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Microsoft to lure search users with cash — Microsoft isn't talking yet about the big search initiative it's expected to announce Wednesday, but I was able to figure out details with a little digging today. Here's an advance look at the story I wrote for the paper. — tb
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Microsoft to Launch “Live Search Cashback” — The major Microsoft Live Search announcement scheduled for tomorrow will be the official launch of a new product: Microsoft Live Search Cash Back. — The program in partnership with eBay and its PayPal unit will offer cash back to consumers …
CNET, p2pnet, InformationWeek, BetaNews, Mashable!, Valleywag, Tech Tracks, Windows Connected and LiveSide

Playing With Live Search Cashback — Microsoft launched Live Search Cashback and Greg will have a more detailed post on his pre-briefing. But I wanted to take you through the experience of using Cashback as a searcher. — It has been a rainy week here in New York, and I figured I would start …
LiveSide, Salon, Silicon Alley Insider, Bits, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Computerworld Blogs and ReveNews

Microsoft to Launch Cashback Search Service
Tech Trader Daily, Epicenter,, Pulse 2.0, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim and broadstuff

Exclusive Pics of the Palm Treo 850 — Ahh Wednesdays. Is the first half of the week over or is the second half of the week beginning? Optimist or pessimist, here at BGR we're doing our part to make today as painless as possible. How about we start out with an exclusive dose of some live shots of the Palm Treo 850!
Crave, Engadget, IntoMobile, Gizmodo, CrunchGear, the::unwired, WMExperts, Electronista, PalmAddicts and Tech Blog

Apple, CBS sued over ‘Mighty Mouse’ — Apple and CBS are being sued for trademark infringement by a competing interface manufacturer. — The case against Apple and CBS was filed by a firm called Man and Machine. It alleges Apple began selling its Mighty Mouse over one year after Man …

Apple's ‘Mighty Mouse’ Violates Trademark, M&M Says — Apple Inc., along with CBS Corp., was sued for trademark infringement by a closely held computer- accessory firm over the name of its wireless “Mighty Mouse” device, whose name evokes the cartoon superhero.

eMarketer Lowers Social Networking Ad Spending Estimate — Growth still high, but from a very small base — In spite of media hype around social networking, worldwide advertising spending on social networks has not met expectations. eMarketer has revised its worldwide social network ad spending estimates …

Social Network Spending Estimates Down Globally, Too

Design revamp for ‘$100 laptop’ — The wraps have been taken off the new version of the XO laptop designed for schoolchildren in developing countries. — The revamped machine created by the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project looks like an e-book and has had its price slashed to $75 per device.

Live: Facebook Discusses New Profile Design — Facebook has invited a group of bloggers and journalists to its offices on Hamilton Street in Palo Alto today to discuss the details of its upcoming profile redesign, which we're told will launch in a few weeks. — Keep checking in here as I share my notes from the event.

Time Warner: What Will It Do With $9.25 Billion In Cash? More Acquisitions On The Way; AOL Talks — With the complete separation of the cable unit, Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) will get a nice $9.25 billion dividend. So what's the plan for all that cash? According to CEO Jeff Bewkes …
Silicon Alley Insider, IP Democracy, Tech Trader Daily, The Register, The Inquisitr, Digital Daily, Deal Journal and TG Daily

Nokia: “If you want your N-Gage games on your new phone, you'll have to buy them all over again.” — Nokia's next gen N-Gage platform potentially ushers in a new age of high quality connected phone gaming. However, it now seems that there's a rather large flaw at the heart of the platform …

Kenmos to benefit from use of BLUs in all MacBooks in 2009, says paper — Apple plans to use LED backlight units (BLUs) in all of its MacBooks in 2009, which will benefit Taiwan-based BLU maker Kenmos Technology, according to the Chinese-language Economic Daily News (EDN).
AppleInsider, Gizmodo,, Electronista, 9 to 5 Mac and The Mac Observer

PHP Sucks, But It Doesn't Matter — Here's a list of every function beginning with the letter “A” in the PHP function index: — abs() — acos() — acosh() — addcslashes() — addslashes() — aggregate() — aggregate_info() — aggregate_methods() — aggregate_methods_by_list()

Building the Next — Since 2002,'s determined team of music lovers has been on a mission to make online music easier, better and more discoverable. — We're still working as hard as ever halfway through 2008, laying the foundations for a next-generation