Top Items:

Whoa: Microsoft Cashback Google-Killer Generates NO Revenue For Microsoft — We're going to get a full download on the economics of Microsoft (MSFT) Live Search cashback tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's why Google (GOOG) was down 5% today (in part). — Cashback merchant partners—the advertisers—set the cashback percentage.

The True Fiction of Microsoft Live Search — Yesterday, I read a post on Google's blog about their focus on improving search quality. Today, I read a press release from Microsoft in which it said its Live Search product will be used to give “cash back” to those who use it to find and buy things.

Hey Microsoft: Bribing Searchers Is Fine; Frustrating Them Is Not! — I've got no problem if Microsoft wants to “bribe” searchers to use its search engine. Even Google has done the same. But the Live Search Cashback program rolled out today seems a pretty inept way to do it …

Playing With Live Search Cashback
New York Times, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, LiveSide, BloggingStocks, MacUser, Valleywag, Lifehacker, WebProNews, GMSV, InformationWeek, Computerworld Blogs and ReveNews

Microsoft's new tack: Bribery as a business model
Forbes, Media Bullseye, CyberNet, Hardware 2.0, Screenwerk, Search Engine Roundtable and Techdirt

Microsoft boosts support for rival formats in Office — Microsoft is opening up Office to other file formats, slowly but steadily. — On Wednesday, the company said it plans to add new formats to Office 2007, including the Open Document Format (ODF), Portable Document Format (PDF), and XML Paper Specification (XPS).

Microsoft Expands List of Formats Supported in Microsoft Office
Microsoft Watch, Ars Technica, ZDNet Government, jkOnTheRun and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check

iPhone vs. BlackBerry Bold: Hands On (and Wait-a-Thon) — What happens when your Sister Site,, manages to score a BlackBerry Bold on eBay? What happens after they do their hands-on images, videos, and walkthroughs, that is? What happens is they start sending the beast around the the office.

Exclusive Pics of the Palm Treo 850 — Ahh Wednesdays. Is the first half of the week over or is the second half of the week beginning? Optimist or pessimist, here at BGR we're doing our part to make today as painless as possible. How about we start out with an exclusive dose of some live shots of the Palm Treo 850!
Crave, IntoMobile, Mobility Site, Engadget, the::unwired, WMExperts, Electronista, CrunchGear, PalmAddicts and Cellpassion

Proposal may ease cancellation fees for cell phone users — WASHINGTON (AP) — The government is quietly negotiating to help cell phone customers avoid expensive fees when they cancel contracts with wireless companies, The Associated Press has learned. — Cell phone companies routinely …
Gizmodo, Ars Technica, CNET, TechSpot, DSLreports, Geek News Central, MobileCrunch and Life On the Wicked Stage

yourweek: reddit-powered television news — I've been looking forward to this announcement ever since we started talking with PBS (public broadcasting here in the USA) about YourWeek early this year. Here's the Valleywag and NewTeeVee coverage. — It's a weekly television news program powered by you (really).
The Inquisitr, YOUR WEEK, Podcasting News, NewTeeVee, Silicon Alley Insider, Valleywag, Profy.Com, VentureBeat,, WebProNews and Reel Pop

TiVo launch imminent, minus monthly fee — THE Seven Media Group will launch its TiVo digital video recorder in July after a strategic overhaul that includes a surprise move to scrap a planned monthly subscription fee for the broadband-enabled service. — TiVo's launch will be the first …
TiVo Lovers

Live: Facebook Discusses New Profile Design — Facebook has invited a group of bloggers and journalists to its offices on Hamilton Street in Palo Alto today to discuss the details of its upcoming profile redesign, which we're told will launch in a few weeks. — Keep checking in here as I share my notes from the event.
All Facebook,, Bits, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Inside Facebook,, Tech Beat, VentureBeat and Valleywag

16 Simple Ways to Improve FriendFeed — Despite my initial skepticism, I am enjoying using FriendFeed ("FF" from here out). I find interesting stories & news articles from my friends, I hear about news from colleagues, and am able to interact with them all in one place.

A Video Game Star and His Less-Than-Stellar Pay — Michael Hollick never thought his big break would come in a video game. — All those years when he was struggling to get by as an aspiring actor — tending bar, working in a bagel shop in Morningside Heights, spraying perfume at Bloomingdale's …
Discussion:, Joystiq, Kotaku, Destructoid, Digital Daily, Gawker, Game|Life, Silicon Alley Insider, and Opposable Thumbs

Facebook Censoring User Messaging: Spam Prevention or Unaccountable Control of Conversation? — Facebook and MySpace have replaced email for a substantial number of young people. Facebook, though, appears to believe that some things are better off not discussed in conversations between its members.

Note to Web 2.0 Companies: Early Adopters are not the Mass Market — If you work in the technology industry it pays to be familiar with the ideas from Geoffrey Moore's insightful book Crossing the Chasm. In the book he takes a look at the classic marketing bell curve that segments customers …

I have this graph up on my screen all the time. It should be flat. This week has been rough. — We've gone through our various databases, caches, web servers, daemons, and despite some increased traffic activity across the board, all systems are running nominally. The truth is we're not sure what's happening.