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Exclusive Pics of the Palm Treo 850 — Ahh Wednesdays. Is the first half of the week over or is the second half of the week beginning? Optimist or pessimist, here at BGR we're doing our part to make today as painless as possible. How about we start out with an exclusive dose of some live shots of the Palm Treo 850!
Crave, Engadget, CrunchGear, IntoMobile, the::unwired, WMExperts, Electronista, Gizmodo, PalmAddicts and Cellpassion

Playing With Live Search Cashback — Microsoft launched Live Search Cashback and Greg will have a more detailed post on his pre-briefing. But I wanted to take you through the experience of using Cashback as a searcher. — It has been a rainy week here in New York, and I figured I would start …
The Register, Salon, LiveSide, InformationWeek, Lifehacker, Silicon Alley Insider, Digital Daily, GMSV, ReveNews and TechBlog

Microsoft's new tack: Bribery as a business model
Search Engine Land, Hardware 2.0, Screenwerk, Todd Bishop's Microsoft Blog, Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog and CyberNet

Live: Facebook Discusses New Profile Design — Facebook has invited a group of bloggers and journalists to its offices on Hamilton Street in Palo Alto today to discuss the details of its upcoming profile redesign, which we're told will launch in a few weeks. — Keep checking in here as I share my notes from the event.
Tech Beat, Bits, VentureBeat, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Inside Facebook,, Valleywag, All Facebook and

Microsoft boosts support for rival formats in Office — Microsoft is opening up Office to other file formats, slowly but steadily. — On Wednesday, the company said it plans to add new formats to Office 2007, including the Open Document Format (ODF), Portable Document Format (PDF), and XML Paper Specification (XPS).

SmallWorlds Brings a Third Dimension to Web 2.0 — Meet SmallWorlds, a free browser-based 3D virtual world that integrates YouTube, Flickr, and a number of other Web 2.0 services. The site is aimed at the teen and adult markets, and is designed to be more casual than Second Life.

Reddit Users Get Their Own TV Show — PBS is partnering with social news service Reddit to pilot a television series called YourWeek that combines user-submitted video segments and in-studio commentary. — Reddit went public with its plans today in order to solicit user participation for the series pilot …

Proposal may ease cancellation fees for cell phone users — WASHINGTON (AP) — The government is quietly negotiating to help cell phone customers avoid expensive fees when they cancel contracts with wireless companies, The Associated Press has learned. — Cell phone companies routinely …

Social Media U: Take a Class in Social Media — Social media. Web 2.0. You know what these things are and you take advantage of them every day on the net. Whether you're socializing on Facebook, updating Twitter, or just adding a new bookmark to Ma.gnolia, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives.

eMarketer Lowers Social Networking Ad Spending Estimate — Growth still high, but from a very small base — In spite of media hype around social networking, worldwide advertising spending on social networks has not met expectations. eMarketer has revised its worldwide social network ad spending estimates …

A Video Game Star and His Less-Than-Stellar Pay — Michael Hollick never thought his big break would come in a video game. — All those years when he was struggling to get by as an aspiring actor — tending bar, working in a bagel shop in Morningside Heights, spraying perfume at Bloomingdale's …
Silicon Alley Insider, Kotaku, Opposable Thumbs, Joystiq, Gawker, Destructoid, and Game|Life

PHP Sucks, But It Doesn't Matter — Here's a list of every function beginning with the letter “A” in the PHP function index: — abs() — acos() — acosh() — addcslashes() — addslashes() — aggregate() — aggregate_info() — aggregate_methods() — aggregate_methods_by_list()

Apple missing golden .Mac opportunity — If you're buying a computer to get onto the Internet, don't you think you'd be interested in a service that makes that computer much easier to use with the Internet? — Over the last five years, people have grown more accustomed to storing personal photos …
The Mac Observer

Nokia: “If you want your N-Gage games on your new phone, you'll have to buy them all over again.” — Nokia's next gen N-Gage platform potentially ushers in a new age of high quality connected phone gaming. However, it now seems that there's a rather large flaw at the heart of the platform …
MobHappy, The Mobile Gadgeteer, SMS Text News,, and All About Symbian

Novell, Red Hat upgrade Linux offerings — Virtualization big area of improvement along with desktop upgrades — Novell and Red Hat both updated their Linux operating systems Wednesday, adding improvements in virtualization, desktops, networking, management and hardware support.
Discussion:, The Register,,, Computerworld and

Time Warner: What Will It Do With $9.25 Billion In Cash? More Acquisitions On The Way; AOL Talks — With the complete separation of the cable unit, Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) will get a nice $9.25 billion dividend. So what's the plan for all that cash? According to CEO Jeff Bewkes …
The Inquisitr, Valleywag, Deal Journal, IP Democracy, Tech Trader Daily, The Register, Silicon Alley Insider, Digital Daily and TG Daily

Apple, CBS sued over ‘Mighty Mouse’ — Apple and CBS are being sued for trademark infringement by a competing interface manufacturer. — The case against Apple and CBS was filed by a firm called Man and Machine. It alleges Apple began selling its Mighty Mouse over one year after Man …