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Starbucks offers new flavor: Free Wi-Fi — Thirsty for more business during the worst slump in its history, Starbucks will try to lure more customers by offering two hours of free AT&T Wi-Fi a day. — The Wi-Fi freebie will be available starting Tuesday to customers who purchase …

MSI Wind (Windows XP) — This 10-inch mini-notebook has good computing punch and impressive endurance. — Price as Reviewed: $499.00 — Review Contents: — In order to achieve their diminutive size, weight, and price, most mini-notebooks come with compromises: the screen or keyboard is too small …
DailyTech, jkOnTheRun, UMPCPortal, Engadget, Gizmodo, LAPTOP Magazine, SlashGear and GottaBeMobile

Acer aspires to lead low-cost laptop race — After months as the subject of speculation in the media, Acer will introduce its own low-cost mini-notebook PC at the Computex trade show in Taipei on Tuesday. — The device will be called the Acer Aspire One, as expected.

Time Warner Cable tries metering Internet use — Time Warner Cable starts customer trial with metered Internet access in Texas — NEW YORK (AP) — You're used to paying extra if you use up your cell phone minutes, but will you be willing to pay extra if your home computer goes over its Internet allowance?
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Make blogging effortless with Zemanta — One of blogging's biggest barriers is how much work you have to do to get a post out the door. You can stick to straight text, but adding links, pictures, tags, and related stories makes it more engaging for your readers.

Following Success of Windows on Netbooks, Microsoft Extends Windows Offering to Nettop Devices — More than 20 OEMs are delivering Windows solutions on their netbook devices. — Today at Computex, Microsoft Corp. announced that following the success of Windows on netbooks …
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Announcing SquirrelFish — “Hello, Internet!” — WebKit's core JavaScript engine just got a new interpreter, code-named SquirrelFish. — SquirrelFish is fast—much faster than WebKit's previous interpreter. Check out the numbers. On the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark …

Sudden Disconnect Over Social Networking Deal — Despite Friendly Overtures, Competing Interests Threaten Venture Between Google and Facebook — Google's announcement of a service to “make the Web more social” was decidedly casual, or staged to seem that way.

Jimmy Wales Reboots His ‘Google-Killer’ — Last January, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales launched a search engine called Wikia Search, a purported “Google-killer” that aimed to edit and refine search results with the same methods that have made Wikipedia a Web phenomenon—the contributions of thousands of volunteers.

Apple's iPhone loses U.S. market share in Q1 — RIM and Palm's smartphones gained ground on Apple's iPhone in the first quarter, according to IDC. — (Credit: CNET Networks) — Apple experienced a bit of a setback in the U.S. smartphone market during the first quarter after coming …

Dell 2709W — Dell's previous 27-inch screen, the 2707WFP, was designed as a larger version of the 24-inch alternative — it featured the same resolution of 1,920x1,200, a bigger screen, and hence bigger dot pitch — meaning things were just a little bit larger, a boon for those with diminishing vision.

Auctions on eBay: A Dying Breed — As consumers opt for fixed-price purchases, what happens to the company that perfected the art of online bidding—and the scores of e-auctioneers? — Bruce Hershenson, who auctions vintage posters online, is hanging up his eBay gavel.
Paul McNamara's blog

Google lets admins control site search — On a modest but significant scale, Google is sharing with its customers some of the control it wields over the search market. — As countless search-engine-optimization consultants can attest, Google maintains tight control over the parameters that rank the results of Internet searches.

Latest Round of Semi-Credible 3G iPhone Specs: 22 Percent Thinner — We know, we know, it's just a week away. But this round of rumored specs for the 3G iPhone comes via Leander Kahney who has deep tentacles in Apple, and should have a solid source BS detector.