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Blame FriendFeed — Robert Scoble. Blame FriendFeed. Steve Rubel. Blame FriendFeed. The Shel puppet. Blame FriendFeed. Dave Winer. Blame FriendFeed. — FriendFeed is a parasite service built on the back of Twitter. Let's get this straight. No Twitter, no FriendFeed.

FriendFeed Still Has a Lot of Killing to Do — With Twitter down all the time, the super-early adopters are getting frustrated and looking to FriendFeed as their salvation. Duncan (over at Inquisitr now) argues that it is time for FriendFeed to kill Twitter. And Jason Kaneshiro at Webomatica already has FriendFeed Fever.

Web users ‘getting more selfish’ — Web users are getting more ruthless and selfish when they go online, reveals research. — The annual report into web habits by usability guru Jakob Nielsen shows people are becoming much less patient when they go online.

Global Dreams for a Wireless Web — SITTING on the porch at Finca Torrenova, his 800-acre retreat on this Mediterranean island, Martin Varsavsky ticks off the credentials of the group of Internet entrepreneurs finishing lunch at a nearby table. — “He has 40 million uniques, he has 50 million …

Something is wrong on the internet! — xkcd recently posted a webcomic that is quickly becoming a classic cartoon: — That comic sums up the internet in one sentence: the scrum of jostling opinions on the web and the optimism that truth can still win out.

Proposed Treaty Turns Internet Into a Virtual Police State — Again, it's one of the few bastions of anti-corruption, Wikileaks, that has spilled the beans on this unsavory topic. Yesterday the site revealed a document proposing a treaty that will significantly limit the privacy and rights …

Facebook Platform, One Year Later — Today marks the one-year anniversary of the release of Facebook Platform. We figured it would be a fitting time to take a look at what the platform promised, what it's delivered, and where it's going in the future. The summary: Facebook Platform …

Photoshop to get GPU and physics acceleration — Santa Clara (CA) - GPU acceleration is one of the most significant trends in today hardware industry, opening the doors to an entirely class of software running desktop. What will be possible is fascinating to see on a monitor, nut it is not tangible, if you just hear about it.

Reliving the clone wars — Psystar's efforts have rekindled Mac clone talk—but don't expect Apple to join in — In April 1995, while lunching with reporters at San Francisco's trendy LuLu restaurant, Power Computing CEO Steve Kahng was asked how his company, which had just released …

Inside Craigslist's Increasingly Complicated Battle Against Spammers — from the spam-fight dept — John Nagle writes in with a fascinating dissection of the ongoing battle between Craigslist and spammers. The back and forth nature of this battle is fascinating — and somewhat disturbing …

Cable Prices Keep Rising, and Customers Keep Paying — Americans discouraged by higher gas prices and airline fares may decide to spend more vacation time at home, perhaps watching television. — But that, too, will cost them more than ever. — Cable prices have risen 77 percent since 1996 …

Beware of Spear Phishing by ‘U.S. Tax Court’ — A highly targeted spear phishing campaign is currently doing the rounds. Executives-including some of our own at McAfee-have received emails purportedly from the U.S. Tax Court. The emails are designed to look like a petition from the Tax Court …