Top Items:

Icahn to Yahoo: Nix the poison pill, now — Editor's note: Updated on June 4, Wednesday, at 3:06 p.m. PDT with comments from Carl Icahn during an interview on CNBC. — Billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who is waging a proxy fight with Yahoo, sent a letter to Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock on Wednesday.
Business Week, Coop's Corner, Computerworld, Electronista, Forbes, Silicon Alley Insider, STARTUP CHATTER, WebProNews and The Tech Report

BoomTown Decodes Carl Icahn's Latest Letter to Yahoo (The Crazy Eddie Edition) — Break out the sedatives, because Carl Icahn is getting mighty tetchy with Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and the board of directors of the troubled Internet company! — In yet another letter to Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock …

How to Get and Keep Windows XP After June 30 — Microsoft may be sunsetting XP, but you'll still be able to buy it on some new systems—and support isn't going away for several years. — Windows XP is dead ... long live Windows XP. You may have heard that as of June 30 …
One Microsoft Way

Windows Search 4.0 Released to Web — Not necessarily a “Windows Experience” (although it does improve the Windows Experience) - I'm making this post on behalf of the Windows Search Team. Oh and I am really excited for this release. — Today we released the final version of Windows Search 4.0 to Microsoft Download Center.

Firefox 3 (Release Candidate 2) Release Notes — This second Firefox 3 Release Candidate is a preview release of Mozilla's next generation Firefox browser and is being made available for testing purposes only. — Preview releases are published to collect feedback from Web developers …
Discussion:, Download Squad, Mozilla Developer News, Hardware 2.0,, Mozilla Links, TechBlog and The Mac Observer

Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Is the Best Browser For Web — For Now — If you buy a new Windows Vista PC, it comes with a decent built-in Web browser, Internet Explorer 7. If you buy a new Macintosh computer, it comes with a decent built-in Web browser, Safari 3.0. So why would you want or need a different Web browser?
Spread Firefox

Mac OS X 10.6 code named Snow Leopard, may be pure Cocoa — The next version of Mac OS X is code-named “Snow Leopard,” and will indeed be Intel-only, we have learned. This info is hot on the heels of TUAW's original scoop about Mac OS X 10.6 being readied for shipment as soon as Macworld 2009 and being Intel-only.
VentureBeat, Fast Company, Engadget, The UberReview, Forbes, Gizmodo, MacUser, MacRumors, Insanely Great Mac, Daring Fireball, MacDailyNews, Today @ PC World, The Apple Core, Apple Gazette, The Apple Blog, MacSlash, Boy Genius Report, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Silicon Alley Insider and Digg

What Newspapers Still Don't Understand About The Web — Why is Google making more money everyday while newspapers are making less? I'm going to pick on The Washington Post again only because it's my local paper and this is a local example. — There were severe storms in the Washington area today …

NASA and Google Announce Lease at Ames Research Center — Mountain View, Calif. (June 4, 2008) - NASA and Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) today announced plans to develop a new high-technology campus at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. — Under the terms of the 40-year agreement …
VentureBeat, Digital Daily, The Register, WebProNews, Valleywag, Between the Lines and CNET

Boffins prove the existence of jet-setters — You can believe them. They secretly tracked 100,000 cell phone users — According to researchers at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, most people rarely venture more than a few miles from home. And these researchers know what they're talking about.

Study secretly tracks cell phone users outside US

Yelp plans splashy debut in location-aware mobile market — Business reviews site Yelp will be focusing quite a bit on mobile features in the near future, including an upcoming location-aware iPhone app on the way, company representatives told CNET Wednesday.

Introducing A New TechCrunch Video Project: Elevator Pitches — We get a ton of pitches at TechCrunch every single day. It is a deluge we can hardly keep up with. Some are amusing, some are horrible, and a select few rise to the level of deserving a post. The large majority, though, never see the light of day.

McAfee, Inc. Names Most Dangerous Domains to Surf and Search on the Web — New McAfee Research Names Hong Kong as Most Dangerous Country Domain; Finland is Safest — Hong Kong (.hk) domain has jumped 28 places as the most dangerous place to surf and search on the web according to a new McAfee Inc. …

Acer bets big on Linux — Vendor shifts towards open source ‘because of Microsoft’ … Acer has stated that it will be pushing Linux aggressively on its laptops and netbooks. — The company is already heavily promoting Linux for its low cost ultra-portable netbook range out later this year …

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Improved Uptime Is Top Priority — Twitter is working on adding the ability for users to separate their contacts into groups, support for sending and receiving messages by e-mail, and adding new instant-message and Internet channels for the service …
The Last Podcast

Verismo Box Plugs Web into Your TV — Verismo Networks on Tuesday previewed “the PoD,” a tiny box that brings web content to your TV monitor without needing a PC in between, at the Under the Radar conference in Mountain View, Calif. I'd never heard of the company before sitting down for the session …