Top Items:

You've Got Q's, We've Got A's — We had a lot of feedback on our architecture update. In the spirit of continued openness and transparency, I'd like to address a number of the questions that came up in the comments on that post. — Donnie asks if we're making a slow exodus from Ruby …

Twitter: Don't blame Ruby, blame Scoble — Micro-messaging site Twitter has gone from zero to transparent in a hurry. That is to say, it has gone from keeping users in the dark during its downtime to explaining the problems it is having in detail. Tonight, developer Alex Payne wrote a Q …

Did China's Hackers Shut Off the Lights? — Hackers working on behalf of China's People's Liberation Army have penetrated networks controlling electric power grids in the United States, computer security experts believe. And that may have precipitated a massive blackout on the east coast in 2003 …
Technology Live

US probes whether laptop copied on China trip — WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. authorities are investigating whether Chinese officials secretly copied the contents of a government laptop computer during a visit to China by Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez and used the information to try to hack …

China's cyber-militia behind U.S. blackouts? — Chinese hackers may have been behind power blackouts in Florida and the Northeast, according to a report in the National Journal. — The report, penned by Shane Harris for the National Journal, lays out a lengthy case that China …
Threat Level

Android to offer iPhone-like App Store — Google I/O Google will offer an iPhone-like app store for Android, giving developers a central means of distributing applications on its soon-to-be-open-source mobile platform. At least, it looks that way. — Speaking at the Google …

Google's Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?
Alexander van Elsas's Weblog …, Computerworld, Changing Way, Simon's Blog, and Guardian Unlimited

Apple Shooting 3G iPhone Commercial at 5th Avenue Apple Store? [Updatedx5] — Apple's 24-hour flagship 5th Avenue retail store in Manhattan is in the process of shutting down for the night. An unusual move for the 24-hour store. Apple's retail page reflects the temporary shutdown:

Google spotlights data center inner workings — SAN FRANCISCO—The inner workings of Google just became a little less secret. — The search colossus has shed only occasional light on its data center operations, but on Wednesday, Google fellow Jeff Dean turned a spotlight on some parts of the operation.
Data Center Knowledge

New iPhone Is Already Here — The launch of the next-generation iPhone promises to be Steve Jobs' greatest stunt yet. — Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ), Jobs' secretive computer and gadget company, has been quietly positioning millions of units of a mysterious new product …
9 to 5 Mac

Budget-busting threatens digital revolution, says Telegraph chief — PDA invited Edward Roussel, digital editor of the Telegraph Media Group, to comment on the findings of the review. — Edward Roussell — There was something comforting and reassuring …

Is Google Violating a California Privacy Law? — After I wrote about Google's spat with an advertising trade group over the company's refusal to put a link to its privacy policy on the home page of, I discovered that there is actually a California law on the subject.

GooTube — Google is turning YouTube into its own kind of data gold mine. So what if a few founding employees wind up in the dust? — Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) drew sneers when it paid $1.65 billion for YouTube in November 2006. Only 63 people worked at this little video distributor …
WatchingTV Online

Microsoft's grand plan to eliminate phone numbers — I've been puzzling over transcripts of a couple of recent speeches by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates where he discussed his vision for the end of phone numbers. But it wasn't until today, when I learned more about Microsoft's “Echoes” …

Now There are Two: Brazil Appeals OOXML Adoption — Slashdot It! DiggThis Add to — Views: 127 — Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), the National Body representing Brazil, today filed an appeal to the approval of OOXML by ISO/IEC …

MAXroam saves its customers a million dollars. — Well I hope I wont be hanging of a Spanish balcony trying to do a TC50 interview with Michael Arrington this year. — I cant believe its nine months since we nervously launched MAXroam in San Francisco. — Its been a wild ride but its turned out amazingly good.

Naveen Jain's Latest Scam: Intelius — When serial entrepreneur Naveen Jain left the company he founded, InfoSpace, in disgrace in late 2002, a lot of people thought he would never be trusted by the financial markets again (see this three part series from the Seattle Times that talks extensively …

MediaDefender Behind the Attack on Revision3 — MediaDefender is a company that acts on behalf of other media companies to muck up P2P and file sharing networks. They're the ones seeding BitTorrent with fake files - a tactic they hope will make filesharing appear to be too much of a hassle and therefore not worth the effort.

Revision3 Sends FBI after MediaDefender
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