Top Items:

Unlawful and Unfair — We filed a complaint in California today, charging eBay with unlawful and unfair competition, misappropriation of proprietary information, deceptive passing-off, business interference, false advertising, phishing attacks, free-riding, trademark infringement, trademark dilution, and breaches of fiduciary duty.
Between the Lines, The Inquisitr, Mashable!, Business Week, The Globe and Mail, InformationWeek, Valleywag and Paul Mooney

Craigslist Hits Back at eBay — It's war, then. — Two weeks after eBay sued Craigslist, the classified ad site, for violating its rights as a minority shareholder, Craigslist has countersued in California state court, alleging unfair competition, misappropriation of proprietary information and a host of other grievances.
Reuters, Techland, TechCrunch, Tech Trader Daily, Forbes, and CNET

Icahn May Launch Proxy Fight with Yahoo — Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is considering launching a proxy fight at Yahoo, according to people who have spoken with Icahn. — Icahn has declined to comment. — Late last week, Icahn began building a significant position in Yahoo …
Tech Beat,, BoomTown, InfoWorld, Digital Daily,, Computerworld, WebProNews, Tech Trader Daily and Between the Lines

Icahn Enters Microsoft-Yahoo Fray — Billionaire investor Carl Icahn has amassed a stake in Yahoo Inc. and is leaning toward launching a proxy contest to unseat at least part of Yahoo's board, according to one person familiar with the situation. — Mr. Icahn has bought roughly 50 million …

Yahoo shareholder bows out of launching proxy fight, Icahn to step in?
Techland, New York Times, TechCrunch, IDG News Service, GMSV, Tech Check with Jim Goldman and Electronista

BlackBerry Thunder, the touchscreen BlackBerry we've all been waiting for — Since we were the first ones to break the news about a touchscreen BlackBerry device, it's only fitting that we follow up and give y'all the real lowdown on it! This is going to excite a lot of people, but anger many.
Gizmodo, CrunchGear, blogs,, Unwired View, Gadgetell, SlashPhone, Electronista, BB Geeks and Engadget

Google Search To Surpass Size of Microsoft Windows in 2009 — Why is Microsoft (MSFT) so concerned about Google? (GOOG) Lots of reasons, one of which is this: By this time next year, Google's search business will be larger and more profitable than the most profitable and legendary monopoly in history—Microsoft Windows.

Google triumphant: Search wars look settled — Eric Schmidt was doing his level best late last week not to gloat. With Microsoft dropping its attempted takeover of Yahoo, the Google chief executive had just seen his arch-rival abandon its most direct attack yet on Google's growing dominance of online search and advertising.

Street View revisits Manhattan — In the last couple months, we've brought you 14 new Street View cities. Now we're touching up Manhattan, one of the first locations we launched. The new imagery is more recent; for example, we now have the appropriately-named New Museum in the Bowery in its near-complete state:
Google Blogoscoped, Telegraph Blogs, Mashable!, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Screenwerk and WebProNews

The Top 50 Applications — As you may have heard, the results from Android Developer Challenge Part 1, Round 1 were announced to all the participants late last week. We're still working on pulling together a more extensive listing for each application that made it into the top 50 …

Google Hands Out $1.25 Million To 50 Android App Winners (GOOG)

Facebook pulls ‘stalker list’ tool after Gawker exposes it — A post on Gawker yielded a moderate wave of panic across the Web when it asserted that by typing the “down” arrow into Facebook's search box, you could see a list of the five people who view your profile the most: Not quite.

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-028 - Critical — Vulnerability in Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution (950749) — Version: 1.0 — General Information — Executive Summary — This security update resolves a security vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet) in Windows.
InfoWorld, eWeek, Zero Day, InformationWeek, Computerworld, Donna's SecurityFlash, Security Watch and SecurityFocus

MSI Wind Revealed: 10-Inch Mini-Notebook to Hit U.S. in June — The mini-notebook market has no shortage of compelling systems, especially with this week's release of the Eee PC 900 here in the U.S. And with models from both Acer and Dell on the way, how can a lesser-known brand stand out in the crowd?

Breaking: Facebook to Launch Jabber/XMPP Support for Chat — Facebook will announce momentarily via their developer blog support of Facebook chat via Jabber and XMPP. These are two of the primary standards for instant messaging protocol on the web. The new format will enable developers …

The Delusions Of Nathan Myhrvold — from the misrepresenting-the-truth dept — Nathan Myhrvold may not have done much of note yet with Intellectual Ventures, but he sure is good at getting press attention. It seems to come in waves, too, with multiple stories popping up all around the same time.

Saying hello (again) to Visual Basic — How does that old Chinese proverb go? “May you live in interesting times!” I have no idea how accurate it is, or whether it is a positive blessing or a curse, but I really do live (and work) in interesting times. — Almost two years ago …
The Unofficial Apple Weblog, Microsoft, BetaNews, InformationWeek, CyberNet, PC World, Macsimum News, Byte of the Apple and The Apple Core

Times Reader Beta for Mac Coming This Month — A beta version of Times Reader for Mac users will be released this month. In building Times Reader for the Mac we've focused on providing the core set of features that have made the PC version popular. These include the easy-to-read paginated format …

Fedora 9 Delivers Cutting-Edge Features and Enhancements to Community — Latest version is the first Linux distribution to integrate KDE 4 and a non-destructive live USB — The Fedora Project, a Red Hat (NYSE: RHT) sponsored and community-supported open source collaboration …

Wikipedia Added to Google Maps — In what is proving to be another busy day for Google, Wikipedia articles have been added to Google Maps. The new Wikipedia tags can be turned on via a ‘More’ button that has been added to the top right hand corner of the map.

Google opens geographic search interface
Google Operating System

comScore: Yahoo! Buzz Overtakes Digg in April — Digg is in big trouble. We already know that Yahoo! Buzz, a beta social news service by Yahoo!, can drive a large amount of traffic and comments to websites. We also know the ongoing problems at competitor digg, which continue to be skated around by digg management.