear aerial shots of the UK to launch a summertime craze - pool crashing. — Teens begin by surfing Google Earth's satellite images to find houses with swimming pools - or at least paddling pools.

Kid Rock boycotts iTunes over pay — US music star Kid Rock is refusing to put his albums on iTunes because he says artists do not get paid enough for downloads from the Apple store. — Kid Rock is one of the last few acts not fully signed up to the service.

Is LinkedIn Worth $1 Billion? — LinkedIn Worth $1 billion? — I think so — It is seriously overvalued — I don't care either way. — The big news tonight is business social network LinkedIn raised $53 million in Series D funding at a valuation of $1 billion.
VC Ratings, BloggingStocks, InfoWorld, Associated Press, New York Times, The LinkedIn Blog, Epicenter, broadstuff and Beyond Search