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Twitter: Don't blame Ruby, blame Scoble — Micro-messaging site Twitter has gone from zero to transparent in a hurry. That is to say, it has gone from keeping users in the dark during its downtime to explaining the problems it is having in detail. Tonight, developer Alex Payne wrote a Q …
Podcasting News,, Webomatica, The Last Podcast, My Blog Posts and Smalltalk Tidbits …

You've Got Q's, We've Got A's — We had a lot of feedback on our architecture update. In the spirit of continued openness and transparency, I'd like to address a number of the questions that came up in the comments on that post. — Donnie asks if we're making a slow exodus from Ruby …

Big changes coming to .Mac? — Rumors are flying about major changes coming to Apple's .Mac online service. Perhaps most interesting is this post from Dmitry Chestnykh, the CEO at Coding Robots. He went through the iCal Localizable.strings file in the recently released 10.5.3 update and found a number of changes.

Sources: Apple planning biggest back-to-school promo yet — Apple as early as Monday is expected to announce its 2008 back-to-school promotion, which will encourage students to purchase a new Mac through some of the biggest incentives in the company's history, AppleInsider has learned.

Mobile Me? — Poking around the updated files in 10.5.3, the Russian-language site Deep Apple noticed that iCal's “Localizable.strings” resource file now contains placeholders for the name “.Mac”, with the following comment: … This is new to 10.5.3; in 10.5.2, the name “.Mac” was hard-coded, not a localizable string.

Did China's Hackers Shut Off the Lights? (Updated) — Hackers working on behalf of China's People's Liberation Army have penetrated networks controlling electric power grids in the United States, computer security experts believe. And that may have precipitated a massive blackout …

US probes whether laptop copied on China trip

New iPhone Is Already Here — The launch of the next-generation iPhone promises to be Steve Jobs' greatest stunt yet. — Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ), Jobs' secretive computer and gadget company, has been quietly positioning millions of units of a mysterious new product …
9 to 5 Mac

Comcast Hijackers Say They Warned the Company First — The computer attackers who took down Comcast's homepage and webmail service for over five hours Thursday say they didn't know what they were getting themselves into. — In an hour-long telephone conference call with Threat Level …

Google's New Blue Fav Icon :: Google Updated Their Favorite Browser Icon — Such minor things as changing a favorite icon is noticed immediately by people. Google, sometime over night, updated their favorite icon to a new icon. The favorite icon is the little icon that is displayed in the browser URL bar on most modern browsers.
Search Engine Watch Blog

Android to offer iPhone-like App Store — Google I/O Google will offer an iPhone-like app store for Android, giving developers a central means of distributing applications on its soon-to-be-open-source mobile platform. At least, it looks that way. — Speaking at the Google …

Google's Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?
Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, Computerworld, Changing Way, Simon's Blog and

Glimpses of a Google Maps Redesign — Google Maps is showing a redesign here, though I don't know in what occasions it shows and whether it's experimental or meant to go live for everyone. At the moment in Firefox (but not Internet Explorer, and also not in Firefox on another computer) …

Apple Shooting 3G iPhone Commercial at 5th Avenue Apple Store? [Updatedx5] — Apple's 24-hour flagship 5th Avenue retail store in Manhattan is in the process of shutting down for the night. An unusual move for the 24-hour store. Apple's retail page reflects the temporary shutdown:
TG Daily, iPhone Savior, MobileCrunch, InformationWeek Weblog, CrunchGear, Electronista, Brier Dudley's blog, Boy Genius Report, 9 to 5 Mac and Digg

No Way to Build an Operating System — This is no way to build an operating system. Microsoft Watch opines, based on the D6 conference stage show: Windows 7 will ship in 2009, almost certainly in time for holiday PCs. Microsoft disclosed today that there would be no major architectural changes …

Outing Google Merchant Search — A reader sent us an example of the new Google Merchant Search live and in the wild. What's Google Merchant Search? After a little poking around, it appears to be a new but unannounced program in beta where people can comparison shop services like loans.

Google spotlights data center inner workings — SAN FRANCISCO—The inner workings of Google just became a little less secret. — The search colossus has shed only occasional light on its data center operations, but on Wednesday, Google fellow Jeff Dean turned a spotlight on some parts of the operation.
Data Center Knowledge

Microsoft's grand plan to eliminate phone numbers — I've been puzzling over transcripts of a couple of recent speeches by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates where he discussed his vision for the end of phone numbers. But it wasn't until today, when I learned more about Microsoft's “Echoes” …