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Studio films going day-and-date at iTunes Store — LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Apple is expected to announce Thursday that it has struck a deal with a wide array of movie studios to sell new releases at its iTunes Store. — The move would allow a broad slate of top-shelf films …

Purchase New Movies on iTunes Same Day as DVD Release — Apple® today announced that new movie releases from major film studios and premier independent studios are available for purchase on the iTunes® Store ( on the same day as their DVD release.

Warner Brothers To Rent Movies Online Sooner — There was good news for Apple and Comcast, but bad news for Blockbuster woven into Time Warner's conference call with investors today. — Jeff Bewkes, Time Warner's chief executive, said that the company's Warner Brothers studio …
last100, Hollywood Reporter, Gizmodo, iLounge,,, MacUser, MacRumors and Insanely Great Mac

EBay-Craigslist Fight Is About Kijiji and Control, Complaint Shows — Last week, eBay sued the classified advertising site Craigslist in a Delaware court. The suit received widespread coverage but its causes were opaque, since a copy of the complaint was not made public and the parties were not speaking publicly.
Screenwerk, Between the Lines, WebProNews,, TechCrunch and WebGuild

Details Emerge In eBay's Suit Against Craigslist
Valleywag, craigslist blog,, Silicon Alley Insider and Paul Kedrosky's …

Microsoft Raises Yahoo Offer To $32-$33 Through WSJ; YHOO Wants $37* — Microsoft (MSFT) leaks news that it is willing to pay $32-$33 for Yahoo—in a last attempt to get Yahoo (YHOO) shareholders to pressure the board to sell. It adds that Yahoo's dope-smoking board wants “upper $30s.”

Steve Ballmer to hold town hall at Microsoft tomorrow

Adobe Open Screen Project opens door for even more Flash — Just in case you think Adobe's Flash Player (which powers YouTube and an enormous number of other sites) isn't ubiquitous enough, Adobe is pushing for even greater adoption from developers and designers.
OSNews, ReadWriteWeb, Computerworld, Trends in the Living Networks, The Real McCrea, SitePoint Blogs, and Slashdot

The iPhone: Apple's Magic Wand — Even as Research in Motion and Palm target Apple's touch-sensitive wonder phone, the broad outlines of Steve Jobs' grand strategy for wireless domination are coming into focus. — Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) is knitting together a broad coalition …

AT&T Providing Free Wi-Fi Access to iPhone Users [Updated] — A couple of readers have reported that AT&T hotspots are now offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users. Barnes and Noble, Starbucks and presumably AT&T's 71,000 other Wi-fi hotspot locations are now offering iPhone users a custom portal to access free Wi-Fi.

BlackBerry Kickstart, the clamshell flip phone? We're unveiling it to you for the first time! — Are you ready, people? We've been holding this info for a while now trying to confirm it, but no more! We have here pictures of a new BlackBerry device. It is a BlackBerry clamshell — a flip phone and codenamed the Kickstart!
BlackBerry Cool, Gizmodo, BB Geeks, blogs, Boing Boing Gadgets, CrunchGear, Gear Diary, PalmAddicts, Engadget Mobile and Electronista

Schmidt says Google still scratching head over YouTube profits — Google CEO Eric Schmidt likely surprised few by confirming Wednesday that his company's video-sharing powerhouse YouTube isn't quite throwing off lots of cash. — It was obvious from Google's earnings reports that YouTube has yet to generate material income.

The Box is the Box: Ambitious TV Startup Sezmi Slated To Launch — If you are a regular and longtime reader, you would know I have written about the folly of startups trying to develop delivery boxes for TV, which sit on top of existing cable/satellite/DVR boxes on current TV services.

TWITTER. OH GOD. — Thanks to the prodding of Danny Sullivan, I am now on Twitter. God help me. It might mean the beginning of another Searchblog like obsession. I remember when folks said “you blog nearly every day? How do you possibly find the time?!” — More when I learn more.

FEDERAL COURT DECIDES LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID TO ASCAP BY AOL, REALNETWORKS AND YAHOO! — Historic Decision Provides Framework for Valuing Use of Musical Works Online — Also Validates Need to Appropriately Compensate Songwriters & — Composers for Role Their Works Play in Success of Online Businesses

IBM and the resurrection of the mainframe — Steve Mills runs IBM's $20 billion software business. He obsesses about large enterprises running thousands of transactions per second with terabytes of data and a need for absolute certainty of execution. It's a stack of enterprise software writ large …

Architecture astronauts take over — It was seven years ago today when everybody was getting excited about Microsoft's bombastic announcement of Hailstorm, promising that “Hailstorm makes the technology in your life work together on your behalf and under your control.” — What was it, really?
Smalltalk Tidbits …

Place ads on television with Google TV Ads — We'd like to introduce Google TV Ads, a flexible, all-digital system for easily and efficiently buying more accountable and measurable TV advertising. The program, which has been an invitation-only beta test since June 2007, is now available to all US-based advertisers.