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.Mac re-branding is coming — I'm not in Apple rumors business, but... hell... why not? — Apple will rename their .Mac service soon. Hints are everywhere in Mac OS X 10.5.3 update. — iCal's Localizable.strings file contains the following string: … Safari has the following lines in its Localizable.strings:

Mobile Me? — Poking around the updated files in 10.5.3, the Russian-language site Deep Apple noticed that iCal's “Localizable.strings” resource file now contains placeholders for the name “.Mac”, with the following comment: … This is new to 10.5.3; in 10.5.2, the name “.Mac” was hard-coded, not a localizable string.
VentureBeat, 9 to 5 Mac,,, The Unofficial Apple Weblog and Apple Gazette

Apple's .Mac Service to be Renamed, Revamped? [MobileMe?]
Byte of the Apple

Comcast Hijackers Say They Warned the Company First — The computer attackers who took down Comcast's homepage and webmail service for more than five hours Thursday say they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. — In an hour-long telephone conference call with Threat Level …
Business Technology, CNET, Slashdot, IP Democracy, DSLreports, NewTeeVee, MarketingShift, TG Daily, Dancho Danchev's Blog, StopBadware Blog, Consumerist and Digg

How was hijacked? — It's official, even a pothead can social engineer Network Solutions. In an in-depth interview with the hijackers, featuring some screenshots showing they had access to the complete portfolio of over 200 domain names controlled by Comcast …

New iPhone Is Already Here — The launch of the next-generation iPhone promises to be Steve Jobs' greatest stunt yet. — Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ), Jobs' secretive computer and gadget company, has been quietly positioning millions of units of a mysterious new product …

The New iPhone's New Winner — Depending which iPhone rumor you believe, the 3G version of iPhone has either been delayed or already landed on U.S. shores and is on its way to being announced at Apple's WWDC in San Francisco next month. The interest in the 3G version of the iPhone …

Twitter: Don't blame Ruby, blame Scoble — Micro-messaging site Twitter has gone from zero to transparent in a hurry. That is to say, it has gone from keeping users in the dark during its downtime to explaining the problems it is having in detail. Tonight, developer Alex Payne wrote a Q …

Google's New Blue Fav Icon :: Google Updated Their Favorite Browser Icon — Such minor things as changing a favorite icon is noticed immediately by people. Google, sometime over night, updated their favorite icon to a new icon. The favorite icon is the little icon that is displayed in the browser URL bar on most modern browsers.

Outing Google Merchant Search — A reader sent us an example of the new Google Merchant Search live and in the wild. What's Google Merchant Search? After a little poking around, it appears to be a new but unannounced program in beta where people can comparison shop services like loans.

Is YouTube Building Market Dominance At The Expense of Building A Business? — If you look at YouTube's numbers, one thing is clear: It completely dominates online video. YouTube accounts for 37 percent of all videos watched on the Internet and attracts about half of the audience, according to comScore.

Nolo Contendere — Readers have been asking — demanding even — an update on Team Cringely, my plan to win the Google Lunar X Prize and give my kids an inheritance worth fighting over. So this week I have to announce that, alas, Team Cringely is no longer in competition for the Google Prize.

Google Gears as the Next Flash — When Google Gears was first announced, it was praised as the final nail in the coffin for desktop applications as it now made it possible to take Web applications offline. However in the past year that Gears has existed, there hasn't been as much progress …

Canadian group: Facebook “a minefield of privacy invasion” — Facebook is the focus of a new complaint in Canada over its privacy policies and practices. The Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) filed the complaint this morning, asking the Privacy Commissioner …

Firefox shoots for world record — Mozilla is hoping to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of downloads of an application in one day, on the release of its Firefox 3 web browser. — There is currently no official Guinness World Record for the total number of downloads of an application in a day.